I finished the Dracthyr starting questline and the Waking Shores, then got derailed by pet battles. Got to level 69. Then joined a rare train in the Forbidden reach for an hour and dinged 70. Rather frustrated that I couldn't click on the teleporter up to the rare or open certain chests because I was level 69. I guess I was sorta enjoying the moment to moment questing experience, but I wasn't really invested in the story or excited in discovering more of the setting, and the music is forgettable. The only song I remember was the ukulele music from the first town in Waking Shores, and even then I wouldn't add it to my favorite's playlist. Felt the same way about BFA where I stalled out after the first zone and then did Island Expeditions to level cap. I haven't felt super engrossed in an expansion's levelling experience since WoD. Awesome story, cool setting and visuals, and a killer soundtrack.I'm also getting performance issues in the Dragon Isles, particularly Valdrakken. I have a Nvidia 3070 Ti, and I am getting 40-50 FPS. Historically WoW's performance sucks in foilage heavy areas such as Val'sharah, Suramar, or Ardenweald, but I'm getting 40-50 FPS being out in grass plains with no trees around like the Waking Shores or the Ohn'ahran Plains.
Anyway, thoughts as I played through the expansion thus far:
Click on thumbnails for fullsized imageThe Forbidden Reach (Dracthyr starting zone)
Why are the Dracthyr straight up better than the Drakkonoids? Did the other Aspects simply not invest as much effort into their dragonmen as Neltharion did?
The Dracthyr are fervently loyal to Neltharion, the Black Dragon Aspect. They awake expecting orders from Neltharion to arrive any moment. So why are the Dracthyr immediately standoffish when two Black Dragons arrive? Shouldn't they be expecting them to be messengers? Wrathion and Ebyssian should be able to easily take command of these soldiers by saying "we're the sons of Neltharion".
What promises? This comes out of nowhere. No one else exhibited any resentment towards the Aspects, least of all Neltharion, who everyone seems to revere.
Now that I think about it, Deathwing is probably the most recurring villain in Warcraft. He was in Warcraft 2, several Knaak novels (War of the Ancients Trilogy and Day of the Dragon). He's around during vanilla as Lord Prestor. Then stars in Cataclysm. Then showed up in the Dawn of the Aspects novel. Then shows up again as a ghost/flashback in Legion. Then shows up again as another ghost/flashback in Shadowlands. And now shows up again here.
Why is Khadgar isolating himself in Karazhan? The last I saw him, he was a member of the Council of Six. He should be in Dalaran surrounded by other people, conferring with the other five councilmembers, speaking with representatives from across Azeroth, handing out assignments, maybe teaching students.
Kalecgos' voice does not fit his appearance at all.
I don't understand why if something terrible had happened, why Kalecgos would first run to Khadgar for help. Kalecgos and Khadgar never had a connection. I guess they were both members of Council of Six during Legion, but why go to Khadgar over any other councilmember? Kalecgos had a closer connection to Jaina, so why go to Khadgar over her? And when it comes to dealing with elemental dragons, why go to a wizard over, say, a shaman, who would be in tune with the elemental forces that are relevant to this crisis? Perhaps a shaman that the Aspects already have a working relationship since they last fought another wild dragon?
Is Khadgar really going to be our main NPC for this expansion? For a third expansion? He had his four years in the limelight during WoD and Legion. I'd rather see someone else.
The Waking Shores
Sendrax's voice and demeanor was inappropriate for a Drakonid.
Alexstraza's new outfit is overdesigned from the back. Too much detail, too much going on.
The Ruby Life Pools area looks great. The unique fantasy flowers, the red leaves dropping from the trees overhead, the light outlines on the pools of water, the kids running around. Too bad it makes the game stutter at 40-50 FPS even though I have a 3070 Ti.
I spent a couple hours flying around grabbing all of the dragon riding glpyhs when I started encountering visual bugs. /reload did not fix it. Yes, I scanned my game files and it did not need to be repaired. Yes, my drivers are up to date. Hopefully this gets fixed. EDIT: it would appear that Directx 12 is the problem. Regressing to Directx 11 fixes it.
I've obtained all of the glyphs. Dragon riding feels exactly like I predicted when it was first unveiled last year. It doesn't feel as good as GW2 riding, where the flying mounts there had far more robust animations that sold the act of flying, whereas WoW's dragonriding mounts do not and have some pretty janky transistions. Also doesn't help that WoW does not have a dive button, so you can't see the picturesque horizon while descending; you have to angle your camera towards the ground.
Another issue with Dragonriding is that once you have all the glyphs, you just spam spacebar and soar high over the maps, so far away from assets on the ground that it feels like you are flying slowly under an unmoving skybox. This wasn't an issue in GW2 because it was very, very difficult to gain more height than you started with, so you were almost always had assets flying past overhead. Perhaps if there was more stuff in the air, like clouds to fly through, floating islands, anima threads, airship fleets, etc, you would feel like you are going fast. I saw that the next patch is introducing a ground effect talent that gives you vigor for flying close to the ground, so it seems like Blizzard recgnoizes this problem is going to try to encourage players to not soar high above over the maps.
Guild Wars 2
WoW DragonflightI like that the Dragonriding mounts have a summon animation where they fly down out of the sky. I would have also liked a dismount animation like in GW2 where rather than the mount instantly disappearing, it flew away. Would have been even more immersive.
I don't understand why mortal races like humans and dwarves and trolls are working for the Primalists. AFAIK the Primalists thought that the pre-Titan world that was ruled by the Elementals was cool and wants to revert to that. Wouldn't that result in the demise of mortal civilization? Unless the Incarnates have told the mortals "nah you guys will survive under our rule" offscreen. The game doesn't explain why there are hundreds of people volunteering to join the Primalists' forces. The WoW story has been going on for 15 years. During that time, the Dragonflights have been instrumental in defending mortal civilization, be it from the Scourge, Ragnaros, Deathwing, the Legion, the Emerald Nightmare, the old gods, and so on. The dragonflights should be firmly entrenched in the public consciousness as forces of good, and quite formidable that anyone would think twice of antagonizing them. And the Titans saved Azeroth from the old gods and Sargeras! Why would people think that the Titan's influence is bad?
The Primalists (as in the mortals) would've made more sense if they weren't a new faction out of nowhere, but were just Twilight's Hammer remnants. The Primal Incarnates are adjacent to the Elemental Lords/old gods so shifting over to trying to liberate and pay homage to them makes sense given that the old gods are dead and the elemental lords have been replaced with more benevolent beings. They already tampered with dragon eggs during Cata so this is just more of the same for them.
What a pleasant surprise. Didn't expect to see him again. Guess he's Wrathion's personal chef/bartender now? Did he sell the inn to someone else, or is it abandoned and the Veiled Stair is no longer populated now that Madam Goya also moved on too?
I've noticed that there are Pandaren in Wrathion's army. I guess that after the Sha were vanquished, the Shado-Pan found that there wasn't that much to do now that the great threat they trained all their lives to fight was gone. Maybe some of them joined the Blacktalons. Also interesting to see a Draenei in the Blacktalons too. Looks like Wrathion has their vote of confidence as defender of Azeroth.
You haven't been paying attention.
Another strange visual bug, this time related to quest triggers or phasing. I was having difficulty clicking on the correct versions of the NPCs. I was worried that this was the part where I pledged allegiance and that I had accidentally picked Sabellian given the quests with Sabellian as the questgiver that followed.
Unless there has been another retcon, Alexstraza didn't get her Aspect powers from a stone or Titan machinery. She got it from the Titans themselves. Reigniting an Oathstone isn't going to get your powers back. You'll have to board the Vindicaar and fly up into space and meet the Titans and ask them to empower you again. And you don't need Aspect power specifically to defeat Raszageth. We've killed more powerful beings with no or alternative empowerments. We could just call in the Vindicaar and disembowel Raszageth with its laser.
Also not keen on yet another expansion plot revolving around a formulaic mcguffin hunt. "You must find the five Pillars of Creation!" "You must stop the jailer from obtaining the five sigils!" "You must reignite the five Oathstones!", and in doing so you will unite the four houses of Kul'tiras/the four Covenants of the Shadowlands/the five Dragonflights! I feel I've played through this story three or four times now. Please be more original.
Complaints about the macrolevel plot structure aside, I am enjoying the moment to moment questing experience.
I have finished the Waking Shores. That was... what? 5 hours long? That was exhausting. Nowhere near as well paced as Shadowlands or WoD's levelling experiences where a zone was about 2-3 hours long and you could complete it within a single play session and feel satisfied.
It's weird that the beginning of the expansion's storyline had you going around Orgrimmar/Stormwind recruiting named NPCs for the expedition, and they board the boat/gunship with voicelines... and then they disappear 30 minutes into the Waking Shore questline. I was expecting them to be travelling with your for the entire story, like the NPCs in the WoD storyline.
Ohn'ahran Plains
The mute chieftain with an interpreter is a neat gimmick, though perhaps it could have been reinforced with the chief performing sign language rather than just standing idle while the other NPC was talking and gesticulating.
The scripted ride on the dog mount wasn't well synced. Both times I wound up clipping through the chief and the wagon.
Not sure if this was a bug or developer laziness, but the NPCs in Marukaai were giving me dialog that acted as if I had already completed the questline, spoiling the Nokhud's betrayal.
You do not look sixteen years old.
I wound up getting two quests to do the Nokhud offensive dungeon and kill Balak before the main storyline took me to that point. How did this make it through the beta?
What? The Scarlet Crusade had dozens of ballistas and that didn't stop the dragon you ride in the Death Knight intro from wiping them out. The Nokhud only have three. This should be a piece of cake.
Finished the plains. Aesthetically boring zone. Boring culture. Boring story. By the time I reached the part with the necromancers and the green dragons, I was skipping through the dialogue boxes because I just wanted it to be over. Meh. Fortunately the Azure Span looks way more visually appealing, hopefully the factions and the story are good too. But first, I want to get my Tauren transmog stuff ASAP, and I am level 70 so I'll do it next.
I am disappointed that the Velocidrake is so tiny. It was the dragonriding breed I wanted the most (this is what I wanted, also white scales aren't available yet?), but my Tauren looks silly on it. Wish it had been scaled up. Looks like I'll be forced to use the Proto-Drake. Same issue I have in GW2 where my Charr looks stupid on every mount and skin except the Broad-Horned Bull skin for the Skyscale and the Dreadnaught skin for the raptor, making those the only mounts I can use.
- - - Updated - - -Miscellaneous thoughts
How hasn't the Dragon Isles been discovered and colonized by the trolls or the elves or the human kingdoms yet? Pandaria was surrounded in dense mists that made it impossible to find, and we know that ships that visit the other side of Azeroth don't come back (presumably destroyed or fell down a giant waterfall and couldn't sail back), but I have heard of no such barriers surrounding the Dragon Isles.
Why doesn't Khadgar bring Dalaran to the Dragon Isles? Not that I would want to spend a third expansion in Dalaran, but lorewise I don't see any reason why he couldn't. Khadgar is fighting another world ending threat that isn't politically controversial to oppose. With a flying base, the forces of Azeroth would be better able to keep their promise to Alexstraza to not exploit or conquer the Dragon Isles. No need to clear land and build bases on the ground when they have a flying city right there, and then when the crisis is over it just goes away. No cleanup required.
Why aren't the other dragonflights invited to the Dragon celebration and rediscovery of their ancient heritage going on the Dragon Isles? The Netherwings, the Storm dragons in the Broken Isles, and perhaps some others I'm forgetting. Going by the new lore where dragons can gain Aspect powers from Titan oathstones, there is really no reason to exclude Dragonflights who weren't the original five. More Titan oathstones could be created and grant aspect powers to the Netherwings and Storm dragons who pledge to protect Azeroth.
Also, a question: is there an emote that allows my character to lounge or sit against my dragon, like I can in GW2? Has any such emote been datamined? Like this:
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD
Birthday: 1992-02-16
Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615
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Job: Manufacturing Director
Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping
Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.