Miraculous: Quantic teens S1: Adventures of Ladybug and Chat noir - Chapter 9 - Annasureways7 (2024)

Chapter Text

"Hahaha! I always wanted to do this!" Renaud's voice echoed maniacally through the speeding train, now under his control, as he gleefully operated the controls.

"Don't panic, everyone! We've got this under control!" Ladybug's reassuring voice cut through the chaos as she moved swiftly through the carriages, calming frightened passengers. Her eyes scanned ahead, searching for any sign of Chat Noir, who raced ahead to stop the runaway train.

Ladybug approached the driver’s cabin with determination, her heart racing in sync with the thundering locomotive. Bursting through the cabin door, she confronted the akumatized villain.

"Renaud!" Ladybug's frustration seeped into her voice. "What are you doing? This isn't a game!"

Renaud grinned back at her, his expression disturbingly cheerful. "But it is, Ladybug! A dream come true!"

Rolling her eyes at his bizarre enthusiasm, Ladybug swiftly immobilized him with her yo-yo, expertly wrapping him in a cocoon of red string.

"Hey! I'm your biggest fan! Let me go!" Renaud protested, struggling against his bonds.

"At least he's still himself," Ladybug muttered under her breath, noting his oddly upbeat demeanor. She glanced out the window, relief washing over her as she saw Chat Noir approaching.

"Chat, are you okay up there?" she called out.

"Just about got it!" Chat Noir's strained voice came from the front of the train. "And... done!" he exclaimed triumphantly as the train screeched to a halt, his miraculous strength bringing it to a standstill.

Ladybug leaped out of the cabin, looking through the windows to see the passengers embracing in relief, their fear giving way to gratitude. A satisfied smirk crossed her lips as she stood, arms crossed.

"Now, what do we do with him?" Chat Noir asked, nodding towards the subdued Renaud.

"As always," Ladybug replied firmly, "we de-evilize him and save the day." She extended her hand, ready to purify the dark butterfly.

"I've got a feeling White Fang's behind this one," Chat Noir remarked, his voice serious. "It's like they're testing us."

"Yeah," Ladybug agreed, her expression darkening. "Perque's using these akuma attacks to keep us busy while they pursue something bigger. We need to stay ahead of them."

She turned to Chat Noir, determination blazing in her eyes. "Let's wrap this up and then figure out what their real plan is."

Ladybug purified Renaud's akuma, watching as the dark energy dissipated, leaving him bewildered but unharmed. Inside the train, the passengers erupted into cheers and applause, grateful for their heroes' swift action.

As they stepped away from the train, the city sprawled before them, its lights twinkling in the night. The looming threat of Perque hung in the air, their true intentions veiled in shadow.

"Ladybug," Chat Noir began, his voice tinged with concern, "what do you think Perque is really up to? It feels like we're always playing catch-up."

"I wish I knew," Ladybug admitted, brows furrowed in thought. "But we'll find out. We can't let them keep manipulating us."

Their communicators buzzed simultaneously. A message from the detective's office indicated a new lead, a potential break in the case that could unravel Perque's plans.

"Our work's not done yet," Ladybug said with determination. "Let's go, Chat Noir. There's a mystery waiting for us."

Together, they dashed into the night, ready to confront whatever danger awaited, their resolve unshaken by the shadows that threatened Paris.


The Sphinx mansion stood as a testament to architectural elegance, blending the austere beauty of minimalist style with gothic intricacies. The façade, a swirl of black and white, gleamed under the early morning sun. Intricate metal meshes intertwined over the walls like veins, and a vast tropical greenhouse under a dome of black and white ceramic hinted at the secrets the mansion held within.

Inside, the grand foyer was a stark contrast of light and shadow, illuminated by the soft glow of modern chandeliers. Félix descended the sweeping staircase, each step deliberate due to his limp, supported by his elegant cane. His expression was calm and composed, his thoughts veiled beneath a serene mask. Today was another school day, and although he faced challenges, he was determined to meet them head-on.

As he reached the bottom of the stairs, Félix paused, catching a glimpse of his father, Richard Sphinx, in the atelier to his right. The room was a blend of sharp lines and dark hues, a reflection of Richard’s meticulous nature. Richard was on the phone, his voice echoing through the hall, tinged with frustration.

"What do you mean the new line won’t be ready? The collection must be complete! This is unacceptable!" Richard's voice, usually measured and controlled, was now filled with a rare edge of impatience. As he argued with the supplier, his fingers traced the cover of a book he held, a relic of their family's storied past.

Félix hesitated, curiosity piqued by his father’s uncharacteristic display of emotion. He watched as Richard opened a concealed safe hidden behind a modern painting in the corner of the room. The painting was abstract, devoid of personal sentiment, a deliberate choice to avoid the painful memories associated with his late wife, Rosalind Sphinx. Richard placed the book inside and locked the safe with a quiet click, the mechanism almost silent against the backdrop of his raised voice.

Richard’s eyes flickered to the doorway, noticing Félix's presence for a brief moment. Their gazes met, a silent acknowledgment passing between them before Richard returned to his call, his frustration simmering beneath a calm exterior.

As Richard left the room, Félix’s thoughts raced. The hidden safe, the secretive behavior—what could his father be hiding? He felt a gentle nudge at his side. It was Plagg, the mischievous kwami, hovering impatiently.

"Come on, Félix! Aren’t you curious? There could be something really interesting in there!" Plagg urged, his voice a whisper of excitement.

Félix shook his head, a small frown creasing his brow. "My father wouldn’t appreciate me snooping through his things, Plagg. Besides, I don’t know the code, and I have to get ready for school," he replied, his voice steady and calm.

Plagg, undeterred, phased through the safe with a mischievous grin. Moments later, he emerged with a dusty old book, tossing it into Félix's hands.

Félix’s eyes widened as he caught the book. Its leather cover was worn, and as he opened it, the pages revealed illustrations of a figure clad in a costume eerily similar to that of Le Papillon. His breath caught in his throat. What did this mean? What is this book doing here?

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching. Félix quickly closed the book and stashed it in his schoolbag, just as Adoni Duther, the ever-composed assistant, entered the room. Her expression was as inscrutable as ever, but her eyes softened slightly upon seeing Félix.

"Félix, you’re going to be late for school," Adoni said, her tone gentle yet firm. Behind her, Placide I.T., the family’s efficient digital assistant, hovered with a list of reminders and schedules.

Félix offered a sheepish smile. "I was just looking for my homework. I must have left it in my room," he lied smoothly, his calm demeanor belying the turmoil of his discovery.

Adoni’s gaze lingered on Félix for a moment longer, a flicker of concern in her usually stoic eyes. She nodded, satisfied with his explanation, and turned to leave. "Don’t forget your lunch," she added, her voice softening, a rare glimpse of the care she held for him.

As Félix headed back up the stairs, his mind raced with questions. The book, the hidden safe, the resemblance to Le Papillon—it all hinted at secrets buried deep within the Sphinx mansion. He knew he had to dig deeper, but for now, school awaited, and he had to maintain the facade of normalcy.

Outside, the world continued as usual, but Félix knew that beneath the surface, a web of mystery and danger was beginning to unravel. And he was determined to uncover the truth, no matter what it took.

"You are not going to believe all of this! Félix and I sneaked into an old, mysterious building and saw Jaesan Lee talking to a shape-shifter—the girl with pink hair. Do you remember her?" Marinette exclaimed as she and Alya walked to Lycée Janson de Sailly.

Alya nodded with a smile, listening intently to Marinette's every word.

"Oh, I forgot. It wasn't filmed! It was just us and Félix who happened to be awake and saw that night battle between Ladybug and Chat Noir with the criminals. The shape-shifter was involved," Marinette added, her excitement dimming as she spoke.

"Wow, so it means we usually miss a lot! To be honest, I've only seen Chat Noir up close and Ladybug on TV. They're like... Parisian urban legends. They save you and then disappear into the night," Alya said.

"Exactly," Marinette agreed. "And you know what? We were right all along! Jaesan Lee is connected to the criminal world!"

As they approached the school entrance, the voices of classmates and students from different classes filled the air.

"Thank you, Lila! You're the best! You're so kind! Happy birthday to you!" Odette exclaimed, holding a sweet gift. She opened it to find a pink hair clip.

"No problem, Odette!" Lila replied, her smile seemingly genuine but hiding her usual deceit.

Marinette glared at Lila suspiciously.

"It's for you!" Chloé said, dismissively handing Lila a gift before striding inside the corridor, where Sabrina was already waiting for her by the wall.

After distributing gifts to a few more students, Lila stepped inside the school corridor as well.

"What is she up to?" Marinette thought, frowning. "Lila has never been this generous."

"You know, ever since that new student from Italy joined our school, everything's changed. She’s managed to fool a lot of people with her lies," Marinette confided to Alya.

"She's just an attention seeker. She'll probably grow out of it. At least, that's what I hope," Alya said.

As they entered the school, Marinette spotted Félix standing near a closed classroom door, absorbed in a book. Lila approached him, her intentions unclear.

"Hello, Félix!" Lila said sweetly.

Félix looked up, his blue-green eyes meeting hers. "H-hi?" he replied, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

"Congratulations on your fashion show! You were the star, outshining all the other models! And your condition—it’s not a problem at all! Today’s my birthday, and I wanted to give you a present!" She handed him a small gift, identical to the ones she had given to others.

"Thanks?" Félix said, looking at the gift with a mix of confusion and suspicion. "Happy birthday to you?" He glanced back at Lila, who was smiling widely.

Lila reached out to caress Félix’s cheek, a gesture that made him visibly uncomfortable. "I'll be waiting for you near the greenery," she whispered.

Félix shifted uneasily, clearly distressed by Lila’s forwardness.

Marinette, watching from a distance, felt a surge of anger. Not only was she protective of Félix, but Lila's blatant disregard for his boundaries was infuriating.

"Hi, Félix! The fashion show was amazing! I watched it till the very end!" a random girl approached Félix, followed by several others who quickly surrounded him with praise.

Marinette instinctively moved to intervene, but Alya grabbed her hand, pulling her back. "Let him handle this on his own. It’s his life."

Marinette hesitated, her heart torn between stepping in and respecting Félix's space. She knew Alya was right, but it didn’t make watching Lila's manipulative behavior any easier.

As the crowd around Félix dispersed, Lila shot Marinette a knowing glance, her eyes glinting with mischief. Marinette clenched her fists, determined not to let Lila's schemes get the better of her.

Félix, meanwhile, pocketed the gift and limped away, his mind clouded with suspicion and discomfort. The encounter with Lila left him uneasy, and he resolved to keep his distance from her in the future.

Just as he reached the end of the corridor, a voice called out, "Félix! Wait up!" It was Marinette, breaking free from Alya’s grip and hurrying to catch up with him.

"Are you okay?" she asked, concern etched on her face.

Félix nodded, though his eyes betrayed his unease. "I'm fine, Marinette. Just... I don't trust her."

"Neither do I," Marinette agreed. "We need to keep an eye on her. She's up to something."

As they walked together, a sense of camaraderie settled between them. The day had just begun, but Marinette and Félix knew that the challenges they faced were far from over. Together, they would navigate the treacherous waters of their school, uncovering the truth one step at a time.

After the third lesson, Félix still decided to meet Lila in the greenery. His curiosity and a strong sense of distrust drove him to uncover her motives. He sat on a bench near the fountain, shaded by a tall tree. The gentle sound of water and the rustling leaves above provided a calm contrast to the tension he felt.

“Oh, Félix, there you are! You picked such a humble spot,” Lila said, her voice overly sweet as she approached him. She noticed the ancient book he held, her expression darkening for a fleeting moment before returning to her usual smile.

“What are you reading?” she asked casually, tilting her head with faux curiosity. “Can I take a look?”

“No,” Félix replied firmly, his eyes narrowing. He wasn’t going to let her manipulate him, not with something so important.

“Why not? I promise I’ll be very careful,” Lila insisted, leaning closer, her fingers itching to touch the book.

“This is my father’s book,” Félix said, his tone calm but laced with an undercurrent of emotion. “He’d kill me if anything happened to it. He doesn’t even know I have it with me now.”

Félix set the closed book on the bench beside him, his gaze drifting to the fountain as if trying to distance himself from the unsettling presence beside him.

Undeterred, Lila slid closer to the book, her eyes gleaming with a mix of intrigue and something darker. She reached out and opened it to a random page, her curiosity getting the better of her. The page depicted a woman with a panpipe, her costume adorned with musical notes, a mysterious aura surrounding her.

Félix’s heart skipped a beat. He knew that illustration. It was connected to the mystical world of Miraculous holders, a world that should remain hidden from prying eyes.

“Oh, this is fascinating!” Lila exclaimed, her voice dripping with false excitement. “Did I ever tell you about the time Ladybug gave me a necklace with a musical note charm? She said it was a token of our friendship.”

Félix’s eyes narrowed further. He knew Lila’s story about her supposed encounter with Ladybug and Chat Noir. It was an obvious lie, but he decided to play along for now. “Really? Ladybug gave you that?”

“Yes, it was such a magical moment,” Lila continued, her eyes glinting with a calculated gleam. “She said I reminded her of a fox, sly and clever. She even played a little melody on her yo-yo, and I’ve kept the note ever since.”

Félix knew she was lying, but he didn’t have time to argue. He had to tread carefully, to find out what she was really after. “That sounds… interesting,” he said, his tone noncommittal. “So, why did you want to see me?”

Lila’s face lit up with a practiced smile. “Well, I thought you’d like to be friends. You’re quite popular, you know. And I have a lot of connections. I could help you out.”

Félix forced a smile. “Thanks, but I prefer to rely on my own abilities.”

Lila’s smile faltered for a moment before she regained her composure. “Of course, Félix. You’re very independent. But if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me.”

She stood up, her eyes lingering on the book for a moment longer than necessary. “Happy birthday to me,” she said softly to herself as she walked away, her mind already scheming.

As she disappeared into the distance, Félix let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. Something about Lila’s demeanor unsettled him, and he had a nagging feeling that her story was far from over.

From behind a tree, Marinette watched the interaction with a frown. She didn’t trust Lila either, and Félix’s discomfort only confirmed her suspicions. She stepped out and approached Félix, who was still sitting on the bench, deep in thought.

“Félix, are you okay?” Marinette asked, her voice full of concern.

Félix looked up, a hint of relief in his eyes. “Marinette, I’m fine. Just trying to figure out what Lila’s angle is.”

“She’s always up to something,” Marinette agreed, sitting down beside him. “But I have a feeling that whatever she’s planning, it’s going to cause trouble.”

Félix nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. “We need to keep an eye on her. I don’t trust her one bit.”

As they sat there, the wind rustling the leaves above them, a sense of foreboding hung in the air. They both knew that Lila’s lies and manipulations could lead to something much darker, something that could put them all in danger.

“Let’s be careful, Marinette,” Félix said, his voice steady. “We need to stay one step ahead.”

Marinette nodded, determination etched on her face. “We will, Félix. Together, we’ll make sure she doesn’t hurt anyone.”

Unbeknownst to them, from a distance, Lila watched them with a calculating gaze, her mind already plotting her next move. The seeds of her potential akumatization were sown, and it was only a matter of time before they sprouted into something dangerous.


In the dimly lit, abandoned room, the air was thick with a sense of foreboding. Shadows danced along the crumbling walls, flickering with the occasional spark from exposed wires hanging like serpents from the ceiling. The faint smell of chemicals lingered, mingling with the musty odor of decay. The only source of light came from a small, flickering bulb, casting long, eerie shadows that seemed to pulse with the room's sinister energy.

In the midst of this gloom stood Jaesan Lee, his figure shrouded in darkness, the glint of light reflecting off his sunglasses, giving him an almost spectral presence. His voice, when he spoke, was low and cold, sending chills through the stagnant air. “We will get rid of him,” he said, his words dripping with a sinister promise.

Across from him, 013 stood in stark contrast, her white uniform almost glowing against the shadows. She scribbled notes in a leather-bound notebook, her pen scratching against the paper like a whisper of secrets. Around them, a strange, fluttering noise filled the room, reminiscent of water boiling or the distant hum of wings. It was an unsettling sound, adding to the room's eerie atmosphere.

013 glanced up from her notebook, a wicked grin spreading across her face. “Certainly,” she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of malice. She seemed to revel in the darkness surrounding them, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous light.

Jaesan turned his gaze to a large, bubbling vat of purple liquid in the center of the room. The liquid churned and hissed, casting an unnatural glow that illuminated their faces in an otherworldly light. They walked past rows of dusty, archaic equipment, their footsteps echoing in the hollow space.

“I’ve checked everything,” 013 continued, her eyes never leaving Jaesan’s face. “Those annoying kids have no idea about our plans.”

“Good to hear, 013.” Jaesan’s voice softened slightly as he placed a hand on her shoulder, a rare gesture of approval. 013 flinched at the unexpected contact, her eyes widening in surprise. “I knew you were the one I could rely on the most.”

013’s lips curled into a mysterious smile, one that hinted at her own hidden agendas. Her loyalty was an enigma, a secret she guarded fiercely. “Of course,” she replied, her tone smooth and inscrutable. “You can always count on me.”

Jaesan’s eyes narrowed behind his sunglasses, trying to read the true intentions behind her smile. The room's oppressive atmosphere seemed to close in around them, the shadows growing longer and darker. “Remember, we must proceed with caution. There are forces at play here that neither of us can fully understand yet.”

013 nodded, her gaze drifting back to the bubbling vat. “I know, Jaesan. This is only the beginning. The real game is just starting.”

As they stood in the eerie glow of the vat, the mysterious noise around them grew louder, almost as if the room itself was alive with a sinister intent. The liquid in the vat bubbled and frothed, casting strange reflections on the walls. It was as if the very fabric of reality was shifting, hinting at dark forces lurking just beyond the veil of their understanding.

Jaesan’s grip tightened on her shoulder, his voice dropping to a whisper. “We need to be ready for anything. The stakes are higher than ever.”

013 looked up at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of determination and something more elusive, a shadow of doubt perhaps, or a flicker of rebellion. “I understand,” she said softly, though her smile suggested otherwise. “But be careful, Jaesan. Sometimes the ones we trust the most are the ones who bring us down.”

Jaesan’s expression hardened, but he said nothing. Instead, he turned and walked towards the door, his footsteps heavy with the weight of his thoughts. 013 watched him go, her smile fading into a look of cold resolve. She glanced back at the bubbling vat, the purple liquid reflecting a thousand unspoken secrets.

Just as Jaesan reached the door, he paused and looked back at her. “Keep a close eye on them. We can’t afford any mistakes.”

013 nodded, her face a mask of calm. “I will. You have my word.”

With a final, lingering glance, Jaesan slipped through the door and disappeared into the shadows, leaving 013 alone in the eerie glow of the room. She stared at the bubbling liquid, her mind racing with thoughts of betrayal and ambition.

Suddenly, the room's oppressive atmosphere seemed to press down on her, as if warning her of the danger that lay ahead. She closed her notebook and tucked it under her arm, her eyes hardening with resolve.

“Don’t worry, Jaesan,” she whispered to the empty room. “I have my own plans.”

She turned and walked towards the door, her footsteps echoing in the dark, abandoned space. As she left the room, the mysterious fluttering noise grew louder, as if the very walls were whispering secrets of betrayal and darkness.

The door closed behind her with a resounding thud, plunging the room back into silence. The bubbling liquid continued to churn, casting strange, shifting shadows on the walls. It was a place of secrets and darkness, a place where even the bravest souls dared not tread.

Outside, the night had fallen, casting the world in a cloak of darkness. The air was cool and crisp, carrying the scent of distant rain. In the distance, the city lights flickered like stars, a reminder of the world beyond the shadows.

As 013 walked away from the abandoned building, her mind was filled with thoughts of betrayal and ambition. She knew that the game was just beginning and that the real danger lay ahead. But she was ready for it. She had to be.

Lila stood alone, clutching the fake Melodie Miraculous with a white-knuckled grip. Her eyes darted nervously as her classmates chatted and laughed around her. The whispers of doubt and envy gnawed at her mind, feeding the darkness that lurked within. She felt a sinister presence, a voice that promised power and vengeance, whispering insidiously in her ear.

In his shadowy lair, Le Papillon sensed the surge of negative emotions. “I sense it... The negative emotions,” he murmured, his voice a dark whisper in the gloom.

“Do you think she will be useful for us now?” Poker Face, her face obscured by a white mask, her white robes billowing in the unseen wind, spoke with a tone of detached curiosity.

“Let’s see what happens next.” Le Papillon’s voice was cold, calculating. He sent forth the akuma, a dark butterfly that flitted through the bustling city, dodging cars and weaving through the maze of streets, finally arriving at Lycée Janson de Sailly.

The akuma found its target, merging with Lila’s fake jewelry. She felt a jolt, a chilling wave of energy that coursed through her veins. Her eyes widened in shock and horror as the dark magic began to take hold.

“No! I won’t do this!” Lila cried, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and defiance. She clutched at the fake Miraculous, trying to rip it off, but her fingers seemed to betray her, tightening around it instead.

“You cannot resist,” Le Papillon’s voice echoed in her mind, a malevolent whisper that sent shivers down her spine. “Accept the power. Embrace it.”

“I don’t want your power!” Lila screamed, her body trembling as she fought against the dark influence. Her eyes flickered between their natural color and a menacing black, her internal struggle visible to anyone who might have cared to notice.

But the darkness was relentless, tightening its grip on her mind. The sinister voice continued to twist her thoughts, feeding on her insecurities, her fears, and her anger. “You will do as I command. Bring me Ladybug’s Miraculous and Chat Noir alive.”

“No! I—” Lila's defiant cry was cut short as the dark magic surged through her, overpowering her will. Her mind fogged, her resistance crumbling under the weight of the dark influence. She felt a surge of power, a transformation that made her stronger, faster, more dangerous.

As the final school bell rang, Marinette and Félix were walking toward the school gates. Marinette's mind was preoccupied with the encounter earlier in the day, the strange behavior of Lila, and the unsettling sense that something was terribly wrong.

“Did you see the look on Lila’s face earlier?” Marinette asked, her voice tinged with concern. “She seemed... different.”

“Yeah, something's off about her,” Félix agreed, his eyes narrowing in thought. “I don’t trust her, not one bit. She’s hiding something.”

Just then, a sudden commotion erupted near the school entrance. A swirling cloud of dark energy coalesced, and from it emerged Lila, transformed into a menacing figure. Her costume was a twisted version of a fox, with dark, jagged patterns and glowing red eyes. She radiated malevolence, her every movement a promise of chaos.

“I am Volpina,” she declared, her voice echoing with a dark resonance. “And I will bring an end to Ladybug and Chat Noir.”

Marinette and Félix exchanged a quick, alarmed glance. They knew what they had to do. Finding a secluded spot, they each called upon their Kwamis.

“Tikki, spots on!”

“Plagg, claws out!”

In a flash of light, Marinette transformed into Ladybug, and Félix became Chat Noir. They leaped into action, determined to stop Volpina before she could wreak havoc.

Ladybug soared through the air, her yo-yo cutting a graceful arc as she landed on the rooftop. She saw Volpina causing chaos in the school courtyard, creating illusions of dark creatures that terrorized the students.

“Volpina!” Ladybug called out, her voice strong and clear. “Stop this now!”

Volpina turned, a sinister smile spreading across her face. “Ah, Ladybug, just the hero I wanted to see. And where’s your feline friend?”

“Right here!” Chat Noir's voice rang out as he landed beside Ladybug, his staff extended, ready for battle. “Let's dance, Volpina.”

Volpina’s eyes flashed with dark energy, and she sent a barrage of illusions toward them. “You can’t stop me! I’ll bring chaos to your world, and Le Papillon will finally have what he wants!”

Ladybug’s yo-yo glowed with a blinding light, and she spun it with precision, cutting through the illusions like a blade. “We won’t let you harm anyone, Volpina!”

Chat Noir leaped forward, his staff glowing with a green, electric charge. He swung it in a wide arc, releasing a wave of lightning balls that exploded upon impact, causing the illusions to dissipate in bursts of green energy. “Time to send you back where you belong!”

Volpina snarled, her grip tightening on the fake Miraculous around her neck. “You think you can stop me? I’m just getting started!”

She conjured a massive, swirling vortex of dark energy, intending to engulf the entire school. Ladybug and Chat Noir exchanged a glance, knowing they had to act fast.

Ladybug took to the air, her yo-yo now transformed into a bug saber, glowing with a fierce red light. She sliced through the dark energy, making her way toward Volpina.

Chat Noir used his staff to vault himself higher, sending more lightning balls toward Volpina, aiming to weaken her defenses. The explosions sent shockwaves through the courtyard, but Volpina remained undeterred, her eyes burning with malevolent determination.

“Is that all you’ve got?” Volpina taunted, her voice dripping with contempt. She summoned an army of shadowy foxes that darted and weaved, their eyes gleaming with dark intent.

Ladybug and Chat Noir fought back with all their might. Ladybug used her yo-yo to trap and neutralize the shadow creatures, while Chat Noir’s staff created barriers of green energy to protect the fleeing students. The battle raged on, the courtyard now a battlefield of light and dark.

Volpina unleashed a powerful blast of dark energy, knocking Chat Noir off his feet. He hit the ground hard, his staff rolling away. “Chat!” Ladybug called out, concern etched on her face.

“I’m okay!” Chat Noir struggled to his feet, retrieving his staff. “But she’s tough.”

Ladybug nodded, determination steeling her resolve. She had to find a way to break through Volpina’s defenses. As she dodged another wave of shadow foxes, she noticed the fake Miraculous glowing around Volpina’s neck. That was the key.

“Chat, we need to get that fake Miraculous!” Ladybug shouted over the din of the battle.

“On it!” Chat Noir replied, his eyes narrowing with focus.

They coordinated their attack, with Chat Noir using his staff to create a diversion. He leaped into the air, his staff spinning and releasing a flurry of green energy bolts that rained down on Volpina, forcing her to focus on defense.

Meanwhile, Ladybug flew in from the side, her yo-yo transforming into a bug bomb. She hurled it at Volpina, the device exploding in a burst of dazzling light, disorienting the villain.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Ladybug closed in, her saber ready. But Volpina recovered quickly, her reflexes sharp. She blocked Ladybug’s strike with a shadowy barrier, the force of the clash sending shockwaves through the courtyard.

“You’ll never defeat me!” Volpina snarled, pushing back against Ladybug’s saber.

“Don’t be so sure!” Ladybug gritted her teeth, summoning all her strength. She managed to break through the barrier, landing a blow that severed the fake Miraculous from Volpina’s neck.

“No!” Volpina screamed as the dark power left her, the shadows dissolving into the air.

Chat Noir leaped forward, catching the falling Miraculous and purifying it with a burst of green energy. The dark butterfly fluttered free, returning to its natural form, and Lila collapsed to the ground, her eyes filled with confusion and fear.

“It’s over, Lila,” Ladybug said gently, her voice filled with a mix of relief and concern. “You’re safe now.”

Lila looked up at her, tears welling in her eyes. “I... I didn’t mean to... I’m sorry...”

The crowd of students, who had been watching in stunned silence, erupted in cheers and applause as Ladybug and Chat Noir stood victorious once more.

As the heroes returned to their civilian forms, Marinette and Félix found themselves back at the school gates, their hearts pounding from the intense battle.

In the dark confines of his lair, Le Papillon seethed with anger. “You’ve failed me, Volpina,” he hissed, his eyes burning with cold fury. “But this is only the beginning. I will have those Miraculouses, and nothing will stand in my way.”

Meanwhile, in the quiet after the storm, Marinette and Félix walked home, the weight of their responsibilities pressing down on them. They knew that their fight was far from over, and that the shadow of Le Papillon loomed ever larger over their city.

As they walked in contemplative silence, Marinette couldn't shake the feeling that something even darker lay ahead. She glanced back at Félix, who gave her a reassuring smile, and for a moment, the burden felt a little lighter.

“Do you think she’ll be okay?” Marinette asked, her voice tinged with concern. She was thinking about Lila, who had been left in the care of her classmates after her de-akumatization.

“She’ll need time,” Félix replied thoughtfully, his eyes fixed on the horizon. “But we’ll keep an eye on her. Just in case.”

The two parted ways at the corner of their street. Marinette watched as Félix walked toward his house, his silhouette growing smaller against the setting sun. With a sigh, she turned toward her own home, her thoughts swirling with the events of the day and the challenges that lay ahead.

In the depths of the night, as the city slept, the forces of darkness were already stirring, plotting their next move. Le Papillon, back in his lair, was pacing with restless energy, his mind racing with plans and contingencies.

“How could she fail?” he muttered to himself, his hands clenched into fists. “Volpina had the power to defeat Ladybug and Chat Noir, yet she faltered. I must find a stronger vessel.”

Poker Face, who had been observing silently from the shadows, stepped forward. “Perhaps we need a new approach,” she suggested, her voice calm and measured. “Someone with a deeper grudge, a more personal vendetta.”

Le Papillon stopped and turned to face her, his eyes narrowing. “What do you propose?”

“There’s someone who has been watching from the sidelines, someone whose resentment has been festering. We could turn that resentment into our advantage,” Poker Face replied, a sly smile playing on her lips.

Intrigued, Le Papillon nodded. “Very well. Find this person. We will exploit every weakness, turn every emotion into a weapon.”

Meanwhile, Marinette sat on her balcony, gazing out at the city lights. Tikki floated beside her, a comforting presence in the cool night air.

“Do you think we’ll ever defeat him, Tikki?” Marinette asked quietly, her eyes reflecting the stars above.

Tikki smiled softly. “You have a great heart, Marinette. As long as you believe in yourself and your friends, you can overcome any challenge.”

Marinette smiled, feeling a renewed sense of hope. She knew that the road ahead would be difficult, filled with trials and dangers, but she also knew that she wasn’t alone. With her friends by her side, she could face whatever darkness came their way.

As she turned to go back inside, a shadowy figure watched her from a distance, their eyes gleaming with a mixture of curiosity and malice. The figure slipped away into the night, disappearing into the maze of streets and alleys, plotting their next move.

In a hidden corner of the city, Jaesan Lee stood in his opulent office, staring at a series of blueprints laid out on a table. His mind was filled with thoughts of his rival, Richard Sphinx, and the mysterious activities of Perque. He knew that the battle for the future of the fashion world was only just beginning, and he was determined to come out on top.

Little did he know that his own path would soon cross with that of Marinette and Félix, and that together, they would uncover secrets that would change their lives forever.

As the city of Paris slept, its heroes and villains prepared for the battles to come, unaware of the twists and turns that fate had in store for them. The night was calm, but the storm was far from over.


013 walked through the empty, sterile white corridors of the Perque headquarters, her heels clicking ominously against the polished floors. The dim overhead lights cast eerie shadows, creating a foreboding atmosphere. She paused outside the training room, peering through the narrow glass window.

Inside, White Fang, Collapse, Le Mime, and Glacial were engaged in intense training. The room was a symphony of violence and precision, each villain honing their deadly skills. White Fang's claws slashed through the air with lethal grace, Collapse's muscles rippled with every forceful strike, Le Mime's silent gestures unleashed invisible forces that could break bones and shatter minds, and Glacial's icy blasts filled the room with a chilling cold that could freeze the very soul.

013's normally indifferent expression twisted into an evil grin. She reveled in the sight of their power, knowing that each of them played a part in her grand scheme. Her mind was a labyrinth of plans, each more sinister than the last, each a step toward her ultimate goal.

Meanwhile, in the heart of the Perque lair, Le Papillon stood before a grand butterfly-shaped stained glass window, his arms crossed behind his back. The colorful glass cast a kaleidoscope of shadows on the floor, creating a hauntingly beautiful scene. His eyes were fixed on the cityscape beyond, a realm he sought to dominate with unwavering determination.

“Leader.” The deep, guttural voice broke through the silence. Le Papillon turned slightly, his cold gaze falling upon Rat Devil, the second-in-command of the Perque. Rat Devil’s hulking form cast a menacing shadow, his animalistic features illuminated by the faint glow of the stained glass.

“I’m listening,” Le Papillon responded, his tone icy and devoid of emotion.

“013 is planning a revolution,” Rat Devil said, his eyes narrowing with a mixture of fear and respect. The weight of his words hung heavily in the air, a threat that could not be ignored.

Le Papillon’s lips curled into a sinister smirk. “Out of dispute,” he said, dismissing the notion with a wave of his hand. “I will deal with her.”

Reaching into the folds of his coat, he retrieved a card bearing 013’s image and name. His fingers tightened around it, his grip a vice of unspoken malice. “Treachery has no place in my ranks,” he hissed, his voice a dagger of resolve. With a swift, decisive motion, he crushed the card, the sound of tearing paper echoing like a death knell.

013 continued her silent surveillance, unaware of the impending storm. The training room was a theater of dark power, each villain embodying the chaos and destruction that fueled the Perque’s ambitions. Her mind was a maelstrom of plans, each more dangerous than the last.

Suddenly, a subtle shift in the air drew her attention. She turned, her eyes narrowing as she sensed a presence behind her. It was White Fang, his predatory gaze fixed on her with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine.

“Plotting something, 013?” he asked, his voice a low growl that resonated with barely concealed menace.

“Just observing,” she replied coolly, her composure unshaken. “We must always be prepared for what lies ahead.”

White Fang's lips curled into a predatory smile. “You should be careful where your loyalties lie. Le Papillon doesn’t tolerate betrayal.”

“Loyalty is a fickle thing,” 013 said, her tone dripping with disdain. “It’s earned, not given.”

White Fang's eyes narrowed, his smile fading into a snarl. “Just remember, the shadows have ears.”

013’s smile widened, a dark, knowing glint in her eyes. “And eyes,” she retorted, turning on her heel and striding away, her mind already weaving the threads of her next move.

Back in his lair, Le Papillon turned away from the stained glass window, his mind a storm of dark thoughts. The betrayal of 013 was a challenge, a test of his unyielding control over the Perque. He relished the opportunity to crush her rebellion, to reaffirm his dominance.

The city lay sprawled before him, a labyrinth of possibilities and dangers. His eyes gleamed with a cold, calculating light. The game was far from over, and every piece was in play.

As the shadows deepened and the night grew darker, the tension within the Perque lair intensified. Allies became enemies, and secrets festered in the darkness. The air was thick with suspense, every moment a countdown to inevitable conflict.

In a secluded corner of the Perque headquarters, Rat Devil watched with keen interest, his animalistic senses attuned to every shift in the atmosphere. The coming storm promised chaos and power, a chance to reshape the order of things.

Le Papillon’s grip on the city and the Perque was firm, but cracks were beginning to show. The seeds of rebellion had been sown, and it was only a matter of time before they bore fruit.

As the night descended, shrouding the world in its inky embrace, the stage was set for a confrontation that would shake the very foundations of power. And in the shadows, the puppeteer pulled the strings, orchestrating a dance of darkness and deceit.

Rat Devil, sensing the growing tension and impending conflict, decided to take matters into his own hands. He had always been a creature of cunning and survival, and he knew that the tides of power were shifting. With a final, contemplative glance at the Perque lair, he slipped away into the night, his mind already working on how to use the chaos to his advantage.

As the city slept, unaware of the brewing storm, 013's ambitions and Le Papillon's ruthlessness set the stage for a battle that would reverberate through the shadows of Paris. And in the distance, Jaesan Lee continued to forge his path, unknowingly stepping closer to a destiny intertwined with the city's darkest secrets.

Miraculous: Quantic teens S1: Adventures of Ladybug and Chat noir - Chapter 9 - Annasureways7 (2024)


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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.