The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)

Countries to Be Represented at the World's Fair. ENGLA.NDTAK.USCEKTIANAOTION CALIFORNIA FRUIT. No Id-ninu Jl SlimiM Not Ho Su, perlur lo Tlmt liuiiurtecl fi-om Rurojie. Tho frnil cunning season opened a days ago, mid the members of Iho ono or moro no'v steps, Iho process In I STARTING BOYS'I CLUB. new niul patfrntable.

Tlio word "ma-1 chine" mciiiia any (levied or filing by KlnUafu Woman uia What To- me.insof which inecliiiiiluil result may I CluU Had Fulled to bo produced, such a pin. churn or wn tlio foil of 1873 that the locomotive. Tlio word "iiii.uuniclura" boys nbout Toinrjliins square, locomotive. Tho wold "iiii.uuniclura" "uuui. u.

uav- uow canning combine aro cogitating! me lsn mmU uriicle, xudi an fund- exhausted tho ordinary methods of How Our ComnillU'i' Was Uucclvcil In Hrltulu III IVrfi-et liiony M'jlh tho Unltcil ShUi'n in tu Cclcbi-utliis: InipurUul Ullicv fin.n Over llio Oefiiii. LONDON, July luncheon terday of the foreign committee of the 1 I for I'anni'-l fruit. price at which over their prospects. A few facts nro pMeut to nil. Thu fruit crop is large and the quantity of canned fruit put up thu will be larger Mian lust year, if Ihe prices offered by camiord 1 are to call it out.

Columbian fair commission crratifvjntj in fhe evidence of cord-fil British-interest in tho Tho Hy thu time (lie whole fruit crop is picked, in tlie cast mill on this coast, Jobbers will able to reckon It- up i to accuracy nnd to wlutt theycnu aiford to pay Of course thero is a will take our whole sollie tul Cp dutlnn; tiling which tholhousamls jiru onVre.l for of nmtU-i" means a choml- cnl coniiJiiuuO of ingrediujits, such as hard vublior, liquid (jluo, medicine, etc. PaU'iita may also bu obtained for designs for manufacturer and works of art, for three, sevca and ten years. Trrulu inark.s may IK) registered for any arbitrary f-igii or symbol which is not descriptive; the government fco is twenty-live (lo)lrirn. Such murks arc the ex- clujivo property of the registrar for years, and Ihu tinio may be ex Mjoymout, began to amuse themselves by throwing btmiea through tho windows of tho Wilson mission at 125 St. Mark's place, by jeering at the various people connected with it as they passed in and out of the building.

These customs proving in time liolh esiiensivc ami annoying to the lailies aud gentlemen connected with the mission, and complaints to the police department only resulting in temporary cessation of hostilities whenever tho lynxeyud policeman on the beat up- pcaral, and an long aa he remained iii one of tho ladies determined to eion was present. Mnjor HutU-rwurtli presided. The president of the United States and the were duly toasted nmicl uiuch enthusiasm. Major Biitterworth and Messrs. Peck aud Handy spoke iu grateful terms of the hospitality with which tUo commil- tce had been received and explained the objects of the fair.

Minister Lincoln, who was frequently intc-i'riiplcd hy applause, how cordially bury had met his overtures on rtio sub- jecl of a proper representation of Great Britain at the fair. lie was authorized to announce that any provision of American law hearing adversely to alien importations, tliat might be construed to operate aKainsI exhibitors, would amended in sii'jh a wiiyas tort-moveauy such objection, and every facility would be extended lo ioreign exhibitors. Chicago, ho said, had m-vi-r yet failed in any public undertaking lutd never would. The most significant of tho evening was that of Viscount a int-nibcr of the cabinet, an well ns trusted personal advisor of the Tht-ro is no doubt Unit tho vi. with authority from the cabinet-.

He said ho wished to the committee iu the strongest terms ihst Great Britain was heartily juid entirely with tho United Hluu-s in this celebration and everything withiu Hie ability oi' llto governuieut. would bo dune to i tho Ijcsl possible representation of tbe United Kingdom, of India and of tho colonies. Iff: promised the heartiest co- oparation of tlie government. Tlwa nt- terauco evoked grent Cunliffe Owen Raid liu was eojrvineed tliat the Chicago fair woultl cacti any previous uudertiikiiij; of UM kind. Therefore the Society of Arts was re- Eolved to (ireat ifrilaiu represented.

Sir Richard promised the assiatiuice nf Ktuilund. Mr. (-ihidstone wrote to Major ButK'r- worth: "I cannot doubt that rtie exhibition tend lo materially cumme*rcial inli-rconrse. botween and thoro seutiluelds of friendship which aro (lie usual remit. I 1 that those wlio come after me will tho iuduslriril glory ol' America fn from every li-ttt-r, anil imlloiml resources turutci to the lH.vil account.

1 Chauuecy Dejxjw wrote, wkj: every BUCCCSH to tho conuaitU-u. rmj pressing his rcgrcta that hu cwiiUl not bo present. Sir. Owen said that uuporlanco the presence and speech of'tho Yisuov Cross could not Iw overeafciinaleil. meant that the iptrcu'H government its full weight and milueuco lu the fair Tho committee, will proceed lo Paris tlio morning, wlicro various courtusies will bo'extended.

lint wlich the markets glutted consumers grow fastidious. guests a host of 1'cople will eat all tho canned lllcil is any ami every member of llifi royal fnllttllntIsoftOTed lf it isehcap enough. ti a lt or i mmc to piuced tr J' tlle soothing effects of coals of fire, 1 1 i poured uietuplioricidly upon the heads Iho offending So ono evening 10 answered au especially irritating ollcy of stones by appearing on tho corstops, and taking advantage of a lomcntary lull in tho cat calls which cr appearance had excited, asked the oys if they would not come In'and Tlio ruiiitwtition wliicli The goruruiiient to will I awakens unr fm prove artk'lu or its and it for twenty-eight years, fee fov a Inbc'l is si.t benelicial if it! dollars; but it' it contains any social rstolheknowl-' mark or Kymhol. tha nflice decides it to that llio peaches grown in A'ow a "trade mail;" instead of a Jersey. Maryland and Delaware aro ex- Washington Chronicle.

H'llent. and if our canned peaches uro to tlle market of Iho great valleys I hey li IK-in li-ast oijnal If not Jiall(1sori lu milrnad licltel ngotit 1 liiriiuhe Kiiiccrs of Ohlcn-! frequently tlian anywhercelse. lint go can from Now York or I'liiladcl- money comes into Iho more official of Ihe steel highway lina to pliia. It i-. II 1 money become an expert in detecting it.

else Ills fillip inferior guilds. alary would xnlier to tho amount of Of two fruits we have n. practical fipnrioin coin ho took in. monopoly. One of Ilirso aprlcols.

Tile ik-tcciion of fjccias to which are not grmvn in ironnnereiid become a sort of natmo with the quantities in llio erusi. In this slate we ticket seller. To a had piece of lots, and thoro hiIv iii rl emnparativcly easy matter, Loxnox, tlisiuilch fron Coiistantinople 3, iyi! the incpiiry regard ing the younLf English girl fron compulsory to a Kuril. 1 brongtit lo ligbt tlio fact tliat eulcrablo mtlnljcir of yoinifj wometi fi Hurope nro in thu liarems of Apia Trtinov, Tho IwiMnnp- itig of Kussiiui wuuien lina bei'ii for somo time, and (ho Jiusftinn anrlirn-i- tics on the frontier have tu take steps to put an enil to Hie although llicy aro believed to be in tho profits of this female sjavo rado. Now, however, t.ho rfiavtliiLU allegations nro induced to leavo llieirlioiuw IH kon- ilon and Paris and brought to tlio ITIBI.

to live as Hie wivea of Tnrk.i, in hurC'ins for a lifutinie. it is known Unit Iho slippy of female slaves frem Africa Asia much of Ia4e, OWKIR to the vigorous measures fur Hie ct tlio slave trade, and tho olijection that prevails ngainsfc them going; wcstoni for supply hm on tho score of religion, flure is lilth; doubt that in many iikifaiuvs European have betn induced, hy agplits acting in behalf of Turks, to to Turkny and accept linsbanila of tlio Moslem failh. long as no complaint Ac outer world, the nnthorlties aro puwwkytf to interfere. (ho St. rr.

PARIS, July in Ibe SI. Miuule railway horror is by the fiict Hint the oflieinl imiuiry up to tliinfimo, failwl lo establish clmrly Ihoi'cal cause of the collision. Seven more deatlis have occ.niri'd, jnnkini; tifty in all. The tion master at Viiiccune.s aii'l ttu- di of the second engine hnvr hern on the charge of having rotilrihulrd by carelessneFs to tlio collision. Tho lady as being among tho victims of llio disaster w.vs not I he Miirqiiise do Jlontcfcrata.

Who win a Miuliunc Blnuchey or Dlanchi't, of Nuw York. In tmll.i, Loxnox, July 20. from tho northwest of luilia (vll of bi n- cficinl rains Imvini; fallen thrro; still thero is terrible distress in Hut which compels tho government volo largo sums of money for the i clirf ot the people. The object is to provide public works, to givo tho men employment and provisions. Tho failures of tho crops of cereals in India, franco ami Russia seem to bo conspiring to throw them iu carload lots, and theru is no fruit which is morn luscious moro wholesome when it is properly eil.

Wln-ilii-r Ihu Ijn.siness IJioui ri'aehed pcrrerlion. whether, iu consequence of the of it is carelessly conducted, iicreons nut in tin: trado uro not able to 7iut ono thing experience when canned aprieols aro dear or are inferior hi quality pcuplo consume instead. It rests wilh the c.iimers lo decide whelhcr wo Khali receive Iho full lieiielit of market of wo now enjoy a monopoly. The prune is annllicr fruit in which wo have no eastern competition. It is impossible lo convert the plum into a dried prune that will Our plums aro naturally snilcd for drying, llotweeti the Culifiiruiu prune- and Iho German or Freneh prune it is sometimes hard to choose.

The Knropcan fruit has generally line lluvor. hill tho California, fruit so much larger and letter looking that ufton it Kells for more iiionoy in York and Chicago. Tho prnw; promises lo Iji: quite us profitalile a fruit, tu rni-e in Ibis state us the apricot. AVo sliull this year have something like pi Is uf priints iivnil- tiblo for which is eijnivjilent to plums; Iho primes aro now worth about leu run tan pound, or ceills for tho grruu fruii. luit California prunes weio wauled last year at lifteeu cents at Chicago, and Ihoy havo sold as high as Iwoijty cenls.

Very few of our horticultural jimdncls se as high us this. In fruit, as in everything else, il Is ipmlil-y (hat is (ho hi-st good.1 that bring in money; second class gncxls frequently net a loss. California is (it- ted to I ho orchard of Hie world. it will not become so until lllnuau ingenuity and human skill are enlisted in helping nature. Thero is a vnyuo idea, among newcomers to llii.s state, Unit fruit grows ilself, and Hint any man can ho a fruit, grower.

Ko person of common sense imagines that tiocau mako liool without ap- prenliccship, bill Iliore arc lots of peo pie who imagiuo that (buy can become Hiicressfnl liorlienllurisls wilhoutstudy, observation or Vruiiclscc Call. Khij; mill Ti.livi.ii'l A sudden ravorable turn of fortune does not alwriyw ulicnalu (ho luekyin dividual frnm liis habitual This moro nr less wiso saw is applicable lo llio cause of tho present king Scgou. who was put on (hotlirouo his black luugdom liy Colonel Arcliin- ard, when his niytil predceessor, Alinm don, took lo (light for. his wifely. Mademba, Iho present monarch, is i nativoof llio country over which he at present rules, but was formerly con Iroller uf telegraphs at Henegal.

lie foru wvuplhu; his regal slato hu it a condilion Unit his iiaiuu sliimli cimtiiuni (u ho inscribed ou (ha list telegraph scrvilurs, and (hat his situa. (ion of king should bu considered subservictit (o thatuf his original cm pluyiuellt. Mailemliu must have learned, oitlici by inluiliiin or from acl*to iibservalion that Ihe lot of a monarch is less ccrtaii in Iliese dnys than the pivitiim (if ai iilllcor in the o( (ho "1'ostes Ti'legrapiies." and preferred to tn reserve wlinf. might mm day pvnvu lie a happy UIIID out of all his ulllie- hilvcr for it linii a greasy fLviiug and very seldom lunlw like coosl money. Even if it posbCises llifsii reiinisites of good coin it very subjoin the wi-igut of the genuine ijuartiT.

hijf dollar or dollar, and the of weigiit is perceptible by taking it iu the hand. Uut to delvct )jill is not, to Ihe layniiin iviio is nut'ucil with hau- dhng of each day, au easy Tlie i-syc-rt ticket agent will, however, when counting a of bills in from one to fifty dollars with great rapidity snnp Ihi'in in both hands one after another and pick mi the counterfeits, Kccniiiigly an ento sense of touch. Somo ticket imirvolously clever in this way. Tho ncthod used by tho majorily iu de'-ecling i bad bill is to hold it to tho ligiit ami BCO if it containH parallel tluciuls mining horizontally through it. All gcn- liuo cnuUiiu these.

Albany Argus. ur Ot all the schemes designed Biuall to encourage tin 1 to )y sinnll sums tlie jieuny srriviiig.s Bystem, cstabhsiiLMl iu ISB'iat oli-lhe-iMFiia, is Iho uniipie. Frrinlt- 'ort is among by the large aver.ige wi-ahb of its citizens, ami by its exceptional promi nunce in all that jwrlaius to banking uid liuance. iilaiiy great hanking fami- l-Vaiikfurt, From been i-slublishcil lies had their origin in which brunches have lit Paris, London, Vienna and New York. There aiv toilay not less than 'ilJO bauk frig houses, public and privato, in tho city.

It might naturally lie exacted then, iu view of ihesc that some. oiiginal features in Iho lino of banks ahoulil be found there. Tho Fiankfort Savings bank is a pri valo corjHirntinn established in 1SX) nearly seventy yoais ago. whun t-'rauk fort was a free city and lill fitntc alk'giauco and control. It be Kan with 331 depositors, with Sfi.ffii marks lo their credit.

In IKffl then were depositors, with au aggrc gain capital of tho ve ceipts ami withdrawals that year and R.iril.uua inni'la resiHic lively. Thi-ie a rothreo depart men ts connect ei wilh this Tlie Hnvings De bank, v.v.ich comprises a oflico and two branches in different part of tho city: llie Weekly bank separate burt-aii, under tlio same luriu ngemcnt, but differing from it in tliiiti collects fiom each depositor a statei weekly dejio.dl, and llio Penny Saving- instllutioii. which is adapted to th methods of tho humblest class of depob itors, whoso savings aro limited to a fo pennies per day or Now Yor Hccorder. largo demand for food Btuffa America for tho next twclro upon Faint BKIU.IN, July Floods doing immense damago to properly in 1'oscn. Many corjises of persons ilrovrnnl in tho floods have been seen lloatiug in the river Ncisse, Dnumccil lif Hnll.

July A hail did much dwnago to in Keimebeq county. lionses. Lightning injured number of McrltWIni. We desire to say our citizens, thai for years wo havo been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr.

King's Now Llfo J'llls, Uucklcn's Arnica Salvo and JOlec- trlo IMltors, and have never handled remedies Ihat sell ns well, or that 'v; have given such universal sallsfac- v.tion; Wo do not hesitate to gimnni- tee them every tlmQi nnd we stand to refund the purclinso price, satisfactory results do not follow theif tire. These remedies havo their groat Vpn their merits. opularity purely llo has, no iloubt.constantly ono eyo on his throno and llio other ono nf meinm-y ou Hie olllco of Ins fiirmertelu- exploils. Hluiuld (ho future bring for Mademba (hut cllaugo Tlio Tril HrllKOI Mousmees, nckshuws and tea titmst. are tho threo institutions ono nssociate with Japan.

Kipling has mado thorick shaws hardly moro of a phantom tha Ihu thrcc-liursu car, while Sir tiilwin A noliband PierroLoli havo pictured tl geutlo uionsmco with eucli excjuisit Jinish Hint ignonait of tho illg of tho won! a fnw months back ar in love with her quaint licauly ami ra ishiug smiles. Tea houses aro simply Inns nr rcstai rants wlicro llio principal refiesluuci (oflcu thu only one) is tea. tlio citii they are tho favorilo ovening resorts, ft there you cau hire the gaudy Geisli girls to ihinco and sing or play (he Kami tin 1 koto between llio intervals i luvu niaking. Shoisii mislrcss of th art. Nara, 0110 of the most Iwaulifi placesin Jiipan, has no other nrcommwl limi, and notice must be Kent the day fore, lo tell VMS owner how many gnus lie is to accommodate.

laden with supplies start few hours ahead, the coolies who lira them acting as rooks aud bouse servau dining your stay. Stowed iu these use fill vehicles is idl you ai (he uleiisils fur cooking and eating which is In tho modern order of Iliiugs, The. teahouse supplies uotlii he iimy return the tick tiek o( former days, witli (ho right lo add hi.s (idu of preforonee (hat of "ex-king' nient Iwx with coruei-s, ai of KCKOII." iu Ihe shado of a crystomor I'olileucss in Ickgraph although 0111:0 seriously complained of by It. Ouyde is generally tlio nili', even with the ordinary employes; but should Madembix 1 of Hcgou over return to his Soncgalian IniKvtu, his clients nmy lo Im Iraiteil in right royal fashfou by man vthi) never lost sight of oven whoii pro- moled to tho honors of un African grove. In heat of tlio ilay llio pare mcnt walls illKipiH-ar mysteriously Ii tho WMilen coiners; then tho cnti lioiiso looks like a platform, with wooden coiner rnised few fee frsm tho ground, covered wilh duzzli Week.

for mt llo Among Inventions that commpi themselvn to public nolico duriim 1 lust fifty yeni-a HK thoso relating to co fins, graves ami burials. Ono of th who has Wen buried prematurely with of rseapo or arousing the ucig nvention is a simple i Thi Druggists. by'Braiidriif A TT -i 111. 1 i CT i VJILU VI Umlcd Hlales iialcat will Ixi granted iuteudwt to furnish the tenant of a to any who IUID invented or discovered any now and useful urt, nincbiue, riiu'mfnriiiro or improvemimi not known orn.sed byollicrs iu lliia conn-' fair, la-ing im-n-ly )0 try, and not patented or described In any printeil publication iu this or any other country Iwfoi-chia discovery or invention, from (he trniicoVioVonld'cKmo'ilio'l" thereof, and not in public use nor on salo dcr and make, his way back to llteworl for moro than two. years prior to Ills ap- or pull tho lh-11 and ahirm the townshi pliciihon, unless the sniuo is proved to For those, whose only fear is tlmt Hi have been abandoned.

In tills, connco- may not allowed lo rosl uudistnrrxK fiou the word "art" means tho processor considerate inventor has provided methodofproduclugaiioldornowrcsult, with a roiw laddrr ami a bell aud cor Should Hie occupant of the coflln awn' fiomo coffeo and cakes. Visions with big clubs, be- intl the door naturally occurrcil to tho JB tho prospective guests; but a few of the moro veaturesomo had died in, and no attacks, apparently, ad been made cm the others ook courage ami followed them, to find lemselvcs quietly welcomed to tlie ehn- lo repast which (lie lady had pleu- eously provided as the most practical orm in which to her coals tunes of which we heavier thsn Tho quantity required would be the a ana re at after tu spelling small, since Keventy Kraimuea of sulphur tl1 )e11 ery word iu cau make one hundred cubic meters of Welwter a blue back spelling book before air inimical to combustion. An effective eulpUur extinguishing apparatus can be luudo of a 'largo' iron box of moderate depth and open at the'top. he knew the alphabet. He now and spells very Transcript.

Ae sett lenient of the position of tlie as much as he was made to the iire. ISvery one anted, no reference ius.e of tho broken s-s, ami each boy treated wilh a kiiirlncss and courtesy uilo iim-xni-i'tcd, in view of the fact liat wiliiin a few moments he had been igageil iu smashing his hostess' When tho BiipiH-r li.iil all been ab- orbcd tlio boys sent forth with a leasant gcjorl night to ruminate on their veniiig's experience's, aud to decide vliicli part of the evening liail Iweu Iho lore the cxteriorof he misbiou building or being treated vith kindness ami courtesy within its vails, aud tlu-ir ik-cij-ion soon for the hoys were HOOII back gain, not for ciiffeu aud cakes, but to 3k if they conld not como in and play though Iliere was little iu the ooiii but an almospliere of kiuduessaud ood Jausen Wendell ScribnerV. ItBhouldbeliingedatone end or side 1 Freuc was recentl)' a to a protecteil ceiling, and kept cloae iu FraDce of ti Je 1U(J thereto by a cord or wire connected yrith graph, the measurement of'the record a.wire or strap formed ctuefly of cad- being made by-a tuning fork. It was imtiin luaUu at 144 degg. Fahrenheit, found that eyen in the shortest BVllables IiiMde (he bos is placed a con 3 iderabl 6 tha ear capable of ot on quantity of cotton wadding, 11 utcd with powdered sulphur.

heat of au incipient fire melting tho wire or Hti-ip, the box drops a short distance; by a simple device tho cotton wadding is ignited at the same moment, aud strong cloud of sulphurous acid gas is instantly which extinguished the lire hy rendering the air unfit for York Telegram. Slberbta When comjielled to travel all night, tho Siberian natives always make a practice of stopping just before sunrise iiud allowing the clogs to go to sleep. They argue i.iat if the dog goes to sleep while it is yet dark and wakes up iu an Kppr and liuds the sun shining, lie will suppo'se thai he has had a full night'srest, and will travel idl day without thinking of Imiug tired. Ono or even two hours' stop at any other time ia perfectly useless, as the dogs will be uncontrollable troin that timo forward until they are permitted to tuku what they think a full allowance of Louis Republic. mit detecting fine thudes aud On the differences in mode of pronunciation.

York Times. Remarkable Facts. Heart disease is supposed to be iucurable, but when properly treated a large proportion of canes cau be cured. Thus Mrs. Elniira, Hatch, of nnd Mrs.

Mary Baker, of Ovid, were cured after suffering 20 years. 8. 0. Linburgor, druggistat San Wuniuii siKiiiKI Uuterji. The eternal and ineradicable distinc- ioti of HC-X is one principal reason wliy vometi iu a government be directly rciin-seuted.

if Luv- ahine cfiimot safely trupted to nakc laws for mcchanica, if merchants iloue cauncjt for farmers, if -very well deh'ueil in society is en- itled to it.s own aallinritative lirongh Ihe hatlnt. surely wo men, who ire the wives anil sisters and mothers of men, should give to the do- ic-stie interests from tile feminine of view, if a blacksmith cannot fairly a physiciiin, how much less cap man represent a B. Blachwell. IJcillu 1'ntal. Airs.

you think thatsmok- shortens lifcl' ttiiiik it dofK. I'm sure some of tho cigars my htisbaud smokes would hill me if I s.taid in the York A Invntment Is one which is guaranteed to ling you satisfnntory results, or in caso of failuro a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can my from our ndvorlisiul Druggist a icttllo of Dr. King's Xcw Discovery 'or Consumption. IL is guaranteed lo bring relief in every case, when ised for any nfiYcuion of Throat, Lungs or Chosl.

sue! fnliaiiimaiinn of Why are they called Smart men differ ou that. Some say it is on account of. their hollow, slrawlike stems. Others think it is because they to bo covered with straw or similar protecting material in winter. Tho most t-lassicul explanation that our Anglp- Saxou forefathers used to raise them aud they gave them this name because the berries aro generally on.

the ground, that is, "strewed" or change. Acres of ground around Sandringham, the Princo of Wales' country seat, are devoted to the cultivation of -lilies of the valley, the sweet and popular blossom. In the little village near there is little else except remarkably fine ruin of a little church, ami hundreds of thousands of the pare bell shaped blossoms are sent up to Loudon every year. says that Dr. Miles' Cure, which rked womlers for his New Heart the former, wife.

1 Mie.h Levi Loguu, of Buchanan who had heart diseaso for ,30 yearp, says two bottles made bin. "feBl liko I a new nian." Dr. M'tles 1 New Heart Cure is sold and guaranteed bv Brandrlff Hedges and ('. H. TJook of wpnaerful testimonials free, tlil Hi- Advlcf.

to Mra. Wlnnlow'ij Soothlni-Syriin sliui ways be forcblklnju tt-etlilut. ItuoniM therhllil.hofrsnn the alluye nil wind colic, find IK ilu fnr tjiv 1 1 Ct i 1 1 116 ta i tlie it evcrywlitre fur 2fl to Travrleni fuul limxli CDHV Ihr. ST. 1 ouu.

V. A. A National Event. The holding of the World's Fair in a city scarcely fifty years old will be a remarkable eveut, but whether it will really benefit this' nation as much us the discovery of (ho Restorative Nervine by Dr. Franklin Miles is doubtful.

This is just what the American people need to euro their excessive nervousness, dyspepsia, head.ache, sleeplessness, neuralgia. debility, dullness, confusion of mind. etc. It acts like charm. Trial hotlleVanri fine book ou "Nervous and Heart Diseusep," with unequalcd testimonials, free at Uraudriff.

Herlgos nud C. H. Mny. ft Ix iixtrranlcd to contain lit) opium, morphine or ctttn- drugn. hitis Consuinp- Rron- Cough, nuckb-u'8 Arnica Salve.

The Hest Salvo Iu the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns uud all skin eruptions, ami positively euros piles or no pay required, teed to givo pp.rfoc.t roup, etc. I.t, jdoi'ifiiutiimi lo taste, perfectly. 3ufo, and can always ho depended upon. Trial botlles free -nt liramlritl ITedgos' Drugstore. FIVE DOLLARS TO NIAGARA FALLS.

I Via tho D. ana Kichigan Central, Thursday, July 50, Through Without Change of Cars. The annual cheap excursion lo Niagara Falls vin tbe Cincinnati, ilnmiltuu Dayton Hailroucl o'ccurs Thursduy, 30. The spce.iul ox- cursloi! trains will run via Toledo ancniolioitand thoiico to tho Kails via the popular Mlebignn Ceutrnl, and will bo solid truins, consisting of through coaches, chair cars and sleepers. Tlio round trip rate from Cincinnati or Indianapolis Niug- iirn will bo fri.OO, nnd to Toronto nnd propcirtion- ute rate applies from all iiuci mediate polnls along ho limi niul In- oludos ihn privilege of side trip lo llio Thousand Islands greatly ro- duuuil rates from Nlag-ira Kails.

Tickets will bo sold July 30, and nrc good rciurnlng till August 5. Kor rutos tickets, nddrrss any C. 11. I), ngeiii or K. O.

McCo'rmick, (ionornl rassougor nnd Ticket Agon Ulncliinnti, 0. CENT A MILE TO DETROIT. Vin. C. H.

D. to the Grand Army Encampment August 8. 1891. The (i. A.

U. favorite mute, Iho Cincinnati, Hamilton Dayiim Railroad announces rule of round (rip between Cincinnati and Do I ro I lini Aligns! on account llio tl. A. li. Knoixmpmont.

On Aug. I nnd 2, tlio round trip rate will bo -Tickets will ba good returning till Aug. 18, with pm- vlslon for oxlouslon HU Sopi. SO, by depositing tickets with tho joint ngont at Detroit. -Special excursions will bo ntn In all directions from Interesting points cd rales.

All C. H. fun solid from CInoln troll with through nud chair cars. Ask for your tickets vlaC. H.

A 1). For rales, lick It is guaran- Hiitisfaetion, or money refunded. Prii i- 25 c*nts per box. For sale by ISiumli Hoiigee That Awful Disease. FKTKKSIIUKG, AllfJ.

ISilO. Dr. Jlcnjrn, CiVji: Sllt I have a vlcllm lo llmL awful ni.wnw known nHiialbmn, nil uiylllc, iiinl very oflen I would lie ilown M'ltti iml able to IMJ out of (Tic Imvo trlftd I cinilfl licnr of, but thcvinsvcr Jtil iici! much If liny ood. I was llnnily pcr- miiulecl to try Cure. So.

nfier tnkhiK a feiv of II, I wna entlrply frco frani ABthmu and huvis not hud Eiuy since micl ilon't tlmt I ever u-HI. ulwnys keep a bottle on hiiilil, tint ilmi'l Ilitnk 1 will CVIT havo occuphni lo MHO tt. I can cheerfully reconuneiiii Ulo all Bcifferersof nsllium. i- MALLELAMB. For Sate by I'fliil Orncf.

Recommend as an. excellent tonic the celebrated Delivered to any part of left at Kiuft-r's will avu linphi' Orders phone No. 121. 1 Subscribe Only Ten Cents W. C.

LESil FAVORITE STOVES PLUMBING, STEAM and GAS FITTING and Irpii Robfing. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE A DAItY is from Doiroii to fins beGD added to our line of work are aljjo' iiow it yrontly rciluo-1 1-1 i D. trains win i prepared to nt np bath rooms with, the latent appliances. Also full line of Mantels an(i Orates; Roofr pf all kinds' and particular attention paid to Slate nnown clhodof produe ugau old or. result, "loriicdo grave," which, it disturbed, SOURO nn.l Tloket on Cine u' If a method of doing hnylhingconlaim plodca at ouco and scatters the vnuunla iiatl Ull0lu to the CUicngo All.

The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.