Bullying is a pervasive and damaging social issue that impacts individuals and communities at large. Various dynamic forces have contributed to this problem, including peer pressure, erosion of values likeempathy and kindness, and a cultural narrative that valorizes dominance and strength over compassion.
The consequences of bullying are far reaching and at times devastating. Victims often suffer from depression, anxiety, and increased risk of self-harm. However, the negative impacts extend beyond just the bullied. Bullies themselves are more likely to struggle with relationships in their lives.
While efforts have been made in schools and workplaces to curtail bullying through policies and education, it is also important to instill core values that reject such behaviours at the personal level. This is where Nichiren Shoshu's Buddhism could play a profound role.
A core tenet of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism is compassion and acceptance of others. Bullying and its intent to demean and intimidate others runs counter to these values. We believe that individuals have Buddha nature deep inside of them, and we should always respect this inherent Buddha nature.
This is exemplified in the 20th chapter of the Lotus Sutra, where we learn of the spirit of Bodhisattva Fukyo. In the Gosho, it is stated that he bowed in reverence to everyone he encountered, even those that have attacked him, reciting the following words of praise:
I have profound reverence for you, I would never dare treat you with disparagement or arrogance. Why? Because you are all practising the Bodhisattva way and are certain to attain Buddhahood.
(Hokekyo, p. 500; Lotus Sutra, Watson, pp. 266-267)
Of course, we are not saying that we should bow to everyone we meet, but the main point here is we ourselves should not bully, as we believe in the goodness and Buddha nature of others.
And in the event that we ourselves get bullied, how then can we respond?
If we look at bullying from the context of the ten worlds, the action occurs in the world of animality, which is characterised by the constant struggle for survival, for the dominance of one “animal” over another. So if we see this happening, we should not respond with anger or frustration in return. Instead, we should, through practice, try to elevate the discussion to a higher life condition. Respond with logic and compassion based on the Buddha’s wisdom. Understand that the bullies themselves could be struggling with anxiety, insecurities and a low life condition. Hopefully, through practice and listening to Daishonin's words, they can realize the impact of their actions and elevate their life condition over time.
As we reflect and check on our own behavior, let us also support the people around us. When someone has suffered under the cruelty of bullying, we must reaffirm their belovedness. It's important that they don't take the words of the bully personally. Let's surround them with compassion, encouragement, and the supportive embrace of a family member, a friend or as a social community, like Kaimyo-in.
By bringing forth our compassion, we can make our communities a better place!
Interested to find out more about our Kaimyo-in communities? Tap on the pictures below to find out more about each division!
We also welcome you to visitthis pagewhere details of our upcoming division activities are updated on a monthly basis.
Senior Division
The senior division aims to organize activities for believers in their golden years, to encourage them to strengthen their faith and practice, participate in Kaimyo-in’s activities and to do shakubuku compassionately to repay their debt of gratitude.
Men's Division
Kaimyo-in Men's Division provides a nurturing environment to engage in spiritual growth, community service, and camaraderie. Our aim is to foster a sense of brotherhood among believers and deepen their understanding and application of Buddhist principles in daily life.
Women's Division
At Kaimyo-in, we believe in the power and potential of women from all walks of life. Our Women's Division is a vibrant community that nurtures faith in the Gohonzon, provides fellowship and support, and empowers women to use their gifts and talents to impact the people around them.
Youth Division
Kaimyo-in's supportive and energetic Youth Division enables youth believers to journey through the myriad of milestones in life together.
Children and Young Parents' Division
The Children and Young Parents' Division aims to provide children with an environment where they can learn about Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism through fun and engaging activities, and a community of support for parents to navigate the tumultuous paths of parenthood, with Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism as our core.
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