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Academic Knowledge Skill Type: Advanced Characteristic: Intelligence Description: Use Academic Knowledge to remember pertinent facts and figures (and if you have access to the proper facilities or resources) to do research. Academic Knowledge represents a depth of learning far beyond Common Knowledge and requires extensive study. Academic Knowledge is unusual in that it is not one skill, but many and each must be acquired individually. Each Academic Knowledge skill is a separate field of study, with the specialty noted in parenthesis. For example, Academic Knowledge ( Theology ) is a different skill to Academic Knowledge ( History ). The most common Academic Knowledge skills are the Arts, Astronomy, Daemonology, Engineering, Genealogy / Heraldry, History, Klauser Runes, Law, Magic, Necromancy, Philosophy, Runes, Science, Spirits, Strategy / Tactics and Theology. Related Talents: none Reference: Core Rulebook p91, Realm of the Ice Queen p107.

Animal Care Skill Type: Basic Characteristic: Intelligence Description: Use this skill to take care of farm and domestic animals, like horses, cattle, pigs, oxen and the like. Routine care and feeding require no Skill Test. Tests are most commonly made to spot developing illnesses or signs of discomfort, or for special grooming ( preparing a mount for parade, for instance ). Related Talents: Natural Affinity. Reference: Core Rulebook p91.

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Animal Training Skill Type: Advanced Characteristic: Fellowship Description: Use this skill to train animals to perform tricks and obey simple commands. The most commonly trained animals are dogs, horses and hawks, though more unusual animals may be trained with the GM’s permission. Properly training an animal takes some time. Skill Tests should be made once a week during training. A simple trick can be learned with one successful test, a moderately difficult trick can be learned with three successful tests, and a difficult trick can be learned with ten successful tests. Related Talents: Natural Affinity. Reference: Core Rulebook p91.

Apply Poison Skill Type: Basic. Characteristic: Intelligence. Description: Use this Skill to apply a ready prepared poison. This Skill may be used to safely apply poison to a weapon or to poison a food item. This Skill confers no ability to extracting or manufacturing Poisons, the Prepare Poison Skill is used for those purposes. Related Talents: None. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Blather Skill Type: Advanced Characteristic: Fellowship Description: Use this skill to stall for time by running off at the mouth. Blathering never makes sense ( use Charm for that ); it seeks only to confuse. Victims of a successful Blather Skill Test are allowed a Will Power Test to see through the ruse. If they fail, they can do nothing for one round, as they stare dumbfounded and wonder if you are drunk, crazy or both. You cannot use Blather if the targets are in combat or in clear and present danger. You can affect one person for each 10 points of your Fellowship, though they must understand the language you are speaking for Blathering to work. Related Talents: Baffle. Reference: Core Rulebook p91.

Battle Combatant

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Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Weapon Skill. Description: This Skill enables you to fight effectively as part of a large body of trained soldiers. You are well versed in following orders, marching and fighting in formation. You have also learned the advantages of mutual protection offered by your comrades. When fighting as part of an organised unit of warriors, on a successful Battle Combatant Skill Test your opponents will not gain any Weapon Skill bonuses if they outnumber you. Note: This Skill does not confer any ability to lead or command large groups of men. Related Talents: None. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Channelling Skill Type: Advanced Characteristic: Will Power Description: Use this skill to control the Winds of Magic. All spell casting involves manipulations of the Winds of Magic, but Channelling is used whenever greater finesse or control is needed. For more on the process of spell casting and the role of channelling, see Chapter 7: Magic ( Core rulebook ). Related Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Higher Channelling. Reference: Core Rulebook p92.

Charm Skill Type: Basic Characteristic: Fellowship Description: Use this skill to manipulate others. Charm Tests can be used to change the minds of individuals and small groups, to lie convincingly, to bluff, and even to beg. Charm also includes innuendo and seduction. Skill Tests that involve convincing others to do something unusual or against their natures allow a WP test to resist. You can affect one person for each 10 points of your Fellowship, though they must understand the language you are speaking for your Charm to be effective. Related Talents: Etiquette, Master Orator, Public Speaking, Schemer, Streetwise. Reference: Core Rulebook p92.

Charm Animal Skill Type: Basic Characteristic: Fellowship Description: Use this skill to befriend animals. Domestic animals are always friendly to you. Wild animals or those trained to be

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hostile ( like attack dogs ) can be calmed with a successful test. GM’s may impose penalties for particularly loyal or ornery animals. Note this skill doesn’t work on monsters. Related Talents: Natural Affinity. Reference: Core Rulebook p92.

Command Skill Type: Basic Characteristic: Fellowship Description: Use this skill to make subordinates follow orders. With a successful Skill Test, those commanded execute their orders as instructed. On a failed test they either misinterpret the command or do nothing at all ( GM’s call ). Command does not allow you to order strangers about, only those already under your authority. Related Talents: Leadership. Reference: Core Rulebook p92.

Common Knowledge Skill Type: Advanced Characteristic: Intelligence Description: Use Common Knowledge to remember the habits, institutions, traditions, public figures, and superstitions of a particular nation, cultural group, or race. Common Knowledge does not represent scholarly learning ( that’s the Academic Knowledge skill ), but the basics you learn growing up or travelling extensively through a region. Like Academic Knowledge, Common Knowledge isn’t one skill but many. The most typical Common Knowledge skills are Border Princes, Bretonnia, Cathay, Chaos Wastes, Dark Lands, Dwarfs, Elves, the Empire, Estalia, Greenskins, Halflings, Kislev, Nehekhara, Norsca, Ogres, Skaven, Tilea, Troll Country and the Wasteland. Related Talents: Seasoned Traveller Reference: Core Rulebook p92, Old World Bestiary p77.

Concealment Skill Type: Basic Characteristic: Agility Description: Use this skill to hide from unfriendly eyes. There must be terrain ( trees, walls, buildings, etc ). to hide behind or the Skill Test fails automatically ( no hiding in the middle of the street! ) Oftentimes, Concealment is an Opposed Skill Test vs. your foes’ Perception. Related Talents: Alley Cat. Rover, Tunnel Rat.

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Reference: Core Rulebook p92.

Consume Alcohol Skill Type: Basic Characteristic: Toughness Description: Use this skill to resist the effects of alcohol. Experienced drinkers can build up quite a tolerance. A Skill Test must be taken after each drink. See Chapter 5: Equipment ( Core Rulebook ) for more information on alcohol and it’s effects. Related Talents: None Reference: Core Rulebook p92.

Disguise Skill Type: Basic Characteristic: Fellowship Description: Use this skill to mask your true appearance. Appropriate clothing, props and make-up are often key to a successful disguise. It’s also possible to masquerade as a member of the opposite sex, a different race, or a specific person, though those are more difficult to pull off. Oftentimes, Disguise is an Opposed Skill Test vs. your foes’ Perception. Related Talents: Mimic Reference: Core Rulebook p92.

Dodge Blow Skill Type: Advanced Characteristic: Agility Description: Use this skill to avoid attacks in melee combat. Dodge Blow can be used once per round. See Chapter 6: Combat, Damage and Movement. ( Core Rulebook ) Related Talents: Dodge Mastery. Reference: Core Rulebook p92.

Drive Skill Type: Basic Characteristic: Strength Description: Use this skill to control carts, wagons and even chariots. Driving under normal conditions does not require a Skill Test. However, tests may be called for when navigating treacherous terrain, going at excessive speed, or attempting dangerous

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manoeuvres. Related Talents: None Reference: Core Rulebook p92.

Evaluate Skill Type: Basic Characteristic: Intelligence Description: Use this skill to determine the value of everyday objects, as well as valuables such as jewellery, gems and objects d’art. A successful Skill Test reveals the item’s market price. Since a failed test may result in the miscalculation of an item’s true value, it is recommended GM’s roll Evaluate Skill Tests in secret and tell the player what the character believes to be true. Related Talents: Artistic, Dealmaker Reference: Core Rulebook p93.

First Aid Skill Type: Basic. Characteristic: Intelligence. Description: Use this skill to provide immediate basic medical attention to the wounded. A successful First Aid Test restores 2 Wounds to a lightly wounded character or 1 Wound to a heavily wounded character. Bleeding from a critical wound can be treated on a successful Hard (-20%) First Aid Test removing the chance of immediate death, however the critically wounded character will not begin to heal naturally until receiving successful medical treatment from a character with the full Healing Skill. A wounded character can only receive such healing once during or after each encounter ( battle, trap, fall, etc. ) in which Wounds are lost, further treatments to the same injuries on successive days have no effect. This Skill confers no ability to cure disease. Related Talents: None. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Follow Trail Skill Type: Advanced Characteristic: Intelligence Description: Use this skill to track prey, be they animal or otherwise. Following obvious tracks requires no Skill Test and can be done without slowing down. However, tests may be called for in more difficult circ*mstances. You may also make tests to deduce your distance from the quarry, their numbers and their racial types. Related Talents: None

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Reference: Core Rulebook p93.

Gamble Skill Type: Basic Characteristic: Intelligence Description: Use this skill to participate in games of chance, such as cards or dice. Each participant in a game wagers the same amount and makes an Opposed Gamble Skill Test. The winner of the test takes the pot. You may, at your option, choose to throw the game, in which case you lose automatically. Related Talents: Super Numerate Reference: Core Rulebook p93.

Gossip Skill Type: Basic Characteristic: Fellowship Description: Use this skill to gather information. It is useful for picking up rumours, finding out the latest news, and engaging in informal conversation. Related Talents: Etiquette, Streetwise. Reference: Core Rulebook p93.

Haggle Skill Type: Basic. Characteristic: Fellowship. Description: Use this skill to negotiate deals and prices. When dealing with day-to-day affairs, like haggling in the marketplace, a simple Skill Test is sufficient. However, for important deals ( negotiating the price of a rare manuscript, for instance ), the GM may call for an Opposed Skill Test, with both sides using their Haggle skill. Related Talents: Dealmaker. Reference: Core Rulebook p93.

Heal Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Intelligence Description: Use this skill to provide medical attention to the wounded. A successful Heal Test restores 1d10 Wounds to a

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lightly wounded character or 1 Wound to a heavily wounded character. A wounded character can only receive such healing once during or after each encounter ( battle, trap, fall, etc. ) in which Wounds are lost. The next day, and once each day thereafter, the wounded character can receive the benefits of another Heal Test. See Chapter 6: Combat, Damage, and Movement ( Core Rulebook ) for more information on Wounds and healing damage. Related Talents: Surgery. Reference: Core Rulebook p93.

Hypnotism Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Will Power. Description: Use this skill to put another in a trance. The subject’s attention must be kept ( often by swinging a bauble and/or chanting ) for one minute, after which time you must make a successful Skill Test. Unwilling subjects may resist with a successful Will Power Test. Once the subject is in a trance, you may ask him one question per 10 points of your Will Power Characteristic. These must be answered truthfully. Note the subject answers with what he knows to be the truth, but he may well be wrong. Once the last question is asked, the subject comes out of the trance. Related Talents: None. Reference: Core Rulebook p93.

Intimidate Skill Type: Basic. Characteristic: Strength. Description: Use this skill to coerce or frighten others. Victims of intimidation may resist with a successful Will Power Test. How NPC’s react to intimidation is ultimately up to the GM, bearing in mind the character’s personality and the results of the test. Under certain circ*mstances ( blackmail, etc.. ) the GM may allow Intimidate Tests that are based on Fellowship instead of Strength. Related Talents: Menacing. Reference: Core Rulebook p93.

Lip Reading Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Intelligence. Description: Use this skill to “listen in” on conversations taking place out of earshot. You must have an unobstructed view of the speaker’s lower face and you must be able to understand the language being spoken.

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Related Talents: Excellent Vision. Reference: Core Rulebook p94.

Magical Sense Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Will Power. Description: Sometimes known as “Witchsight” this skill is used to detect the presence of Magic. Wizards describe this skill as the sixth, seventh and eighth senses. With a successful test, you can determine if an item, area, or person is enchanted with magic. You can also see the Winds of Magic, which allows you to determine how weakly or strongly the Winds of Magic are blowing in a particular area. For more information see Chapter 7: Magic ( Core Rulebook ). Related Talents: Aethyric Attunement. Reference: Core Rulebook p94.

Navigation Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Intelligence. Description: Use this skill to find your way on land or water. You can navigate using the stars, maps, and your own sense of direction. You can also estimate travel times, based on geography, time of year, and weather. Under normal circ*mstances, one Skill Test a day will keep you on track. The GM may call for additional tests if there are unusual conditions. Related Talents: Orientation, Super Numerate. Reference: Core Rulebook p94.

Outdoor Survival Skill Type: Basic. Characteristic: Intelligence. Description: Use this skill to subsist in the wild. It includes such activities as fishing, game hunting, making fires and charcoal, finding edible food, constructing improvised shelters, and so on. Related Talents: Child of the Wilds. Reference: Core Rulebook p94.

Perception Skill Type: Advanced.

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Characteristic: Intelligence. Description: Use this skill to observe your surroundings and to notice small details that others might miss. It can also be used to spot traps, pitfalls, and other physical dangers. While most often used to determine what you see, Perception covers all the senses and can be used for listening, tasting, smelling, and touching as well. Perception is the skill most frequently used in Opposed Tests, vs. skills like Concealment, Disguise and Silent Move. It can also be used to estimate numbers, distance, quantity, etc., with failed tests providing bogus information. Related Talents: Acute Hearing, Excellent Vision, Super Numerate, Trapfinder. Reference: Core Rulebook p94.

Performer Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Fellowship. Description: Use Performer to entertain crowds of spectators. Like Academic Knowledge, Performer isn’t one skill but many. The most common performer skills are: Acrobat, Actor, Clown, Comedian, Dancer, Fire Eater, Jester, Juggler, Mime, Musician, Palm Reader, Singer and Storyteller. Related Talents: Contortionist, Mimic. Reference: Core Rulebook p94.

Pick Locks Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Agility Description: Use this skill to open locks. Usually, one successful Skill Test is all that’s required to pick a lock, but GM’s may call for extra tests for extremely complicated locks. This skill can also be used to disarm mechanical traps. Related Talents: Nimble Fingers, Trapfinder. Reference: Core Rulebook p94.

Prepare Poison Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Intelligence. Description: Use this skill to ready poison for use. The skill covers the preparations of animal venoms, natural and chemical poisons. See Chapter 5: Equipment ( Core Rulebook ) for more information on poison and it’s effects. Related Talents: Chemistry. Reference: Core Rulebook p94.

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Read / Write Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Intelligence. Description: Use this skill to read or write any language you can speak. Under normal circ*mstances, Skill Tests are not required to read or write. However, they may be called for to decipher obscure phraseology, archaic usage, or unusual idioms. Related Talents: Linguistics. Reference: Core Rulebook p94.

Ride Skill Type: Basic. Characteristic: Agility. Description: Use this skill to to ride horses and similar mounts. Riding under normal conditions does not require a Skill Test. However, tests may be called for when galloping, racing, guiding a stead through treacherous terrain, leaping onto a moving mount, and the like. Related Talents: Trick Riding, Mounted Combat. Reference: Core Rulebook p95.

Row Skill Type: Basic. Characteristic: Strength. Description: Use this skill to propel rowboats, dinghies, flat-bottomed barges and similar vessels. Rowing under normal conditions does not require a Skill Test. However, tests may be called for when there is bad weather, dangerous obstacles, or rough waters to contend with. Related Talents: None. Reference: Core Rulebook p95.

Runecraft Skill Type: Advanced Characteristic: Will Power Description: Use this skill to empower magical runes. Runecraft is the basis of the Runesmith’s abilities. It allows you to trap magical power inside a rune and create enchanted items. See p210 Realms of Sorcery for further details on creating runes. Note

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this skill is not used to identify unknown runes. That is covered by Academic Knowledge ( Runes ). Related Talents: None Reference: Realms of Sorcery p211.

Rune Mastery Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Will Power. Description: Use this skill to empower magical runes. Rune Mastery is the basis of the Rune Masters abilities. This Skill allows you to trap mystic forces within a rune creating enchanted items of great power. Human Rune Masters can only empower runes inscribed on to hard materials such metals or gemstones. They may not inscribe soft materials such as cloths. All Klauser Runes are permanent. Note this Skill is not used to identify runes nor does it confer any ability to create or inscribe true dwarfen runes. Related Talents: None. Reference: Rune Mastery fanmade document.

Sail Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Agility. Description: Use this skill to crew sailing vessels. The skill includes familiarity with the ship-borne operations, knowledge of different types of sails, procedures for inclement weather, and the like. Sailing under normal conditions does not require a Skill Test. However, tests may be called for when there is bad weather, dangerous obstacles, or rough waters to contend with. Related Talents: None. Reference: Core Rulebook p95.

Scale Sheer Surface Skill Type: Basic. Characteristic: Strength. Description: Use this skill to climb walls, fences, and other vertical obstacles. Under normal Conditions a Skill Test is required once each round. Using Scale Sheer Surface is a full action and you can climb a number of yards equal to half your Movement Characteristic ( rounded up ) with a successful test. Related Talents: Expert Climber. Reference: Core Rulebook p95.

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Search Skill Type: Basic. Characteristic: Intelligence. Description: Use this skill to check an area for clues, treasure, and other hidden items ( including traps ). One test is required for each area or small room. Related Talents: None. Reference: Core Rulebook p95.

Secret Language Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Intelligence. Description: Use this skill to communicate with others of a common profession. Secret languages are more like codes than real languages. By the use of signifiers, body language, and/or code words, users can speak in one tongue but use a secret language to impart deeper meaning or to relay a lot of information quickly. Under normal circ*mstances, Skill Tests are unnecessary if all speakers know the secret language. They may be required in adverse conditions ( a noisy venue, the chaos of battle, etc. ). Like Academic Knowledge, Secret Language isn’t one skill but many. The most common Secret Languages are Battle Tongue, Guild Tongue, Thieves Tongue, and Ranger Tongue. Related Talents: None. Reference: Core Rulebook p95.

Secret Signs Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Intelligence. Description: Use this skill to read or leave coded messages. Several common sets of signs are in use in the Empire. Secret signs are not very sophisticated , mostly being used to warn of danger, mark a target, indicate protection, and so on. Skill Tests are not required to read basic messages but may be necessary to decipher complicated messages or worn or damaged signs. Like Academic Knowledge, Secret Signs isn’t one skill but many. The most common Secret Signs are Scout, Templar, Thief and Ranger. Related Talents: None. Reference: Core Rulebook p95.

Set Trap

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Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Agility. Description: Use this skill to prepare and bait traps to catch various animals. Traps that immobilize and kill are both in common use in the Empire. A Skill Test may be made once per day per trap. A successful test means an animal has been trapped. Related Talents: None. Reference: Core Rulebook p95.

Silent Move Skill Type: Basic. Characteristic: Agility. Description: Use this skill to move quietly. You can only take one move action in a round if you are using Silent Move. Oftentimes, Silent Move is an Opposed Skill Test vs. your foes’ Perception. Related Talents: Alley Cat, Rover, Tunnel Rat. Reference: Core Rulebook p95.

Shadowing Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Agility. Description: Use this skill to follow others without behind seen. Oftentimes, Shadowing is an Opposed Skill Test vs. your foes’ Perception. Related Talents: Inconspicuous. Reference: Core Rulebook p95.

Sleight of Hand Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Agility. Description: Use this skill to palm objects, pick pockets, or perform tricks with small items like coins and cards. Oftentimes, Sleight of Hand is an Opposed Skill Test vs. the viewer’s Perception. Related Talents: Nimble Fingers. Reference: Core Rulebook p95.

Speak Arcane Language

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Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Intelligence. Description: Use this skill to cast spells. You must speak an arcane language in order to use magic. Unlike other languages, arcane languages aren’t used for common conversation, but to manipulate magical energies. All scrolls and grimoires are written in an arcane language. Like Academic Knowledge, Speak Language isn’t one skill but many. The most common arcane languages are Magick ( known as Lingua praestantia amongst Imperial magisters ), Daemonic, High Nehekharan Arcane Dwarf ( see below ) and Arcane Elf. Related Talents: None. Reference: Core Rulebook p95.

Speak Arcane Language ( Arcane Dwarf ) Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Intelligence. Description: Use this skill during the creation of magical runes. Arcane Dwarf is an ancient form of Khazalid, now only remembered by Runesmiths and the Dwarf Gods. Runesmiths chant in Arcane Dwarf during the rituals that create and empower magical runes. Related Talents: None. Reference: Realms of Sorcery p211.

Speak Arcane Language ( Mystic Khazalid ) Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Intelligence Description: Use this skill to help in the creation of runes infused with mystical power. Rune Masters perform the chants and rituals necessary for rune empowerment in the Mystic Khazalid language. Mystic Khazalid is a combination of Arcane Dwarf, Common Khazalid and Reikspiel. Knowledge of Mystic Khazalid does not require or indicate any ability to speak any of the parent languages. Related Talents: None. Reference: Rune Mastery fanmade document.

Speak Language Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Intelligence. Description: Use this skill to communicate with others using a tongue common to both of you. Most of the languages of the Old

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World derive from the same ancient tongue, but the common roots are so deeply buried that for all intents and purposes each race or nation speaks its own specific language. Under normal circ*mstances, Skill Tests are unnecessary if all speakers know the language. They may be required to imitate or decipher regional accents or to try to speak like a native when you’re not. Like Academic Knowledge, Speak Language isn’t one skill but many different ones. The most common languages and the areas/ people that speak them are as follows: Breton ( Bretonnia ), Eltharin ( Elves ), Estalian ( Estalia ), Halfling ( Halflings ), Khazalid ( Dwarfs ), Kislevarin or Ungol ( Kesliv ), Nehekharan ( Land of the Dead ), Norse ( Norsca ), Riekspiel ( the Empire ), Strigany, Sylvanian ( Sylvania ), Tilean ( Tilea ). Another language is Classical, an old tongue favoured by academics but rarely spoken anymore. Less civilized languages include the Dark Tongue ( Beastmen, Chaos ), the Goblin tongue ( Orcs, Goblins, Hobgoblins ), Grumbarth ( Ogres ), Malla-room-ba-larin ( Treemen ), Queekish ( Skaven ) and Tribal ( Hung/Kurgan ). Related Talents: Linguistics, Mimic, Seasoned Traveller. Reference: Core Rulebook p96, Old World Bestiary p77.

Swim Skill Type: Basic. Characteristic: Strength. Description: Use this skill to swim and dive. Swimming under normal conditions does not require a Skill Test. However, tests may be called for when waters are rough or swimming for an extended period is required. Your Movement Characteristic is halved ( rounded up ) while swimming. Related Talents: None. Reference: Core Rulebook p96.

Torture Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Fellowship. Description: Use this skill to various means to coax information out of an unwilling subject. The skill includes both physical and mental torture. A victim may resist torture with a Will Power Test. Related Talents: Menacing. Reference: Core Rulebook p96.

Trade Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Varies. Description: Use this skill to practice a trade. Like Academic Knowledge, trade isn’t one skill but many different ones. The most

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common Trade skills and their associated Characteristics are Apothecary ( Int ), Armourer ( S ), Artist ( Ag ), Bowyer ( Ag ), Brewer ( Int ), Calligrapher ( Ag ), Candlemaker ( Ag ), Carpenter ( Ag ), Cartographer ( Ag ), Cook ( Int ), Cooper ( S ), Embalmer ( Int ), Farmer ( S ), Gem Cutter ( Ag ), Goldsmith ( Ag ), Gunsmith ( Ag ), Herbalist ( Int ), Merchant ( Fel ), Miller ( S ), Miner ( S ), Prospector ( S ), Shipwright ( Int ), Shoemaker ( Ag ), Smith ( S ), Stoneworker ( Ag ), Tailor ( Ag ), Tanner ( S ) and Weapon Smith ( S ). Related Talents: Artistic, Dwarfcraft. Reference: Core Rulebook p96.

Ventriloquism Skill Type: Advanced. Characteristic: Fellowship. Description: Use this skill to talk without moving your lips and to throw your voice. Onlookers paying special attention may be allowed to make an Opposed Perception Skill test at the GM’s option. Related Talents: None. Reference: Core Rulebook p96.


Acute Hearing Description: Your hearing is exceptionally good. You gain a +20% bonus on Perception Skill tests that involve listening. Reference: Core Rulebook p96.

Aethyric Attunement Description: You are well attuned to the Aethyr and can more easily manipulate the Winds of Magic. You gain +10% bonus on Channeling and Magical Sense Tests. Reference: Core Rulebook p96.

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Aethyric Balance Description: Your greater understanding of magic allows you to balance the flow of mystic energy reducing the risk of accidents. Before making a Casting Roll as a Half Action the Character may elect one d10 that will not count towards Tzeentch’s Curse, the nominated d10 will however count towards the Casting Number. Note: The Player must nominate the dice to be disregarded prior to rolling the die. The effects of this Talent can be cumulative with the effects of Aethyric Isolation. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Aethyric Harmony Description: Your mastery of magic has enabled you to become highly attuned to the movement of mystical energies in the world around you. This allows you to access those energies faster than before. You Gain the ability to use the Channelling Action as a Free Action once per round. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Aethyric Isolation Description: This Talent allows you to isolate yourself from backlashes of aethyric energy, reducing the risk of Tzeentch’s Curse. Before making a Casting Roll the Character may elect one d10 that will not count towards Tzeentch’s Curse, the nominated d10 will however count towards the Casting Number. Note: The Player must nominate the dice to be disregarded prior to rolling the die. The effects of this Talent can be cumulative with the effects of Aethyric Balance. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Aethyric Protection Description: This Talent allows you to wrap yourself in a protective shell of invisible aethyric energy, however while the shell is active you find it harder to resist the effects of magic. You may activate this Talent at any time as a Half Action, dispelling the shell also requires a Half Action. While the shell is active your character gains +1 AP to all locations, however while the shell is active you receive a -10% penalty to all attempts to resist the magical effects of any kind, from both spells and magical items. The shell can be maintained for as long as the caster wishes. This AP bonus has no effect on your ability to cast spells. This Talent cannot raise a Characters AP above 5. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Alley Cat Description: You are at home on the streets. You gain a +10% bonus on Concealment and Silent move Tests when in urban locations.

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Reference: Core Rulebook p96.

Ambidextrous Description: You can use either hand equally well. You do not suffer the normal -20% WS or BS penalty when using a weapon in your secondary hand. Reference: Core Rulebook p97.

Aquatic Description: You have the ability to traverse Bogs, Marshlands, Rivers and Lakes without a movement penalty. You also gain a +20% bonus to any Concealment Skill Tests made while in such terrain. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Arcane Lore Description: You have studied one of the Empire’s traditions of magic. Arcane Lore is unusual in that it is not one talent, but many. Such is the study and focus required that you can only ever know one. Each Arcane Lore talent is a separate magical proficiency, with the specialty noted in parenthesis. For example, Arcane Lore ( Beasts ) is a different talent than Arcane Lore ( Fire ). The most common Arcane Lores, known as the Eight Orders of Magic, are Beasts, Death, Fire, the Heavens, Life, Light, Metal and Shadow. If you know an Arcane Lore, you can attempt to cast any spell from that lore. See Chapter 7: Magic ( Core Rulebook ) for spell lists and further details. Reference: Core Rulebook p97.

Armoured Casting Description: Your prayers help you cast spells while wearing armour. Your Casting Roll penalty while wearing armour is reduced by 3 when you cast divine spells. Normally, you’d suffer a -3 penalty for wearing a mail shirt, for example, but with Armoured Casting this penalty would be reduced to 0. Reference: Core Rulebook p97.

Artistic Description: You have true creative talent. You gain +20% bonus on Trade ( Artist ) Tests and +10% on tests to Evaluate objects d’art. Reference: Core Rulebook p97.

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Art of Silent Death Description: You have mastered the deadly art of open-hand fighting, as taught by the martial artists of Cathay. When making a successful unarmed attack, you deal Damage equal to SB-3 and Armour Points do not count as double. Reference: Children of the Horned Rat p103.

Bear Hug Description: You can pin large opponents with your massive bulk and powerful strength. You gain a +10% bonus on Grapple Tests and a total of +20% bonus on tests made to maintain the grapple and to damage the grappled opponent. Finally your Strength Bonus ( SB ) counts as one higher when dealing damage on a grapple. Reference: Realm of the Ice Queen p134.

Birth Sword Description: You have a Birth Sword. Whilst wielding this weapon you get +5% to Weapon Skill and deal SB+1 damage, you do not gain these bonuses with any other weapon, nor does anyone else gain these bonuses from your Birth Sword. In addition, whilst carrying even if you are not using it, you gain a +10% bonus on Fear and Terror Tests. You may normally only take this talent if you were born a male noble in Carcassonne. Female characters may take it if they were raised as boys from the moment of their birth, generally by parents desperate for a son. Characters not of noble background may not take it. Reference: Knights of the Grail p66.

Black Hunger Description: You suffer from a gnawing and constant urge to kill. When provoked, you slip into a terrible frothing rage. You can use this Talent as a Free Action, but only on your turn, for the duration of the round, your Attack Characteristic increases by +1 and your Movement Characteristic increases by +2. At the end of the round, you take 1d10/5 Damage 3 Hits that ignore armour but not Toughness Bonus. Reference: Children of the Horned Rat p103.

Brew Contagion Description: You can use the recipes past on by other Plague Priests to concoct vile plagues, allowing you to use Trade (Brewing) to create a contagious brew. Each batch of malfeasance requires 1d10/2 successful Trade (Brewing) Tests and one Warpstone Token per Test along with a variety of other unsavoury substances as appropriate to the disease. A batch is potent (it can infect those exposed to it) for 1d10 days before drying up and becoming inert. Reference: Children of the Horned Rat p103.

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Chameleonic Skin Description: Your skin has the ability to change colour to match your surroundings making you nearly impossible to see if you remain still. You gain a +30% Bonus to all Concealment Skill Tests and a +10% Bonus to all Silent Move Tests, in addition all opponents must take a -20% penalty to all Missile Attacks made against you. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Chemistry Description: You are skilled in the manufacture of various chemical and herbal concoctions, medicines, remedies and poisons. Gain a +10% Bonus to Prepare Poison and Trade (Apothecary) Skill Tests. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Child of the Wilds Description: You are very comfortable living off the land. Gain a +10% Bonus to Outdoor Survival Tests. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Chosen of Chaos Description: You are a favoured servant of the Ruinous Powers. Whenever you gain a mutation, you may roll twice and select the more favourable result. Reference: Tome of Corruption p164.

Cold Blooded Description: Cold blooded creatures show little or no emotion. They seldom react to psychological stresses. Cold Blooded creatures are receive a +30% bonus to all psychological Tests. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Contortionist Description: You can bend and manipulate your body in a myriad of unnatural ways. You gain a +10% bonus on relevant Performer Skill Tests and a +20% bonus on Agility tests to escape from bonds, squeeze through narrow openings, and so on. Reference: Core Rulebook p97.

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Controlled Channelling Description: After a great deal of practice you have become skilled in the arts of channelling mystical energies to be trapped within runes. From now on when making your Inscription Roll you may choose how many dice to roll instead of being forced to roll as many dice as possible. Note: You must still roll an extra dice that counts towards Tzeentch’s Curse and you must still deduct the score of the highest dice from your total. Note: This Talent may only be gained by Rune Masters. Reference: Rune Mastery fanmade document.

Controlled Corruption Description: When determining the nature and kind of mutation you gain, roll twice. You may choose to gain either mutation. However, you take a -10% penalty to all tests made to resist gaining a new mutation. Reference: Tome of Corruption p77.

Coolheaded Description: You gain a permanent +5% bonus to your Will Power Characteristic. Modify your starting profile to reflect this bonus. Reference: Core Rulebook p97.

Daemonic Aura Description: Daemons are made of the very stuff of magic and this protects them when they are in the mortal world. Any time a non-magic weapon hit’s a Daemon , the Daemons Toughness Bonus is treated as if it were increased by +2. Additionally the Daemons own attacks are considered to be Magical. Lastly Daemons are completely immune to the effects of Poison and suffocation. Reference: Old World Bestiary p78, Tome of Corruption p225, Forges of Nuln p80.

Dark Lore Description: You have embraced one of the forbidden arts of sorcery. Dark lore is unusual in that it is not one talent, but many. Such is the study and focus required that you can only ever know one. Each Dark Lore talent is a separate magical proficiency, with the specialty noted in parenthesis. For example, Dark Lore (Chaos) is a different talent than Dark Lore (Necromancy). The most common Dark Lores are Chaos United, Nagash, Necromancy, Nurgle, Plague, Slaanesh, Stealth, Tzeentch, Warp. Future supplements will detail additional Dark Lores, including those of the Chaos powers Nurgle, Slaanesh, and Tzeentch. If you know a Dark Lore, you can attempt to cast any spell from that lore. See Chapter 7: Magic (Core Rulebook) for spell lists and further

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details. Reference: Core Rulebook p97.

Dark Magic Description: You know how to manipulate Dhar (black magic) to fuel your spells. Using Dark Magic gives you more power, but is much more dangerous. When you cast a spell, you can opt to use the energy of Dhar to fuel it. When making a Casting roll for a Dark Magic spell, you roll an extra d10 and drop the die with the lowest result. However, all dice count for the purposes of Tzeentch’s Curse. For example, a wizard with Magic 2 who casts a dark magic spell rolls 3d10 and uses the two highest dice for his Casting Roll. All three dice are used to determine Tzeentch’s Curse. If he rolled a 6, 6 and 6, the Casting Roll would be 12 ( 6 + 6 ), but the spell would trigger a Major Chaos Manifestation. You must use Dark Magic when casting a Dark Lore spell. See Chapter 7: Magic ( Core Rulebook ) for more information on spell casting. Reference: Core Rulebook p97.

Dealmaker Description: You are a slick-talking businessman who knows how to close a deal. You gain a +10% bonus on Evaluate and Haggle Skill Tests. Reference: Core Rulebook p97.

Disarm Description: If you hit with a melee attack, you may attempt to disarm an opponent instead of inflicting damage. Make an Opposed Agility Test. If you win, your opponent is disarmed and the weapon drops to the ground. It can be picked up with the ready action. If your opponent wins, he retains his weapon. Natural weapons ( teeth, claws, etc. ) cannot be disarmed. Reference: Core Rulebook p97.

Divine Inspiration Description: A Prelate can invoke the power of his God for assistance when fulfilling his god’s sacred tenets. A Prelate gains a Bonus Fortune Point each day. This can only be used to re-roll a Skill Test based on the special skills related to his cult. Alternatively, a GM may allow the Prelate to use this Bonus Fortune Point to re-roll any Skill Test made to uphold or follow his God’s strictures. See WFRP Chapter VIII: Religion & Belief for details on each holy order’s skills and strictures. Reference: Career Compendium p167.

Divine Lore

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Description: Your dedication to your deity is such that your prayers can produce magical effects. Divine lore is unusual in that it is not one talent, but many different ones. Such is the devotion required that you can only ever know one Divine Lore. Each Divine Lore talent is a separate magical proficiency, with the specialty noted in parenthesis. For example, Divine Lore ( Sigmar ) is a different talent than Divine Lore ( Ulric ). The most common Divine Lores correspond to the major deities of the Old World: Dazh, Manann, Morr, Myrimidia, Ranald, Sigmar, Shallya, Taal / Rhya, Tor, Ulric, Ursun, Verena. If you know a Divine Lore you can attempt to cast any spell from that lore. See Chapter 7: Magic ( Core Rulebook ) for spell lists and further details. Lore of Spirits is also a Divine Lore particularly suitable for Greenskins and Ogres. See p80 Old World Bestiary for more information. Reference: Core Rulebook p97, Old World Bestiary p80.

Dodge Mastery Description: With this Talent the normal rules of Skill Mastery are suspended with regard to the Dodge Blow Skill. Once this Talent has been learned you may take the Dodge Blow Skill up to a maximum of six times to give a total bonus of +50% to your Dodge Blow Skill. This Talent does not confer any bonus in itself, the Dodge Mastery Talent merely confers the ability to breach the normal rules of Skill Mastery. You must already have learned the Dodge Blow Skill before purchasing this Talent. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Dwarfcraft Description: Members of your race are natural craftsmen. You gain a +10% bonus on tests with the following trade skills: Armourer, Brewer, Gem Cutter, Gunsmith, Miner, Smith, Stoneworker and Weaponsmith. Reference: Core Rulebook p98.

Enhanced Senses Description: You can see in complete darkness out to a range of 30 yards, using a form of echolocation very similar to that used by ordinary bats. This ability is not silent, and a Character within range may attempt a Perception Test to hear your high-pitched squeaks. Reference: Night’s Dark Masters p104.

Ethereal Description: An ethereal creature is insubstantial and weightless. It can pass through solid objects, including walls and doors. Note that this does not give any ability to see through solid objects, only pass through them. An ethereal creature partially hidden inside an object gains a +30% bonus on Concealment Skill Tests. An ethereal creature that wishes to be is completely silent, with no need to make Silent Move Skill Tests. An ethereal creature is also immune to normal weapons, which simply pass

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through its body as if it weren’t there. Daemons, spells, other ethereal creatures and opponents armed with magic weapons may all injure an ethereal creature normally. An ethereal creature can’t normally affect the mortal world, and thus can’t damage non-ethereal opponents unless it has a suitable special ability or talent. Reference: Old World Bestiary p77.

Etiquette Description: You are well versed in the social graces of the upper classes. You gain a +10% bonus on Charm and Gossip Skill Tests when dealing with the nobility. The bonus also applies in other situations in which knowing the proper etiquette is important (impersonating a noble with the Disguise skill, for instance). Reference: Core Rulebook p98.

Excellent Vision Description: Your eyes are keen. You gain a +10% bonus on Perception Skill Tests that involve sight, and on Lip Reading Skill Tests. Reference: Core Rulebook p98.

Expert Climber Description: Creatures with this talent may use the Scale Sheer Surface Skill as a half action. They may also use this skill as a Full action to climb a number of yards equal to their Movement Characteristic for each successful test. Reference: Tome of Corruption p111.

Exploit Weaknesses Description: You have been trained to find the chinks and weaknesses in suits of armour and are now an expert in inflicting damage upon heavily armoured opponents. On a successful strike against an armoured opponent take another Weapon Skill Test which if successful will reduce your opponents AP by an amount based on the number of Degrees of Success that you passed your Weapon Skill test by. This is then modified by the quality of the armour worn by your opponent, consult the table below:

Armour Quality Amount of AP reduced per Degree of Success

Poor -2 AP per Degree of Success

Average -1 AP per Degree of Success

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Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Extra Spell Description: Your deeper studies into your Arcane Lore give you the ability to cast a spell not on your Spell List. Extra Spell is unusual in that it is not one talent but many, and each must be acquired individually. Each Extra Spell Talent gives you access to a single spell, noted in parenthesis, such as Extra Spell (Wind Blast), for example. This spell must come from your Magical Lore or be a Petty spell taught by your peers, so you must have an appropriate Magical Lore or Petty Magic Talent before you can gain this talent. Reference: Realms of Sorcery p137, Realm of the Ice Queen p114, Tome of Corruption p213.

Fast Hands Description: You are adept at touching melee opponents during spell casting. You gain a +20% Weapon Skill Bonus when casting touch spells. Reference: Core Rulebook p98.

Fearless Description: You are either brave enough or crazy enough that you know no fear. You are immune to fear and treat terror as fear. You are also immune to the effects of the Intimidate skill and the Unsettling talent. See Chapter 9: The Games master (Core Rulebook) for more information on fear and terror. Reference: Core Rulebook p98.

Fireproof Description: Fireproof creatures are almost incombustible and are extremely resistant to heat. A Fireproof creature reduces any non-magical fire damage it takes by 9. Magical fire damages them as normal. Reference: Realm of the Ice Queen p136.

Flee! Description: When your life is on the line, you are capable of impressive bursts of speed. When running away from combat or another dire threat, you gain +1 bonus to your Movement Characteristic for 1d10 rounds.

Good -1 AP per Degree of Success

Best -½ AP per Degree of Success (fractions rounded down).

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Reference: Core Rulebook p98.

Fleet Footed Description: You gain a permanent +1 bonus to your Movement Characteristic. Modify your starting profile to reflect this bonus. Reference: Core Rulebook p98.

Flier Description: You can fly. For more information on flying see Chapter 6: Combat, Damage and Movement (Core Rulebook). Reference: Core Rulebook p98.

Fluid Conjuration Description: Your mastery of magic has enabled you to maintain partially cast spells and release them at a moments notice. When you successfully Cast a spell you can chose to delay the spells release for a number of hours equal to your Magic Characteristic. At any time during this period you may complete the Casting and release the spell as a Half Action. The Casting Roll is made when the Spell is initially cast and does not need to be attempted when the spell is released. If the Wizard sleeps, becomes stunned or is otherwise rendered unconscious or mentally impaired (this includes being Drunk) then any spells currently being maintained are immediately lost. The initial Casting of the spell must be successfully completed as normal taking the standard amount of for the spell. The Wizard can maintain a number of spells equal to his Magic Characteristic. This Talent has no effect on Ritual Magic. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Focused Mind Description: Your understanding of magic is far greater than before. You no longer require incantations or hand gestures to aid you in the channelling of magic and the shaping of spells. As such you may Cast Spells even if you have been gagged and restrained. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Focussed Strike Description: You can make aimed strikes with exceptional accuracy. When you take the Aim action, your next melee attack gains a +20% Weapon Skill instead of the normal +10%. You may take Focussed Strike in place of Strike to Injure in any career that offers the latter, or you can acquire both in such a career, at 100xp each. Reference: Nights Dark Masters p94.

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Fool’s Pilot Description: You are a member of a Tobaran Navigator Family and have learnt the secrets sailing a ship through the dangerous channels of the Fool’s Rocks. You gain +20% to Sail Tests made to sail through the Fool’s Rocks, and a +10% to Common Knowledge (Tilea) Tests that specifically involve Tobaro. Reference: Companion p82.

Formless Description: Formless creatures have a mutable shape. All hits are Body hits. Any Critical Hits use the rules for Sudden Death Critical Hits as described in the Core Rulebook p 133. Reference: Tome of Corruption p111.

Frenzy Description: You can incite yourself into a frothing rage. You must spend 1 round psyching yourself up ( howling, biting your shield, etc. ). The next round you lose control and go berserk, gaining a +10% bonus to Strength and Will Power but a -10% penalty to Weapon Skill and Intelligence. You must attack the nearest enemy in melee combat, all attacks must be all out attacks, charge attacks or swift attacks, and you may not flee or retreat. You remain in this frenzied state until the combat is over. Reference: Core Rulebook p98.

Frightening Description: You have a frightening appearance. You cause Fear, as detailed in Chapter 9: The Games Master ( Core Rulebook ). Reference: Core Rulebook p98.

Geometric Lore Description: You have spent your life studying the Old Ones ancient magical lore and you have mastered magical arts that other races can only dream of. The ancient geometric magic of the Old Ones is not susceptible to Tzeentch’s Curse. Reference: Lustrian Races Fanmade.

Greater Arcane Magic Description: Greater Arcane Magic is unusual in that it is not one talent, but many. Such is the study and focus required that you

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can only ever know one type. Before learning a Greater Arcane Magic Talent you must first learn the corresponding Arcane Lore, for example in order to learn Greater Arcane Magic (Beasts) you must first learn Arcane Lore (Beasts). Each Greater Arcane Magic talent is a separate magical proficiency, with the specialty noted in parenthesis. For example, Greater Arcane Magic ( Beasts ) is a different talent than Greater Arcane Magic ( Fire ). The most common Arcane Lores, known as the Eight Orders of Magic, are Beasts, Death, Fire, the Heavens, Life, Light, Metal and Shadow. Once you have learned a Greater Arcane Magic you may select 1 spell from the appropriate Greater Arcane Lore. The other spells must be purchased individually using the Extra Spell Talent. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Grudge-Born Fury Description: Your people have a long list of grudges against the various Goblinoid races. Their depredations fill you with such fury that you gain a +5% bonus to WS when attacking Orcs, Goblins, and Hobgoblins. Reference: Core Rulebook p98.

Hardy Description: You gain a permanent +1 bonus to your Wounds Characteristic. Modify your starting profile to reflect this bonus. Reference: Core Rulebook p98.

Heavily Armoured Casting Description: Your great affinity with metals helps you cast spells while wearing armour. Your Casting Roll penalty while wearing armour is reduced by 5 when you cast spells. Normally, you’d suffer a -5 penalty for wearing a mail shirt and a breastplate, for example, but with Heavily Armoured Casting this penalty would be reduced to 0. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Hedge Magic Description: You are a self-taught spellcaster who has figured out how to work Magic by trial and error. You can cast Petty Magic ( Hedge ) spells only without having the Speak Arcane Language skill; the Petty Magic ( Hedge ) talent is still required. You must roll an extra d10 when casting a spell. This does not add to your Casting Roll, but does count for the purposes of Tzeentch’s Curse. Once you learn an Arcane Language, you no longer have to roll the extra die. Reference: Core Rulebook p98.

Heavy Armoured Combat

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Description: You have been trained to take blows on the strongest parts of your armour while protecting the chinks and have become an expert at effectively using heavy armour to reduce your risk of injury. When wearing Scale Armour you may increase the protection you receive to 5 AP on any location covered. When wearing Plate Armour you may increase the protection you receive to 7 AP on any location covered. The normal limit of 5AP is suspended when using this talent. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Hideous Strength Description: Creatures with Hideous Strength are so strong and powerful that all attacks made by them count as having the Impact Quality. Reference: Tome of Corruption p121.

Higher Channelling Description: On a successful Channelling Test you may add twice your Magic Characteristic to your Casting Roll. Note: You must have the Channelling Skill before learning this Talent. Higher Channelling may be used in conjunction with the Aethyric Harmony Talent. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Hive Mind Description: You are not an Individual. You are part of something greater than yourself. You obey your commands without question. Unlike a Mindless creature you do have your own intelligence and can make decisions so you do not need to be constantly controlled. Left to your own devices you will defend yourself if attacked and your territory if invaded, report all you observe to your superiors and follow the last set of orders you received. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Hoverer Description: You can fly low to the ground. For more information on flying, see Chapter 6: Combat, Damage and Movement ( Core Rulebook ). Reference: Core Rulebook p99.

Ice-Blooded Description: Ice-blooded creatures are so at home with freezing climates that they are immune to any effects from the cold, including magically created cold effects.

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Reference: Realm of the Ice Queen p136.

Incantation Description: Your hymn singing and chanting helps to focus divine energies, aiding in magical rituals. You can assist a divine spellcaster perform ritual magic, and if you pass a Performer ( Singer ) Skill Test and remain singing throughout the ritual, one Spellcaster gains a +1 bonus to his Casting Roll. A number of people with this talent may assist in this manner equal to the number of spellcasters participating in the ritual. Reference: Tome of Salvation p194.

Inconspicuous Description: You have learned to blend into your environment becoming almost impossible to notice. Gain a +15% Bonus to all Shadowing Skill Tests. You must first learn the Shadowing Skill before learning the Inconspicuous Talent. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Incorruptible Constitution Description: You are 100% immune to all known Poisons, Diseases and causes of Mutation. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Inured to Chaos Description: If you have a mutation, you gain a +10% bonus on tests made to resist gaining additional mutations. Reference: Lure of the Liche Lord p18, Tome of Corruption p68.

Keen Senses Description: You have naturally acute senses. You gain a +20% bonus on Perception Tests. Reference: Core Rulebook p99.

Klauser Rune Description: You have unlocked the secret of a magical rune and now provided that you have gained the Rune Mastery Skill you can inscribe an object with it. Klauser Rune is unusual in that it is not one talent but many, and each must be acquired individually. Each Klauser Rune talent is a separate proficiency with its name noted in parenthesis. For example, Klauser Rune (

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Flight ) is a different talent than Klauser Rune ( Swiftness ). All Klauser Rune Talents must be picked from The Catalogue of Klauser Runes ( See Below ). Klauser Runes can be learned without restriction by any human even if they have already learned other forms of magic. Reference: Rune Mastery fanmade document.

Leadership Description: You are a natural charismatic leader. Others find your commands easy to follow. Gain a +20% bonus to all Command Skill Tests. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Lesser Magic Description: You know a spell common to all types of Magic. Lesser Magic is unusual in that it is not one talent but many, and each must be acquired individually. Each Lesser Magic talent is a separate spell, with the spell name noted in parenthesis. For example , Lesser Magic ( Dispel ) is a different talent than Lesser Magic ( Skywalk ). The most common Lesser Magic spells are Aethyric Armour, Blessed Weapon, Dispel, Magic Alarm, Magic Lock, Move, Silence and Skywalk. See Chapter 7: Magic ( Core Rulebook ) for more information on Lesser Magic and descriptions of the various spells. You must have a Petty Magic talent before you can learn a Lesser Magic talent. Reference: Core Rulebook p99.

Lightning Fast Rider Description: With a Successful Ride Skill Test, you may add +1 to the Movement Characteristic of any horse you are riding for one day. This Bonus cannot be applied to any horse wearing Chain, Scale or Plate barding. Reference: Career Compendium p158.

Lightning Parry Description: When you make a Swift Attack ( See Chapter 6: Combat, Damage and Movement-Core Rulebook ) you can forgo one of your attacks to gain a Free Parry. If you had Attacks 3, for example, you could make two attacks and gain one parry with your Swift Attack action. The limit of one parry per round remains in effect. Reference: Core Rulebook p99.

Lightning Reflexes Description: You gain a permanent +5% bonus to your Agility Characteristic. Modify your starting profile to reflect this bonus.

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Reference: Core Rulebook p99.

Linguistics Description: You have a natural affinity for languages. You gain a +10% bonus to all Read/Write and Speak Language Tests. Reference: Core Rulebook p99.

Luck Description: You were born Lucky. At the most improbable times things go your way. You gain an extra Fortune Point each day. See Chapter 6: Combat, Damage and Movement ( Core Rulebook ) for more information about Fortune Points. Reference: Core Rulebook p99.

Marksman Description: You gain a permanent +5% bonus to your Ballistic Skill Characteristic. Modify your starting profile to reflect this bonus. Reference: Core Rulebook p99.

Master Gunner Description: You reduce the reload time of all black powder weapons by a half action. If you also have Rapid Reload, you gain the benefits of both talents ( thus reducing the reload time of black powder weapons by a full action ). Reference: Core Rulebook p99.

Master of the Lash Description: You are an expert at controlling the creations of Clan Moulder. When leading a pack of creatures, Rat Ogres, Giant Rats, Rat Swarms and so on, you gain a +20% bonus to Animal Training and Command Tests. Reference: Children of the Horned Rat p103.

Master Orator Description: You are such an accomplished orator that can fire up huge crowds. You can affect 100 times the normal number of people when using the Charm Skill. You must have Public Speaking before you gain this talent. Reference: Core Rulebook p99.

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Master Rune Description: You have learned the secrets of a magical master rune, the most powerful type of rune. Master Rune is unusual in that it is not one talent but many, and each must be acquired individually. Each Master Rune talent is a separate proficiency with its name noted in parenthesis. For example, Master Rune (Alric the Mad) is a different talent than Master Rune (Adamant). The most common Master Runes can be found on Realms of Sorcery p211-213. Reference: Realms of Sorcery p211.

Meditation Description: You can focus mind and ignore the world around you. When performing ritual magic, you gain a bonus to your Casting Roll equal to your Magic Characteristic. Reference: Core Rulebook p99.

Menacing Description: You have an imposing presence, due to size, demeanour or appearance. You gain a +10% bonus on Intimidate and Torture Skill Tests. Reference: Core Rulebook p99.

Mighty Missile Description: You know how to target magic missiles to inflict maximum damage. You gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls with magic missile spells. Reference: Core Rulebook p99.

Mighty Shot Description: You know how to target missile attacks so they do extra damage. You gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls with missile weapons. Reference: Core Rulebook p99.

Mimic Description: You have an ear for voices and accents and can reproduce them accurately. You gain +10% bonus on Performer ( Actor, Clown, Comedian, Jester and Storyteller ) Skill Tests, Disguise Skill Tests if the disguise has a verbal component and Speak Language Skill Test when trying to pass as a native.

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Reference: Core Rulebook p99.

Mindless Description: The creature has no Intelligence, Will Power or Fellowship Characteristics. It can never take or fail tests based on these characteristics. Reference: Nights Dark Masters p137.

Morrian Dreams Description: You have prophetic dreams, generally about a single theme, such as Undead, or Chaos, or Greenskins. These dreams warn you of threats to the Old World that you and your friends could confront. While dreams are often lacking in detail, they contain enough information to get you to the right place at the right time, very occasionally, they may also be slightly helpful in dealing with the problem. However this rarely goes beyond providing the first clue, most of the effort is down to you and your friends. You do not have prophetic dreams all the time, and sometimes you dream about different topics. In any case, you have no control over the dreams at all; you cannot try to dream about a particular situation. Any Character may take this Talent, by paying 100xp for it in the usual way, at any time, regardless of current career. Humans regard those with this Talent as touched by Morr, or possibly just touched. Reference: Shades of the Empire p35.

Mould Flesh Description: If you have an ample supply of Warpstone, you may make Surgery Skill Tests to create horrible abominations like Giant Rats and Rat Ogres. See Fleshmoulding on p104 for more details. Reference: Children of the Horned Rat p103.

Mounted Combat Description: You are an expert cavalryman. You need not take any Ride Skill Tests to control your mount during mounted combat, in addition you gain a +15% Weapon Skill Bonus and a +1 damage bonus when fighting from a mount. In order to learn this Talent you must first acquire the Ride Skill. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Natural Affinity

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Description: You have a natural affinity with animals. Gain a +10% Bonus to all Animal Care, Animal Training and Charm Animal Skill Tests. You must have learned at least one of the aforementioned Skills before learning this Talent. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Natural Weapons Description: You have claws or vicious teeth that can rend apart your foes in combat. When attacking without a weapon, you count as being armed with a hand weapon. You cannot parry with your natural weapons. You cannot, for obvious reasons, be disarmed. Reference: Core Rulebook p100.

Night Vision Description: You can see extremely well in natural darkness at distances up to 30 yards. This talent doesn’t work in total darkness, requiring illumination equivalent to starlight to function. Reference: Core Rulebook p100.

Nimble Fingers Description: Your Hands are very supple and dexterous. Gain a +15% Bonus Pick Locks Skill Tests, to Sleight of Hand Skill Tests and to any crafting test involving manual dexterity. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Not All There Description: The creature is incomplete or does not have a normal anatomy. Use rules for Sudden Death Critical Hits for these creatures. Reference: Nights Dark Masters p137.

Orientation Description: You have an instinctive feel for direction. You rarely get lost and always know the direction of north. You gain a +10% bonus on Navigation Skill Tests. Reference: Core Rulebook p100.

Petty Magic

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Description: You know the most basic of Magic techniques. Like Arcane Lores, it is not one talent but many. Each Petty Magic Talent is a separate magical proficiency, with the specialty noted in parenthesis. For example, Petty Magic ( Arcane ) is a different talent than Petty Magic ( Divine ). The most common Petty Magic talents are Arcane, Chaos, Divine and Hedge, Warp. If you know a Petty Magic talent and have a Magic Characteristic of at least 1, you can attempt to cast any spell from the talent. See Chapter 7: Magic ( Core Rulebook ) for spell lists and further details. Reference: Core Rulebook p100.

Politic Description: You can manipulate others into seeing things your way. You gain +10% bonus on Charm, Blather and Haggle Skill Tests. Reference: Companion p92.

Protective Tattoos Description: With this Talent you decorate your skin in Tattoos that you believe enhance your martial prowess. For every FULL 20% of your Will Power Characteristic you gain a +1 AP Bonus to any location decorated with tattoos. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Provincial Expertise Description: You are deeply familiar with your homeland. Select a province or region within your native country. You receive a +10% bonus to all related Common Knowledge Tests. Reference: Realm of the Ice Queen p90.

Public Speaking Description: You know how to work a crowd. You can affect 10 times the normal number of people when using the Charm Skill. Reference: Core Rulebook p100.

Quick Draw Description: Your speedy reflexes allow you to quickly draw weapons and other items. Once per round, you can use the ready action as a free action. Reference: Core Rulebook p100.

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Rapid Reload Description: You can reload ranged weapons with practiced ease. You reduce the reload times of all missile weapons by a half action. You could reload a crossbow in a half action, for example, whereas it is normally a full action. If the weapon already had a reload time of a half action, it becomes a free action. It takes you virtually no time to reload such weapons, which allows you to make Swift Attacks with them. See Chapter 6: Combat, Damage and Movement ( Core Rulebook ) for more information on Swift Attacks. Reference: Core Rulebook p100.

Rending Attacks Description: Creatures with Rending Attacks natural weapons are so razor sharp that they count as having the Armour Piercing and Impact Qualities. Creatures must also have the Natural Weapons Talent in order to possess the Rending Attack Talent. Reference: Tome of Corruption p114.

Resistance to Chaos Description: You are naturally resistant to the power of Chaos. You gain a +10% bonus on Will Power Tests to resist magic and other Chaos effects, and you are immune to Chaos mutation. However, you can never become a spellcaster of any type. Reference: Core Rulebook p100.

Resistance to Corruption Description: You are naturally resistant to the power of Chaos. You gain a +20% bonus on Toughness and Will Power Tests to resist magic and other Chaos effects. In addition you are immune to Chaos mutation. Note: You may never gain this Talent if you have ever had a Mutation or possess either the Dark Magic or Dark Lore Talents. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Resistance to Disease Description: Your constitution allows you to shrug off many diseases. You gain a +10% bonus on Toughness Tests to resist disease. Reference: Core Rulebook p100.

Resistance to Magic Description: You are naturally resistant to the effects of magic. You gain a +10% bonus on Will Power Tests to resist magic.

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Reference: Core Rulebook p100.

Resistance to Poison Description: You hardiness allows you to ignore the effects of many poisons. You gain a +10% bonus on Toughness Tests to resist poison. Reference: Core Rulebook p100.

Rover Description: You are at home in the wild. You gain a +10% bonus on Concealment and Silent Move Skill Tests when in rural locations. Reference: Core Rulebook p100.

Rune Description: You have learned the secrets of a magical rune. Rune is unusual in that it is not one talent but many, and each must be acquired individually. Each Rune talent is a separate proficiency with its name noted in parenthesis. For example, Rune ( Fury ) is a different talent than Master Rune ( Speed ). The most common Master Runes can be found on Realms of Sorcery p213-215. Reference: Realms of Sorcery p211.

Sanity Description: You mind is either incredibly grounded or protected by a higher force to the degree that you can never gain an insanity. As of now you stop gaining Insanity Points. If you have or have ever had an insanity you may never learn this Talent. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Savvy Description: You gain a permanent +5% bonus to your Intelligence Characteristic. Modify your starting profile to reflect Reference: Core Rulebook p100.

Scales Description: The creature has tough scales that protect it like armour. This talent provides the creature with a number of Armour Points on all locations equal to the number noted in parenthesis. For example, a creature with Scales ( 2 ) has 2 Armour Points

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on each location. Reference: Old World Bestiary p78, Tome of Corruption p111.

Schemer Description: You are a master of personal politics. You gain a +10% bonus on intrigue-related Charm Tests and on WP Tests to resist the Charm of others. Reference: Core Rulebook p100.

Scholarly Aptitude Description: Scholarly Aptitude is unusual in that it is not one talent, but many different ones. Each Scholarly Aptitude Talent is a separate proficiency, with the specialty noted in parenthesis. For example, Scholarly Aptitude (Science) is a different talent than Scholarly Aptitude (Strategy/Tactics) and must be purchased separately. Each Scholarly Aptitude Talent corresponds to a Academic Knowledge Skill, which you must learn before learning the appropriate Scholarly Aptitude. Each Scholarly Aptitude Talent confers a +20% bonus to the corresponding Academic Knowledge. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Sea-Born Description: If the GM wants the story to be true, Characters born at sea, and who swear a vow to Mannann never to set foot on land, may take the Sea-Born Talent (for the normal 100xp cost), which allows them to drink sea water safely, and grants a +5% bonus to all Swim and Sail Tests on salt water. If the Character leaves the sea, they lose the Talent, but they may buy it again if they swear the vow again. Reference: Tome of Salvation p103.

Seasoned Traveller Description: You have extensive travel experience. You gain a +10% bonus on Common Knowledge and Speak Language Skill Tests. Reference: Core Rulebook p100.

Sharpshooter Description: You can make aimed shots with exceptional accuracy. When you use the Aim action, your next ranged attack gains a +20% Ballistic Skill bonus instead of the normal +10%. Reference: Core Rulebook p100.

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Sixth Sense Description: You get a strange feeling when you are in grave danger., and this sometimes alerts you to trouble before it happens. When danger is afoot, the GM may secretly roll a test on your Will Power. If successful, the GM may tell you that you have a bad feeling about your situation or that you feel like you’re being watched. This talent may enable you to avoid being surprised when the rest of your allies succumb. Reference: Core Rulebook p100.

Skaven Construct Description: You are an automaton powered by Warpstone. You are immune to Fear, Terror, Stunning, Poison, Diseases and all Spells, Skills and effects that involve manipulation of emotions and the mind. You have no Intelligence, Will Power or Fellowship Characteristics. Skaven with the Warlock Engineer Talent can send you psychic instructions as a Free Action. You must follow these instructions exactly as described. In the case of unclear instructions, conflicting Instructions or no instructions, you take no action. If two Skaven attempt to control you, they must make opposed Will Power Tests, with you following the Victor’s commands. Reference: Children of the Horned Rat p103.

Specialist Weapon Group Description: You know how to use a group of weapons that require special training. Specialist Weapon Group is unusual in that it is not one talent but many, and each must be acquired individually. Each Specialist Weapon Group talent is a separate proficiency, with the spell name noted in parenthesis. For example, Specialist Weapon Group ( 2-Handed Weapon ) is a different talent than Specialist Weapon Group ( Throwing ). The most common Specialist Weapon Group talents are Cavalry, Crossbow, Engineer, Entangling, Fencing, Flail, Gunpowder, Longbow, Parrying, Scythe, Sling, Throwing and 2-Handed. For details on the weapons included in each group, see Chapter 5: Equipment ( Core Rulebook ). Reference: Core Rulebook p100.

Stout Hearted Description: You are exceptionally brave. You gain a +10% bonus on Fear and Terror Tests, and on Will Power Tests to resist Intimidate attempts. Reference: Core Rulebook p101.

Street Fighting

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Description: You learned how to brawl in the gutters. You can make unarmed attacks with a +10% bonus to Weapon Skill. Furthermore, you gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls with unarmed attacks. Reference: Core Rulebook p101.

Streetwise Description: You know how to get by on the street. You gain a +10% bonus on Charm and Gossip Skill Tests when dealing with the criminal underworld. Reference: Core Rulebook p101.

Strike Mighty Blow Description: You know how to target melee attacks so they do extra damage. You gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls with melee weapons. Reference: Core Rulebook p101.

Strike to Injure Description: You’re an expert on targeting your enemies’ most vulnerable areas. The Critical Value of any Critical Hits you inflict is increased by one. Reference: Core Rulebook p101.

Strike to Stun Description: If you hit with a melee attack, you may attempt to stun your opponent instead of inflicting damage. First, you must make a Strength Test. If that is successful, your opponent must make a Toughness Test, with a +10% bonus for each AP on his head. If he fails, your opponent is stunned for 1d10 rounds. Stunned characters cannot take any actions and cannot dodge. Reference: Core Rulebook p101.

Strong Man Description: You are a heavily muscled hulk of a being, with an incredible constitution. Increase your Strength Characteristic by 1d10% and increase your Wounds by +4, modify your Starting Profile to reflect these bonuses. In addition you may alter the Strength Advance on your Advance Scheme to +20% if it was lower than this. However you must still purchase these Strength Bonuses in increments of +5% for 100 xp as usual. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

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Strong-Minded Description: Your resilient mind is less susceptible to sanity blasting events. You don’t have to check for Insanity until you have 8 Insanity Points. Reference: Core Rulebook p101.

Sturdy Description: You have a brawny physique. You do not suffer any Movement penalties while wearing Heavy/Plate armour. See Chapter 5: Equipment ( Core Rulebook ) for more information about armour. Reference: Core Rulebook p101.

Suave Description: You gain a permanent +5% bonus to your Fellowship Characteristic. Modify your starting profile to reflect this bonus. Reference: Core Rulebook p101.

Super Numerate Description: You have a gift for calculation and can workout a solution for nearly any mathematical problem given time. You gain a +10% bonus on Gamble and Navigation Skill Tests and a +20% bonus on Perception Skill Tests that involve estimation. Reference: Core Rulebook p101.

Sure Shot Description: You know how to work weak spots in your enemies armour. When you hit with a ranged attack, you can ignore 1 Armour Point. If your target has no armour, this talent has no effect. Reference: Core Rulebook p102.

Surgery Description: You know the most advanced scientific healing techniques. You gain a +10% bonus on Heal Tests. If you are treating a heavily wounded patient, a successful test haels 2 Wounds instead of the normal 1. If this character is in danger of losing a limb from a Critical Hit ( See Chapter 6: Combat, Damage and Movement- Core Rulebook ), you also provide the patient with a +20% Toughness bonus on the test to resist limb loss. Reference: Core Rulebook p102.

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Swashbuckler Description: You are an agile combatant. You can use the Jump/Leap action as a half action and you increase the distance of all leaps by 1 yard. Reference: Core Rulebook p102.

Tail Fighting Description: You may wield an Ordinary weapon with your tail.. Reference: Children of the Horned Rat p103.

Terrifying Description: One look at your monstrous countenance sends enemies running. You cause terror, as described in Chapter 9: The Game Master ( Core Rulebook ). Reference: Core Rulebook p102.

Trapfinder Description: You are an expert in dealing with traps. You gain a +10% bonus to Perception and Pick Lock Tests that deal with locating and disarming traps. Reference: Core Rulebook p102.

Trick Riding Description: You are capable of amazing feats on horseback. You can do handstands on a galloping mount, leap from horse to horse, and the like. You only need to take Ride Skill Tests under the most extreme circ*mstances, and even then you gain a +10% bonus. Reference: Core Rulebook p102.

Trick Shot Description: You are a master of the trick shot. You ability allows you perform amazing shots such as firing over your shoulder using a mirror to sight the weapon, hitting a tossed coin in mid-air from extreme range or splitting an arrow with another. With this Talent the difficulty of all missile attacks is reduced by 30% to a minimum of 0% (Average) Difficulty. For Example an Impossible (-40%) Shot would be reduced to a Challenging (-10%) Shot. However, a Challenging (-10%) Shot would only be

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reduced to an Average (0%) Shot. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Tunnel Rat Description: You are at home beneath the earth. You gain a +10% bonus on Concealment and Silent Move Skill Tests when in underground locations. Reference: Core Rulebook p102.

Ultimate Predator Description: You are a killing machine, perfectly evolved to inflict maximum damage to your prey. When you Attack with either a Charge Attack Action or an All-Out-Attack Action you may attack as many times as you have Attacks instead of making the normal one attack. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Undead Description: You are a creature of undeath, hideously reanimated by necromantic magic ( See Chapter 7: Magic- Core Rulebook ). You are immune to Fear, Terror, Stunning, Poison, Disease and all Spells, Skills and effects that involve the manipulation of emotions and the mind. Reference: Core Rulebook p102.

Unreliable Construct Description: To take this Talent you must first have the Skaven Construct Talent. You are Unreliable. Whenever a Skaven issues you a command, roll 1d10. On a result of 1 or 2, you malfunction. Roll on the following table:

D10 Result

1 You pop a valve and take a Damage 5 hit (regardless of Armour or Toughness Bonus).

2-6 You attack the closest creature (Enemy or Ally).

7-9 You do nothing this round; all attacks against you gain a +30% bonus.

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Reference: Children of the Horned Rat p103.

Unsettling Description: Your daunting presence disturbs your opponents. Enemies must make a successful Will Power Test on seeing you or suffer a -10% penalty to their Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill. They may test to overcome the effects of this talent every round until they either make it or are out of sight of you. Reference: Core Rulebook p102.

Unstoppable Blows Description: A creature with this talent is so large and strong that it’s attacks are incredibly difficult to parry. Opponents suffer a -30% penalty to parry attempts. Reference: Old World Bestiary p78, Tome of Corruption p122, Forges of Nuln p91.

Unstoppable Charge Description: Your weight and momentum are so great that when you charge you smash through your opponents ranks as if they were made from paper. In order to perform an Unstoppable Charge you must first spend one round performing two consecutive Move Actions and then in the next round declare a Charge Attack Action. This will denote an Unstoppable Charge. During an Unstoppable Charge you may take your full Move allowance and attack each opponent in your path with your full amount of attacks. Your attacks can be Dodged but cannot be Parried. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Very Resilient Description: You gain a permanent +5% bonus to your Toughness Characteristic. Modify your starting profile to reflect this bonus. Reference: Core Rulebook p102.

Very Strong Description: You gain a permanent +5% bonus to your Strength Characteristic. Modify your starting profile to reflect this bonus. Reference: Core Rulebook p102.

10 You respond to commands, but take a -20% penalty to all Characteristics for the round.

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Vitality Description: You are a very healthy energetic person who heals with exceptional speed. Each day you may restore 2 Wounds instead of the usual 1 Wound. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

Wall Runner Description: You gain a +20% bonus to Scale Sheer Surface Tests. In addition, you climb a number of yards equal to your Movement Characteristic with a successful test. Reference: Children of the Horned Rat p104.

Warlock Engineering Description: With this Talent, you can make Trade (Engineering) Tests to produce a variety of Clan Skryre technological devices.. Reference: Children of the Horned Rat p104.

Warrior Born Description: You gain a permanent +5% bonus to your Weapon Skill Characteristic. Modify your starting profile to reflect this bonus. Reference: Core Rulebook p102.

Weapon Mastery Description: Weapon Mastery is unusual in that it is not one Talent, but many and each must be acquired individually. Each Weapon Mastery talent is a separate field of study, with the specialty noted in parenthesis. For example, Weapon Mastery (Flail) is a different talent to Weapon Mastery (Ordinary). When the Weapon Mastery talent is gained you receive a +10% Bonus when using a weapon from the appropriate Weapon Group. The Weapon Mastery Talent is unusual because the same Weapon Mastery Talent can be purchased up to three times. Each time the same Weapon Mastery Talent is purchased you gain a cumulative +10% Bonus when using the appropriate weapon. For example if you purchase Specialist Weapon Group (Fencing) three times you would gain a +30% Bonus when using any weapon classified as a Fencing Weapon. Note: You must possess the appropriate Specialist Weapon Group talent before purchasing the Weapon Mastery Talent that matches the specific weapon group. Reference: High Fantasy Fanbased Supplement.

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Will of Iron Description: A creature with this talent is immune to fear and terror, as well as the effects of the Intimidate skill and the Unsettling talent. Reference: Old World Bestiary p78, Tome of Corruption p122, Forges of Nuln p80.

Witchcraft Description: You have managed to survive the perils of hedge wizardry and teach yourself more powerful techniques of magic use. This gives you access to spells beyond Petty Magic but since you must figure out each spell on your own, your progress is slower than that of a Magister. Witchcraft allows you to learn any spell from an Arcane Lore with a Casting Number of 15 or less, but you must pay 200 xp for each one. You can cast these spells without having the Speak Arcane Language skill. However, you must roll an extra d10 when casting one of these spells. This does not add into your Casting Roll but does count for the purposes of Tzeentch’s Curse. Once you learn an Arcane Language and an Arcane Lore, you no longer have to roll the extra die. Reference: Realms of Sorcery p128, Tome of Corruption p148.

Witch Lore Description: You have studied one of the established witching traditions of the Old World. Like Arcane Lore or Divine Lore, Witchery is not one talent but many. Such is the study and focus required, you can only ever know one Witch Lore Talent and can never also know an Arcane Lore, Dark Lore or Divine Lord. Each Witch Lore is a separate magical proficiency, the speciality noted in parenthesis. For example: Witch Lore ( Hag ) is a different talent than Witch Lore ( Ice ). If you know a Witch Lore, you may cast spells from that lore according to the rules presented in Chapter IX: Magic and Miracles ( Realm of the Ice Queen ). Reference: Realm of the Ice Queen p104, Shades of the Empire p60.

Wrestling Description: You are an expert grappler. \you can make unarmed attacks with a +10% bonus to Weapon Skill when attempting to grapple. Furthermore, you gain a +10% bonus on grappling Strength Tests. Reference: Core Rulebook p102.

Vampire Blood Gifts

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Aethyric Cipher Description: Your natural mastery over the Winds of Magic allows you to cloak and dissipate the Aethyric distortions around you. Those with Witchsight observing you must make an opposed will Power Test and achieve at least one degree of success in order to detect anything unusual about you. You are also immune to Daemonsroot, Witchbane, and any other similar wards. Reference: Night’s Dark Masters p104.

Bat Form Description: As a Half action, you may transform into a Vampire Bat. You gain the characteristics, skills, talents and traits of your new form, though you retain your own Intelligence, Will Power, Wounds, Magic and Insanity Points, as well as all of your own skills, talents and traits. All Weapons, armour and trappings that you wear or carry are absorbed into your new form and reappear when you regain your normal form. You can remain in your new form for as long as you wish. Changing back to your Vampire form requires another half action. You may use this trait as often as you wish. Race / Sex: Vampire Bat

* Use your Characteristics instead Skills: Dodge Blow, Perception +20%. Talents: Strike Mighty Blow, Enhanced Senses, Flier, Frightening, Keen Senses, Natural Weapons, Undead. Reference: Night’s Dark Masters p104.

Blademaster Description: You are a master of every style and variation of hand-to-hand combat, enabling you to predict every action your opponent will take. As a free action, at the start of your turn each round, you may reduce the Attack Characteristic of one opponent by 1 for 1 round. If this reduces the Attack Characteristic to 0, the opponent may not make any attacks ( standard, charge and so on ), though he may still dodge, parry and perform any other non-attack action. In addition, Characters whose Attacks are reduced to 0 do not count towards any advantage gained from outnumbering you. Reference: Night’s Dark Master p104.

WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel

33 0 31 30 34 * * *


2 * 3 3 2(8) * * *

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Blood Burst Description: Whilst you need blood to survive, your body does not process the fluid, so once you draw forth the nutrients from it, the excess fluid collects in pockets formed in your Undead flesh. Whenever you lose at least 1 wound from an attack, one or more of these sacs burst, spraying gobs of old, tar-like blood at all adjacent creatures. Such creatures must succeed on Agility Tests or take a -20% penalty to Weapon Skill and Ballistic skill Tests for 1d5 rounds. Reference: Night’s Dark Masters p105

Blood Drain Description: You may drain blood with your fangs, If you inflict at least 1 wound on an enemy whilst grappling, the victim also loses 1d10% from his Strength Characteristic. If the victim survives the encounter, he regains 1% of his Strength each hour. Reference: Night’s Dark Masters p105.

Blood Sated Description: You may abstain from drinking blood for twice the standard period. Once beyond this limit, you must make a Will Power Test to resist every second interval. Reference: Night’s Dark Masters p105.

Call Forth Thunder Description: Once per day as a full action you may call forth a huge and terrible storm, even from a completely blue and quiet sky. The storm makes flying impossible and all Ballistic Skill Tests take a -10% penalty. The storm protects all Vampires within a mile of you from sun damage. If you are killed, the storm quiets immediately. Otherwise, it lasts for a number of hours equal to your Magic Characteristic. Reference: Night’s Dark Masters p105.

Carrier Description: Your indiscretions about feeding have infected you with a horrid contagion. Whenever you use your Blood Drain Trait, the target must also succeed on a Toughness Test or contract Scurvy Madness. At your GM’s option, other diseases can be substituted. Reference: Night’s Dark Masters p105.

Corrupted Innocence

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Description: You are either so exquisitely beautiful or so obviously vulnerable it is absolutely unconscionable to strike at you. You gain the Unsettling Talent. Reference: Night’s Dark Masters p105.

Curse of the Revenant Description: You have such a terrible burning desire to keep living that you can defy death. All Critical Hits dealt to you have their Critical Value reduced by 2, to a minimum of 1. Reference: Night’s Dark Masters p105.

Dark Majesty Description: You are such a powerful figure that you can command mighty armies of the Undead. You may control a number of creatures with the Undead Trait equal to your Will Power Characteristic plus thirty at any one time. Reference: Night’s Dark Masters p105.

Deathsight Description: You can see spirits and souls that are normally invisible, as per the Lore of Death spell of the same name. This trait functions continuously.

Defy the Dawn Description: Your will is so strong, you can overcome even the terrible powers of the sun. If you pass a Will Power Test, you can walk in the sun without taking any damage or penalties. You must pass another Test after each hour of exposure, at a cumulative -10% penalty per hour spent in the sun. Failure indicates your characteristics halve, and you begin to take damage for every minute of exposure, as normal. If this power is rolled or chosen a second time, you obtain complete immunity to damage from the sun and you may walk in it without any consequence. Reference: Night’s Dark Masters p106.

Domination Description: You can force weak-willed mortals to obey your every command. As a full action, you may use this power on any Human, Dwarf, elf, Halfling, Orc, Skaven, Beastmen, Goblin or similar creatures you can clearly see within 6 yards. This is an opposed test, pitting your Fellowship against your opponent’s Will Power. This ability cannot be used in combat, as the mind is too alert for danger. If you win the test, you gain complete control over your target and can compel him to do anything you wish ( this is a free action ). After 1d10 rounds, the victim may attempt another opposed test to break free. You may end the effect any

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time as a free action. If you attack the dominated target, it’s effects immediately end. Reference: Night’s Dark Masters p106.

Furious Charge Description: Whilst charging, you attack at the precise moment to produce the most devastating effect, driving your weapon through your opponent’s defences. If you succeed on a Weapon Skill Test that’s made as part of a Charge Action, your Damage Total ignores your opponent’s armour. Reference: Nights Dark Masters p106.

Iron Sinews Description: You grow to huge proportions, gaining an ungodly strength. You gain the Unstoppable Blows Trait. Reference: Nights Dark Masters p106.

Malformed Description: Your body is twisted and grotesque, an abomination to behold. Worse, the ill advised structure of your transformed body allows unsightly bulges to form, pressing out against the flesh until the skin thins so that it pops with a sickening wet splatter. Just as soon as the bubo explodes, the flesh knits back together again as another bulge begins to form elsewhere. Hard (-20%) Will Power Tests must be made to resist any Fear or Terror you cause. Reference: Nights Dark Masters p106.

Mastery Over Flesh Description: You are naturally gifted at manipulating and controlling the flesh of the dead. When casting Curse of Vanhel, Hellish Vigour, Raise the Dead, Re-animate or Spell of Awakening, you gain a +4 bonus on the Casting Roll. You must meet all the usual requirements of casting the spell. This bonus also applies to Greater Necromancy (See p 128 Nights Dark Masters). Reference: Nights Dark Masters p107.

Monstrous Mass Description: Over the ages, you have grown to huge proportions, flesh and sinew building over and over itself. As a result, blows that would fell a normal creature are often nothing but a scratch to you. When an opponent inflicts a Critical Hit on you, he rolls twice on WFRP Table 6-3:Critical Hits(p133) and takes the higher roll. Reference: Nights Dark Masters p107.

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Natural Necromancer Description: You can control the Undead just as Necromancers do. If you have the Dark Lore (Necromancy) Talent, you never gain side-effects from using Necromancy Spells. Reference: Nights Dark Masters p107.

Noble Blood Description: You can trace your legacy directly back to the Warrior-Priests of Nehekhara. The range of your command over Undead extends to 200 yards (100 Squares). Reference: Nights Dark Masters p107.

Nehekharan Scrolls Description: You have preserved some of the ancient lore of the Land of the Dead. Select one spell from the Lore of Necromancy or the Lore of Death. You may now cast this spell as if it were on your list. You gain an additional spell every time you gain this trait. Reference: Nights Dark Masters p107.

Pass for Human Description: You can retract your claws and fangs and soften your features, enabling you to appear Human. In this form, you lose the Frightening and Terrifying Talents if you have them. Switching back and fourth between appearing Human is a Free Action. Reference: Nights Dark Masters p107.

Persistent Image Description: The light of the sun has not rejected you. Your image is reflected in mirrors and any other reflective surface. You also cast a normal shadow from the sun or any other light source.. Reference: Nights Dark Masters p107.

Piercing Strike Description: Whenever you attack with a weapon, you put the full force of your might behind the swing, delivering gruesome injuries. If you inflict a Critical Hit, you may roll twice on WFRP Table 6-3: Critical Hits (p133) and take the lower roll.. Reference: Nights Dark Masters p107.

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Quickblood Description: You are so fast you can dodge a shot fired from a pistol or snatch an arrow out of the air. You may make Dodge Blow Tests to avoid missile attacks. You may still only dodge once per round. Reference: Nights Dark Masters p107.

Ravenous Description: The scent of blood is enough to drive you into a mad frenzy. Gain the Frenzy Talent. You may only enter a Frenzy if you are within 16 yards of a bleeding creature (I.e. a lightly wounded Character). Reference: Nights Dark Masters p107.

Scent Blood Description: You have the uncanny ability to smell the blood of living creatures within 16 yards. Concealment Tests made to hide from you automatically fail as do spells that obscure a mortal‘s presence from sight such as Pall of Darkness or Shroud of Invisibility. You can pinpoint the presence of any living creature within range of this trait. Reference: Nights Dark Masters p107.

Silvered Blood Description: Through some twist of magic, the argent metal already courses through your veins. Rather than weakening your flesh, the presence of silver in your body makes you immune to it’s dreadful effects. Silvered weapons behave as normal weapons when used on this Vampire. Reference: Nights Dark Masters p107.

Unholy Regeneration Description: Your wounds heal at a startling rate. At the start of your turn, each round, you regain 1d5 Wounds. Wounds caused by silvered weapons are not recovered by this trait. If you are slain, this trait ceases to function. Reference: Nights Dark Masters p109.

Walking Dead Description: Your presence is so terrifying that your opponents flee before you. Gain the Terrifying Talent. If you already have this talent, Characters must succeed on Challenging(-10%) Will Power Tests to resist Terror caused by you.

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Reference: Nights Dark Masters p109.

Waterwalker Description: Your will is so strong that you may overcome the curse on your blood. If you make a successful Will Power Test, you may cross running water without taking any damage or penalty. You must re-roll for each new body of water or for every hundred yards of travel. If this power is chosen or rolled a second time, you gain complete immunity from this aspect of the curse and may cross any body of water of any size without negative effects. Reference: Nights Dark Masters p109.

Wings Description: A pair of leathery wings tears free from your back. Riddled with crimson veins, they are nearly impossible to conceal-not that it matters much to you. Gain the Flier Talent. Whilst flying, your Movement Characteristic is twice your land speed. Reference: Nights Dark Masters p110.

Wolf Form Description: As a Half Action you may transform into a Doom Wolf. You gain the characteristics, skills, talents and traits of your new form, though you retain your own Intelligence, Will Power, Wounds, Magic and Insanity Points as well as all of your own skills, talents and Traits. All weapons, armour and trappings are absorbed into your new form and reappear when you regain your normal form. You can remain in your new form for as long as you wish. Changing back to your Vampire form requires another half action. You may use this trait as often as you wish. Reference: Night‘s Dark Masters p110.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.