The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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WWW I THE SPRINGIELD SUNDAY UNION AND REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS 5h NEWS AND COMMENT INTEREST TO PEOPLE VERMONT work oreign ings Lost hl ire Grant post Each sign will be lighted Young of graduate of Will iams been held in than 12 non married ire on i enl ion leets chief of and 11 Real Estate and a capi Stratton ha lu ten was of and a convention las They lui) rebuild his place The comple the presi JUNE WEATHER dam on the I tearing branch owned by IN NEW HAMPSHIRE shop to the the source of apply for a Brooklyn Kelley Miss The lat Canadian point i nd interfere with looted S' more than the average fur the month just the MEXICO H'S AIR SCHOOL interested when sev seventh liter i nd young men of with the local in this country This been at his of Mr ront New ton Benson of the on the this fill the vacancy on the by the death of Dr Ray The aidermen sustained flee field firm and ter slade Crombie facilities for Rotary of the by the Rotary that longer had ton fmit Grinnell four alien hill in the is believed The four Albans Albans This and of the llis PARIS POLICE CHIE EXTENDS REORM DRIVE to spend their tn hold a meet thosc members the beach A a few dec ted RUTLAND MAYOR GETS i TWO VETOES ACCEPTED MacLeod MacLeod Kails was pace silver Sugar been Clark Holton one of llins remaining Civil war voter On their re 39 Edward An of the meeting debt note it be association had such prosperous Hudson rail cele home Mer anni cha rge Pinion drunk money Pinion degrees or "The been tilled or Pullman cars to 25 states to one Mark of Rochester Sargent of Browns Elizabeth acted as 1 ianiels best man and college of till het ion department matters resignation be recon was again taken into aidermen fixed the city in the store tion held its 16th annual flower show on the 6th and 7th George Kelch of St Johnsbury Averill of Mrs Samuel The commit of air Mildred William married same roof and the a large restaurant and has recently storehouse in Es ormcr St Albans Man Tells of Maneuvering at Mr and Mrs less than a tile Burlington department At the convention of 4 11 clubs held at the University of Vermont Wind sor won the state singing con test At the Vermont conference held at the university a Aidermen Back Him in ire Department and Board on a It others got away ere taken to St officers from St Swantaon and North Troy been awarded'to Earle Re the Mendon Notch road much was completely destroyed been started state i This drives ST JOHNSBURY TO DEDICATE AIRPORT of 1 About $200 of was recovered and Helen Claghorn of Mr and Mrs convention in Burlin of Lawrence Stafford Bloomer Atty Jack A Crowley in order to become a was em in the gathering which will the 10th at Hampton beach Boston Mrs Moore Mrs Walter Thorpe of Marshall of Rut Wright of Rutland and spring the town the assistance of department put surface so that used extensively of Short in charge with Pottstown Rush of manager of all camps in the SWIMMING LESSONS OR BENNINGTON BOYS ford who the town some money on the lake road to sup plement the improvements already made by the farmers It Is also ex pected that the state will aid in re ho are accustomed winters in lorida are ing by invitation of whose homes are at good social time has been planned in cluding a shore dinner and it is hoped that all those who are interested will attend the lake road since early According to Craw helped organize the of St Albans is to spend Special effort ill be 618 Ic Mrs red Daniels of the Rev ceremony thr 0 parties of army engineers are working in districts that have been mapped Data assembled indicate that flood waters on the Winooski river may bo contrnlrd to a considerable ex tent by building storage reset tons a resident of Sheldon years and had taken in the business life of was treasurereopal church him salist church of Vermont and Province of Quebec ut the convention held re cently at Morrisvibe Lev Gei ortier lor a number of years intendent ot the district died months ago Mrs id tier ormer fireworks Tuttle company on Ed Monday caused several damage most nt The firemen the room in Thousands of beige with hat to match turn thb' will live at street lessons will begin Monday The pond was constructed number tor June partly cloudy and 11 wit 11 White Black state is in the 'ccretary women With Company 57 Years It the centennial of the founding of the Vermont Mutual ire Insurance company held recently at Montpelier editor ot and file director ut the iiitie theater ot Duluth Wis The citizens of Winooski Holiday afternoon welcomed the first tram a freight tu in Hood of last lion ot a Urnlg ning ot a trai The Illidge 1 Burling ion is the airport is open for business In the meantime Lieut Cleveland has sold a Waco 10 to rank Gibson of Windsor' and has ordered a third plane for his own use He has been doing a good deal of flying this spring often accompa nied by a photographer and has fine views of Derby Winooski the Bur lington water front and other places in the state Last week he flew over to Barre and took a number of pho tographs of the Rock of Ages quarry the largest granite quarry in the world Since the season opened this year he has flown over 1200 miles mostly in Vermont and carried 150 Wash on June who was born nearly SO years ago 5 girls from Keewaydin association mg the tha Terrill head of the home eco nomics department ot the university conferred the title of master farm homemakr upon tive Vermont wom en Mrs Hitch Allen of East Barnard Mrs George Batten of Greensboro otigrewman Married ot 51or tuimcr congressman and sei Three candidates are seeking the Republican nomination for state's at torney at the September primaries the last to announce himself being Law rence Jones who has hold the Others in the which will also have possibilities for power service The flood control com mission recommends the removal and destruction of flood wreckage Some are being will will Co ll ii nd urduy evening Liuicu States weather bureau at Util liiigloii i epulis lor tne month of June a mean temperature of 62 de grees three uegices below nuimul L'lie precipitation was 1111 inc lus THREE YEAR RURAL LIE SURVEY PLANS OUTLINE Rockefeller Memorial to Co operate With State Com 7mission cn Rural Life Population Decline Steady fin 1 1 rUi fpr Newton of Wallingford and rederick Ehlert of Milwaukee Wis were married Saturday at the Congrega tional church in Wallingford by Rev Houghton The bride was at tended by her sister Miss Louise Newton Miss Eleanor Ehlert of Bos ton and Miss Dorothy Newton an the best man was Earl Samson of Waterbury Ct The ushers were Harry rank of Springfield Mass and the bride's brother Morton New ton The ceremony was followed by a reception at the home of the bride mother Both Air and Mrs Ehlert are graduates of Middlebury college will live in Detroit Mr and1 Mrs Benjamin Bowen brated a few days ago at the the channel dock whor* earner Antnemis makes it it was discovered that the north and south entrances to Bellows alls have been prepared under the direction of Secretary Squires and will be ready for erection during the coming week The sign boards will be 8 by 10 feet square between colonial pillars and with a wheel at the top The cost signs is to be borne equally Chamber of Commerce the club and the' all Mountain Electric company at night with two flood lights which will be turned on automatically with the street lighting system A Berlin Rockingham street? clo thier plans to begin a two tour of Europe and Palestine about August 1 Mrs Berlin will conduct the store in his absence This will be department is one of the most in the state and mountains for eight necessary to Old Bennington sons must as it has been the custom the water in late summer in order to kill the vegetable growth on the pond bottom otherwise the reservoir would be ruined for the purposes for which it was created made to induce the younger boys to join the classes and cards will be is sued to every applicant between the ages of 10 and 16 years A few days before his death which occurred at Beattie 29 Horace Henry in Bennington made a contribution of $250 toward the upkeep of the new historical mu seum which will be opened to the pub lic as soon as the cases for the ex hibits are installed and other prelim inary arrangements made The donor was approached on the subject some time ago by John Spargo president of the museum board of trustees but then expressed reluc tance for the reason that he had been making contributions to other enter prises of a similar nature George Graves son of Mr and Mrs Collins Graves is to sail from San rancisco on the 13th for the Orient with the expectation of arriv ing at Mukden China where he has been assigned as vice consul on Aug ust 7 He was one of the few out of more than 100 young men to pass ex aminations for the consular service held in Washington early in the year Bids were to have been opened yes terday rft Montpelier Vt for the con struction of miles on the Woodford road so called comprising the section that suffered the greater damage in the flood of last November The sec tion to be rebuilt begins 600 feet west of the Bennington Woodford tum am extends easterly closely approx Canadian Angeles land has Waco 10 as the hangar at the Kingsbury air port was not ready for occupancy The foundation fur the four ship steel hangar has been laid and the hangar which has been delayed in arrival will soon be in place There will also be an office at the airport and additions The delay in the arrival hangar has prevented the opening of the aviators' school but Lieut Cleve land has a class of 20 ready to begin ritt on Maple street the 50th vnrcarv of fhpir 2 T116V five daughters and four sons all but one of whom were present at the cel ebration The annual picnic of Christopher Colombo lodge Sons of Italy of this city held Wednesday at Chipmm lake in Tinmouth was attended by about 1000 persons Martin of Washington an I Ralph Tilberg of roctor have been engaged as swimming instructors for the voting people of Proctor Mrs letcher Proctor has donated the new equipment and made it possible to have the instruction during the summer There will be instruction in advanced swimming and lifesaving as well as classes for beginners Miss Esther Josephine Aronson daughter of Mr and Mrs Aron son of Proctor and Paul Anderson grauu Massachusetts Agricultural ing the course of Roaring branch and the "Woodford city" brook to the foot of the Woodford mountain Contrac tors have been notified to bid on two types of construction gravel treated with heavy bituminous oil and bitumi nous macadam The t'ederad road bureau must pass on the plans before acceptance but members of the state highway board are of the opinion that the specifica tions when the contract is let will call for bituminous macadam Under ordinary circ*mstances construction should begin within two weeks after the contract is let The section to lie rebuilt under the contract was completely taken out by the flood of November last but mucn of the foundation was restored within a few days by a road in which several hundred men from Benning ton and Woodford participated Dur ing the winter the road was passable for the Bennington Wilmington stage and early last Woodford with state highway enough gravel road has been summer by motorists but not by those driving for pleasure It has been reported that the road is impassable but such is not the ease Traveling from the Bennington Woodford town line for a distance of 3 miles the section to be rebuilt is "not comfortable and the road in spots Is narrow but the going is bet ter than much of the one way traffic on construction jobs in Vermont an! neighboring states The Memorial auditorium and the smallci auditorium in the new city hall have the month fur Colorado have aban doned the trip and Mr Bowen expects to find employment in this vicinity The change in plans followed exami nation of Mrs Bowen's health by Bos ton specialists the verdict bem the climatic change was no 1 necessary John Henry and Mrs 11 A street Bellows June 30 to I daughter of Mr and Mrs Havana Cuba A P) parties of Cuban public school teachers will depart next month for the United States on an instructional tour of Eastern schools One group will go to Niagara alls and the New England stales The second group members of the' School of Pedagogy will go to Washington and the third formd try 300 teachers will visit Key Wen Palm Beach Miami Daytona Tampa In this state was 68212 for the Re publican and 20919 for the Democratic ticket In 1921 the Republican vote Wits 80 19S The Democratic ticket re ceived 16124 votes and 5943 votes were cast tor the Progressive or Li ollette ticket Probably a considerable por tion of the third party vote came from the Democratic ranks Speaker Pierce Again Candidate playgrounds opened Thursday when activities at the five areas under the direction of seven in structors and Miss Marion A Bolster supervisor began The program for the girls comprises music swimming stunts story telling folk dancing dra matics games rhy thmic activities in door baseball slugball basketball soc cer tennis track captain ball rope jumping and Nature work Included in the Isiys' schedule are baseball quoits wood carving and many other amusem*nts Several bad highway washouts oc curred Saturday night in Windsor county towns as the result of a cloud burst On the Woodstock railroad the damage exceeded in some places that done the flood ot last November son of Mr and Lincoln avenue sued an order greatly traditional Paris street lie his decreed that the fairs block traffic and in general the march of progress Chief Chiappe's famous purification squadrons of police continue their nightly cruises through the boulevards and tributary streets arresting girls male dancing partners and others who cannot explain what they are doing among the bright lights He has even attempted to abolish jay wa I king married first to MissiLydia Mann of Richmond who died in 1910 On May 13 1913 he married Mrs Sarah Loring of Melrose Mass Mr Holton was a member of Golden Rule lodge of Masons Naomi chapter Order Eastern Star Hugh de Payvns commtindery Knights Tem plar of Keene After the A post dissolved here he joined the of Malden Gov Weeks recently' within a year to speak in Vermont Once at the Bennington sesquicenten nial exercises and more recently at the completion of the Gateway road from Rutland to the New Yolk state border and both tunes has failed to appear but this is not likely to losevotes for him The largest Llemocratic vote caU for President in Vermont in recent years was tn 1916 when some Repub licans and independents east thiir ballots for Wilson on the theory that there should be no change during war The Republican vote in 3920 was 40291 and the Democratic vote 22739 The year 1920 gave women their first opportunity' to vote in a national eiretion and the result (AID Jean Chiappe the en ergetic police chief who launched the reform wave against Paris theaters and public licentiousness has just is restrlcting tne fair United States and Canada was here the opening day to get a general line on the seasons tive states are camu mid the four groups while their ages from 7 to 19 years Keewaydin is one of the oldest and largest summer camps having been in ence 33 years The demand for apartments in the $150000 apartment house which a lo cal syndicate of a dozen men is now building on Alain street has been so good that it has been decided to make the structure five story affair with 51 apartments An announcement which was greet ed with applause at Rotary Ann night of the Rotary club Monday evening was that of President rank ar mer that he would give his check of $125 given for his trip to Rotary In ternational at Minneapolis towards starting a boys' band in St Johnsbury The function was held at the Maple Grove inn and after the banquet Ar thur Stone traced briefly the life of some Epglish and rench inns and then spoke more particularly of the inn where the 100 Rotarians an Ro tary Anns were assembled He' said that in the summer of 1927 over 13 000 people had been served meals that in the year 1927 280000 packages were shipped to every state and every continent bearing words Grove St Johnsbury and that Ute postage and express exceeded $7000 There are now 80 em ployes working in the ill or the candy ractory under the company operates $44000 MILL SALE NEAR BELLOWS ALLS urrlay evening at the bride's home by Rev Charles Swanson They will live in Proctor Although Richard Sheenan automo bile salesman of Cambridge Mass admitted in Woodstock county court that he had a bottle containing "two of intoxicating liquor in his room at a White River Junction hotil when the room was raided recently the jury after a few minutes' deliber ation found hint not guilty Colgate Offers Use of Private Pond Woodford Road to Be Rebuilt I rom Our Special Correspondent Bennington Vt July Through the courtesy of James Colgate the boys and young men here will have an opportunity to participate in a series of swimming lessons to be civet by the physical instructor at the A Bennington in a narrow val ley between two ranges of mountains has always Jacked opportunities fur instruction in swimmine an there are probably more boys and es pecially girls here who do not know how to swim than in any other large town in Vermont Up to the flood of last November Burlington Young Men's Christian as sociation building a valuable collec tion of foreign flags presented to Cam Abiitjki the state Young Mens Christian association camp Mr Clark is endeavoring to replace these flags The Abniki trophy cups destroyed July 7 Sometime middle ot this month the Airways corporation will formal dedication of their bury farms road in by Lt fleers Col Taylor Res has 23 officers Col Deuniak Col Rebuen Bids ran up to $250 000 11 tien of the topographic branch nf the United States geological survey are at work on flood maps in tield Mrt and Mrs villi' round the new University of Vermont given by Mrs William Gerry Slade in memory of her daughter Mrs Harriet It will provide rooming Miss Mary Luring in Mel riday He had been con fined to the house since ebruary Mr Allen Burlington training The 355th manded by officers the Col Whitney Res has 30 of and the 365th commanded by the High school spent last week end with his mother in Bellows alls on his way to Camp Abnaki North Hero where he is employed for the summer ot Chicago tor resident of North visitor in Bellows He came to Vei thousands of young people girls who plan to reach their tion before the first of July deew in Wigwam opened its season on the northern slopes of Wil loughby lake in Westmore with 175 girls and 35 councilors This is one of thp girls' camps of the Keewaydin camps and represents an investment close to $250000 Miss Gertrude Clarkson Wellesley Ridge 'is again Charles A Harter of as business manager Ravenna business the eight Keewaydin ront Our Special Correspondent St Albans July 7 Warren Aus tin formerly of this city in an ad dress before the Burlington Rotary club this week told something about how it happened that Vermont made the first seconding speech for Herbert Hoovgr at the Republican National convention Mr Austin said that the members of the Veimont delegation who were on the train on the way to Kansas City held a meeting and decided not to yield to the desire of the New Hamp shire delegation that Vermont pledge for Hoover on the first ballot It was not until after the delegation had ar rived at Kansas City had held a sec ret meeting and appointed a commit tee consisting of Republican National Kinsley Warren the Hoover decided to Many Planes Expected or the Occasion Hangar Under Construction Our Special Correspondent St Johnsbury after the X'ermont have the aviation field at the Kin airport on the Newport Derby and it will be the biggest event aviation in Vermont since the coming of Dinbergh to Springfield a ago Lieut Walter Cleveland of New port the manager and chief pilot ex pects tha about 40 planes will be there for the occasion In the fleet will be the big army planes of the irst corps area commercial planes and possibly the Los spring Lieut Uleve obliged to keep his hangar In Coventry excellent topdressin grass is twice as he applied than where no spread In preparing to dredg on Lake Memph remago ate earner Antbemis makes its land ing it was discovered that the flood had chanced conditions and done the work that machinery would have had to do Soundings taken along the the lake shore showed 20 feet of wa ter where last season there was only a depth of three or four feet at the first meeting was Daniel Thompson author of "The Green its an jmia Roll ns colh Dai tniotiih tttive committeeman of the American Legion for the department of Vermont and as historian of Rutland post James Gleason of this city was sen tenced to from one to three years in state prison at Windsor on his pica of guilty in city court this week to a tealing $349 Irom John thel while the latter was the stolen returned to Moi lolled in Hie Bread oat school ut uiitUish utli luted wun Middlebury col lege i lie teaching stall include lac uuy members of Middieburj college rom Our Special Correspondent Rutland Vt July 7 The board of aldermen at this meeting re ceived a message from Mayor Arthur Perkins in which he vetoed the project to hold a public hearing on conditions in the fire department and also the election of Atty George Goddard to board made Smith both vetoes Wallace 11 Kirby who was 'de feated 5 to 4 by Goddarjj at the time of the latter's election June 4 was chosen to succeed the late Dr Smith Aiderman Walter Burbank who resigned because he lost in the dis pute over fire asked that his sidered and lie the fold The tax rate for next year at $360 on the dollar of the grand list the same rate as last year lans for enlarging the state fish hatchery on Woodstock avenue and for increasing its rearing capacity were discussed at a meeting this week between State ish and Game Commissioner Linus Leavens of Mont pelier and directors of the Rutland County ish and Game Protective as sociation No definite action was taken but local sportsmen are confi dent that the move will materialize Mrs Samuel rank was elected chair man of the X'ermont women's legisla tive committee at a meeting held here this week Other officers are: Vice chairman Miss Marion Gary of Rut land: secretary Mrs Burlington: treasurer Cannon of Burlington tee is made up of representatives and the presidents of 12 state women's organizations and its purpose is to co operate in work for legislation in which any of the organizations may be interested The filing of tax inventories this spring shows that the number of horses within the city limits has been reduced to 16S A large number of slate dealers from the Vermont New York and Pennsyl vania districts attended the fifth an nual Vermont outing held Saturday at the Prospect house at Lake Bomoseen A plan was outlined for advertising to promote the greater sale ot slate outstanding feature was the burning of a ing stated that the never before been in condition Delaware road officials met with tlie Vermont shippers to discuss a uniform weight for roofing slate which would ex pedite shipments Richard Griffith of air Haven was appointed chairman of the outing in 1929 Work has been started on the re construction of the road through Men don woods destroyed in tiie flood tlie contract havin Merry of this city at $52000 btnldin of which has also done by 20 river gauging stations esta lilislied Tlie northern be comuleteil first Later be done ill the valleys of the necticut Wells 10 1931 The ib'tiils of tlie work and the persnnni 1 of the service have not been announced Wisely managed such a survey ought to be of large benefit to rural Vermont niqiiet of yellow carnations Mr and Mrs Ouelette left later on a of Vermont was notified recently by the director the Laura Spellman Rockefeller memorial that at a recent meeting of the boaid of trustees the sum of entering a three tear pin iod was voted to defray the ex penses of a comprehensive siirtey of rural life In Vermont in co operation With the Vermont commission mi coiinti) life The period of the sur I promoted to the position of radio ed itor on tne John A Thwing many years a Westminster is a alls this week mont to attend the annual nnrnmument held in Burlington Thtting is a member of Stough ton post At a meeting of the North West minster tlmprovement society held Monday evening in the schoolhouse it was voted that Squires sec retary of the Bellows alls Chamber of Commerce take up the matter of building a community house with sev eral local contractors and submit definite plans for a new building ano its cost at a meeting to be held in two time The Improvement society has been an active organiza tion in North Westminster for sev eral years anil has sponsored a num ber of local improvements The so activities Tv nty represented at this tills are divided into range camps of the exist which it hopes to increase by a fair this fall and by subscriptions from interested persons in that community and in Bellows alls Mr and Mrs Carl Bowen who hope that the state high department will later "join the in November IS 11 He enlisted in Co 52d Massachuse tts volunteei came to this town alter the war lived lien' eeer since Mr Hol as a machinist He as twice tion though not peculiar to tins state Is more apparent lu re owing to the fact that the industrial populitm is smaller than in other New England states Census statistics for 1927 is sued by the United States census de partment sliow a birth rate of 199 per th'uisand of population and a death rate of 139 tier thousand It is said that bids may be called for next month on six miles of con crete highway between Waterbury and Jllontpeiior including the leplacement of bridges and the replacement of bad overpasses and one underpass The low bid on the construction of 52 miles of gravel ro id in Hartford and Sharon a fliocl nid project was $181 19 made by James Kerr of Rum ford Me held his present position and has been connected with the company for 57 years At the annual meeting of the Ver mont Guernsey association Stanley Judd principal of the Ver mont Agricultural school at Randolph SMITH MAY REDUCE USUAL REPUBLICAN VERMONT MAJORITY lemocralic Delegates a vored Him at Houston Burlington Club ormed Atty Jack A Crowley i nresident of the Rutland club at the annual meeting of the liY ganization held this week at Long Trail lodge at Shelburne The other officers are: Vice president Webster Barter secretary Joseph Marceau: treasurer rancis Welch board of control McKay Mer rill Creed Arthur Brown Rev Brigg's Nash George Jones and James I Ieamy The Rutland gang" ous abou the year as a whole has been neaIy normal there now being an excess of 75 degrees only in tlie mean daily temperature The pri cipitation was 432 inches which was 111 inches more than the normal for June and 159 inches more than last year The most in one day was 7 of an inch on 6th During the half yeai there has been 1807 inches an excess of 37 of an inch over the normal fpi the same period Calvin Coolidge meant what he said when he announced that he did not choose to run rom the time Ver mont swung into the Hoover column definitely it became an assured fact that Hoover would be nominated Although all stores offices and com nierein! plants as well as the city clerk's office and the banks in this city were closed throughout the day of the ourth no outstanding event in celebration was held Citizens desiring to celebrate were satisfied with jour neying to Sheldon Junction while still others spent the day in Montreal oi attended the Crounse carnival which put on a special program in the even ing including a display of fireworks The dancing season was at its hight inthe evening with dances at all of the outstanding pavilions in this vicin ity The annual ourtht of July dance at Kdgewater pavilion St Albans bay took place Tuesday evening as Bost Slighlly Warmer lhan in 1 926 and 1927 Hinsdale Veteran Dead IL July 7 According the wcatlnr rcpoit of Samuel weather observer mean temperature for June degrees and while that was grejs below normal it as nt warmer than June in of Washing tile past week of Miss Katherine Lawlor of Laurel avenue coming on for the Ixirrett McWceny wedding Mr and Mrs Thomas Walsh or 33 Green street are planning to move to Rutland this month Their home has been sold to Stone Leonard An explosion of a kerosene oil cook ing stove used in the kitchen of the road stand at Marlow junction by the proprietor and chef Burnett set fire to the building and destroyed it at about 1030 Tuesday night Mi Burnett was working about the place when the fire broke out but was un able to save anything The place was well stocked for the 1'ourth of July holiday with the result that $500 insurance failed to cover the loss The road stand was a substantial frame building built at the intersection of the main highway from Keene to Bel lows alls and New'port Horace Wilder of West Brattle boro is in town this week the guest of his son Wilder of the Bel lows alls street department The elder Mr Wilder will be 93 next eb ruary and is still enjoying life to the limit The residents ot Gratton greatly enjoyed the plan "A Country Boy Scout given last Saturday night by members of troop 3 of the Boy Scouts of Springfield Mass all well taken ceded by a concert by band by their scoutmaster friends making a party per was served in the chapel by the Christian Endeavor society The boys spent the night at Camp Goodridge and attended church in a body Sun day morning Attractive situi tor Ute partment The cloudy There were four thunder" One train was marooned for several hours Several bridges and culverts in Woodstock Hartland and Caven dish were washed out and long de tours made necessary ollowing is a complete list of fairs to be held in Vermont this fall: Lamoille Valley Morrisville August 7 to 10 Caledonia County St Johnsbury August 13 to 18 Addison County Ag ricultural society Middlebury August 11 to 17 ranklin County Sheldon Junction August 14 to 17 Twin State White River Junction August 21 to 25 Champlain Valley exposition Es sex Junction August 27 to 31 Orleans County Barton August 28 to 30 Windsor County Agricultural society Woodstock August 28 to 30 Rut land air association September 3 to 8 Dog River Valley fair Northfield September 11 to 13 Manchester fair Manchester Center September 11 to 13 fair Tunbridge Septem ber 18 to 20: Valley fair Brattleboro September 25 and 26 Washington fair Washington September 25 to 27 red Hayward of this city has announced his candidacy at the Re publican primaries in September for the office of assistant judge of county court Two years ago he was deleat ed for the office six votes after car rying 19 towns in the county Mr and Mrs A Nowman and daugh ter Miss Sara Newman of this city were called to Brooklyn Satur day by file sudden death of Gerald Kaplin 28 son in law of Mr and Mrs Newman llis death was due to as phyxiation from carbon monoxide gas from the motor of an automobile on which lie was working Kaplin were month ago Exploding house of the son street hundred dollars which was due to water confined the flames to "bioh the fire started old books owned by Charles Tuttl are stored in the building and were damaged to some extent The imps of four Rutland seven West Rutland merchants bo are alleged to have violated the law' in regard to the display and sale of fireworWs have been handed to States Lawrence Jones by Stat ire Marshal A Treble who found that five inch crackers were sold at some places To display fireworks in shop windows breaks the law Two negligence suits with claims for damages aggregating $6500 have been brought in Rutland county court as the outcome of an automobile ac cident June 3 on the road between Bristol and Middlebury Lucy Lorette of Center Rutland warf a passenger in a car which was struck by a ma chine driven by Ashley Dtlkett of Bridgeport who is made defendant in a suit for $5000 Charles Lorette driver of the car in which Lucy Lo rette was riding has sued Dukett for $1500 for damage to his car and per sonal injuries Thomas A Hamilton son of Mr and Mrs Harry Hamilton Haven and Miss Beatrice Hughes daughter of Mrs of Castleton were' Saturday at the ederated church at Castleton by Rev Arthur Wright The bride was attended by Miss Mary Mc Cov of Albany and the best man was Richard onseth of Spring field Mass Mr Hamilton is a ate The warm weather of the past week has brought ti considerable number of tourists into the state The informa tion bureau at the State House was opened during the week and a guide will be furnished for persons who wish to be coiidui ted through the state buildings Secretary of Spite Myrick recently issued a statement asset ting that Vtrinont scenery was the state's I biggest cash crop He stated that based upon the number of tourists that visited the state 1h summer and upon the average tourist expenditure based upon a queriioiinaire sent to a list of tourists chosen at rnndem from $25uo00u0 to $5(1691' 000 was spent in ermont During boys and example bring 1 of tlie Willoughby Last year it was esti Xnatid that these camps including in structors and attendants brotich about 7500 persons into Vermont not counting parents and friends who came us visitors the totalvill be increased this season Alii Received Rebuild Rnd There has been rente question as in the abil'uy of the White River Riil roid corporation to rebuild the line from Bethel to Roclivnter which almost complftely destroyed by November flood TAr Mvt'ul frem pany of New Yoik a message which said: "Regarding your letter of June 22 Standard Oil company of New York is pleased to subscribe balance ncqded for Wh to River railroad re storing as mentioned in your letter' This company was one of the first to get its trucks into Vermont after tin flood and Its campaign New Eng land advertising has im 'ii'h'd Vi'imont as one of its fen I tires This assistance and the a'd givn by Morgan Co in marketing the fl bonili with out expense to the stite indicate that great corporations are not quite as black as painted by the ridh als According to the United States de partment of agriculture in the season ot 1926 1927 Vermont received $53 45415 in hunting and fishing licenses from 37019 residents and 1121 non residents New I a psh i re from similar source was $1'ii6 IS Ii It is possible that efforts may be made In the near future to pay more attention to exhibiting Vermont's hunting and fishing attractions it is believed by some that short term li censes might bo granted for a fee less than the present nonresident charge and that such a modification would at tract sportsmen Rural Lift1 Woodstock will be a candidate for re election to the House and to the speakership and that Representative McCullough of ay st on has speaker ship ambitkTfls The latter has been a leader of the income tax group Committeeman Earle rank Langley and Austin to confer with managers that it was pledge the delegation to Hoover on the first ballot After the conference with Hoover managers in which it appeared that they "felt there was nothing which would have so good a psychological effect for Hoover as to have the Ver mont delegation solid for him on te first ballot it was decided to make that announcement The Hoover man agers were enthusiastic about having Vermont second the Hoover nomina tion Thus said Mr Austin Vermont with her 11 delegates really cleared the at mosphere at Kansas City by making purchased a large sex Junction Dr armqr gave a most interesting report of his Minneapolis trip and Roy Calderwood led the singing which went over big Mr and Mrs rank Taft and three children from Barre are visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Arthur Stone The entries have closed for naming the horses in the stake races at the Caledonia county fair August 14 to 16 and some fast steppers are in the list or the 219 stake trot for $1000 and the airbanks Scale cup these horses have been named: Peggy Ex press Happy Girl Happy Sister Lakeside Express George oster Gavotte Clover Guy Washington Ax worthy Lord Lyndon Doctor Dillon nari' ness hi in the 220 stake for a purse of $1000 and the cup offered by the Cary Maple company these trotters have named: Philip Margaret Dewey Willis Volo Miss Hanley Helen Mamie Napoleon Dorothy Kid Sanwood Worthy Vonia Pearl Gatewood Twinkling Joe Des sie Direct Herbert A Smith publisher of the Caledonia Record left today for a bvo trip to the Pacific coast by way of the Canadian Pacific rail way Mrs Smith and their son Gor don are also in the party Ide St Johnsbury era in dealers spread in the spring 50 tons of gluten damaged by the No vemoer iioou on their grow drowned in the Missisquoi rivei lat Sundav night used dynamite in the stream The body came to the sur face Monday evening within a few feet of the spot where Lagrow jumped into the rivrr Robie Olmstead 72 died luesdav morning at his home in Sheldon Tie funeral took place at the house riiurs dav afternoon The deceased had been for tho past leading part the village Ik Methodist Epis at the Sheldon celebration The most pretentious celebration ever attempted in this section of mont with the whole of ranklin countv partizipating in a series of events from 10 in the morning until 10 in the evening was held at the ranklin county fair grounds at Shel don unction Unable to secure the services of a took place at St Mary's church Munday morning when Helen A Ward daughter of Mr and Mrs John Ward of Diamond street James A Billiard profe ma lit ina ies ill the United naval academy at Annapolis Mil will succeed Evan Thomas recently re tired as professor ot matin inatics in the tollege ot engineering in tlie Uni J'rom'Otir Special Cot respondent Montpelier Vt July 7 The Ver mont 'delegates have returned from the Democratic national content ion and Hfr least ope "Al' Smith is in process of organization at Burlington Tlie (Vermont ileh gatts were consis tently for Smith and lie will lose few if any party voter in this part on ae counLVf his sentiments On the other hand he is likely to gain some wet Republican votes It is too early in the campaign to make predictions but ono would ha idly expiet that Smith would do more than dure the Republican majority by a few thou sand zcy Turners all field 51 ass VERMONT INLUENTIAL BY SWING TO HOOVER Much interest is taken by govern ment officials in having Newport made a customs airport entry and Congress Gibson of the 2d dis trict has been at Newport the past week looking up the matter When the Boston to Montreal commercial air service is established the Derby airport will undoubtedly be one of the stopping places On top of the usual holiday trade on the railroads there is always the ar rival in the score of summer camps in the northern Connecticut valley ot mostly destina Saxtons River Wood Turning Plant Taken Over By Massachusetts Buyer rom Our Special Correspondent Bellows alls Vt 'July 7 The Stone wood turning mill in Sax tons River has been sold to rey of Springfield Mass who takes immediate possession The deal a $44000 transaction involves four par cels of land the water power the house in which Mr Stone lives all mill buildings and their complete equipment also a residence on Sum ner avenue Springfield taken in pai payment The new owner and his family will occupy the Stone house According to Bigelow real es tate agent Mr rey intends to dou ble the output 'of the mill and will begin to increase activity at once Mr and Mrs Stone intend to remain in Saxtons River our teachers from Saxtons River schools left last riday by motor to attend summer school at the Univer sity of Arizona at lagstaff They are Mrs Wright Mrs Colvin Miss Stoddard and Miss Hoxie Miss Hoxie teaches in the Warner Home school for girls at Saxtons River while tlie other three teachers are instructors in the Saxtons River graded school Besides the tive course which they tne taking at the university one member of tlie group Miss Gertrude Stoddard will visit a former class mate and graduate of the Bellows alls High school Mrs Grace (New ell) Wheatley of Tucson Ariz Alvin Barker teacher in paay and the smaller bo were ac customed to frequent a deep hole on a small brook rising in and which they had enlarged and dammed bu the facilities were limited in both localities Mr Colgate has offered free use of the artificial pond on his summer property at Old Bennington during the remainder of July and the first series ot afternoon to fill the ice houses on the property at is also number of the summer residents at The swimming les terminate early in August to draw the town of Barre $5000ii The incorporators an Nerney of Websterville of Graniteville and Margaret of Graniteville armers along the lake shore here are attempting to improve a bad piece of highway extending from the Craw ford place to the Swanton town line by the use of pick and shovel under the Gu i da la jara A Mcx ico'3 first school of civil aviation outside the capitol has been established here It consists of one instructor one bi plane and applications from most of the boys in the city Capt Lufs Verde ja army flyer started the school TEACH RSU I innrxi TED" STATES son of 14 married on Heard William Beard of Williamsport Md lhe groom is a graduate of the local high school and of the University of Vermont and fur the past two years base been employed as salesman for the Stand aid Oil company in North Carolina Williams Jr has Deen bridemaid and hrnthpr of the JiTUOlYI ru ushers were Ward Clement Ward brothers of the bride The bride was attired in a gown ot hite georgette and chantilly lace She wore a white picture hat to match and carried an arm bouquet of white bridal roses The bridemaid wore a gown of shell pink georgette with picture hat to match and carried a bouquet of nink roses Mrs Daniels plojed in the Atwood insurance office while Mr Daniels is connected with the ranklin County Telephone company Mr Daniels ic an ex service man lu ing one of the the city that served machine gun company and rance Three regiments of ed in town affairs and served as town repi esenttitive He is survived by his widow and three step children Loring of Malden Miss Mary Loring and Mrs Anna Manley of Melrose Mass A It funeral services were held at the G' A hall in Melrose Sunday afternoon at 230 The bod was brought here and services were held at the Congregational church Monday at 130 Rev Johnson A Haines officiating Mrs Mildred Cham berlain sang two selections Burial was in ine Grove cemetery Out of tow relatives and friends to attend the funeral came from Mel rose Mass Troy West Swan and North rochei performing the 1 ceremonv The brine was iiiuwii a gown nt' shell pink satin crepe and tulle picture hat to match md carried a shower bouquet of white roses Her bridesmaid was Miss Marion Ouelette sGter nf tlv' a room She wore a gown of inajzt taffeta bouffant style and Eagle Brook Peters daughter of Mr and Mrs Deters street and Thomas Ouelette son of Mr and rMs Thomae Ouelette of this citv were united in marriage Tuesday morning land at made an now the ield Artillery (Reserve) have arrived at ort Ethan lor etna field artillery com II reeland Res 356th commanded beautiful runs through the miles It will be about six miles Gov Al Smith "not of presidential caliber opinion of Mrs Bertha Ives for the last 10 years in the New Yoik state Republican committee who ad dressed 200 members of the Women's Republican club of Vermont at nual meeting held in this city iiajs ago goou in ins piivc she stated "but ne has not the cduca tion or tlie experience for Quick action in cox ei ing his eyes with his hands when he discovered he was in danger from a blast set iii a marble ledge at West Rutland prob ably saved the sight of Martin Melcady Jr of West Rutland an employe of the Colonial Marble company He was setting off a line of blasts and one failed to explode lie found that the fuse in the charge was burning and realizing his ganger he covered his eyes just as the explosion occurred lie sustained many cuts and bruises about the head and one arm and hand university and tlie naval academy He has published several articles on i mathematical topics The Burlington tax rate will be $3 on the grand list the same as last jear The total budget for state and local taxes calls for $07536797 The parts were The play was pre the Gralton The boys were accompanied leaders ana of 32 Sup Smith nd Capt A Knight are the regular Mrmy officers who will super vise the training of these regiments The reserve officers are quartered in tents near the ost Exchange building and will engage in two weeks' inten sive training in artillery tactics ad ministration and firing The course will include one or two days on the artillery range for actual target prac tice iremen donned smoke masks one day early this week and faced ex ploding firecrackers and balls from roman candles hen a blaze started in a four story wooden building on Ed son street Rutland used as a store house by tlie Tuttle company Al though operating timid dense phos phorous the firemen succeeded in con fining the blaze to one room Several hundred books from the Vermont col lection diaries Tuttle weir stored in the building but only a few were damaged The total loss is under $1000 The so called gorge bridge on the railroad line between Essex Junction and Winooski which was washed away during flood conditions lias been re stored and the first engine went ovei the bridge Monday Since Noveinbei the city has been without train service of any kind Essex Junction could not be reached cn account of the gorge bridge being down while train service to Burlington was and still is impossible on account of the dan age done to the so called tw in railroad bridges It ill be some time yet be fore these bridges will be completed Ground has been broken tor the new dormitory of the Uni versity of Vermont at Burlington to be built a short distance south of Robinson hall The dormitory will be built under the same arrangements as was the Ira Allen chapel with Nichols of Essex Junction supervising the work for the university McKini Mead White of New York are the architects A thrilling man hunt that lasted nearly 2t hours resulted Sunday aft ernoon in the capture of Rumanians in hidin: north part of Johnson that two captured Customs Richford 14 in all engaged in the hunt The Vermont Camp for Crippled Children has filed articles of associa tion in the secretary of state's office at Montpelier The principal office will be in Brandon and the board of directors is to consist of 11 the first of whom are Gov John Weeks of Middlebury Mrs Redfield roctor of roctor Miss Shirley arr of Bran don Rev Walter Brandon rank Lord of New York rank Bridgman of of Brandon Brandon Dr land irl Benjamin Williams of roctor Articles of association filed by the Graniteville company inc which will nee In tai of Bailey fid jin 4 Vacancy City.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.