Fort Scott Daily Monitor from Fort Scott, Kansas (2024)

HABDWASE DSAI2BS AND TJNDERTAEXXS. THE FAIR AWARDS. gutty -EJ-tonitor THE CITY YESTERDAY. co*ke la the cleanest of all fuel. CarpeU carpet! at Stephf nson.

and trustworthy, and they have discharged their duties with fidelity and zeal for the good of the stockholder. The object of the association 1 to enable those who have not the ready money to buy home to secure their i m. -a O) 3EP 3EiL IE3C TO" S3 Tf W.P.PATTERSON. Manager. OOJVCriETO- ATTBAGTIOKS! ONE SOLID WEEK.

1 i I I iT f-v jrp WZDJflSDlT. OCTOBEU 24. 1845. ornx housb china hall. 'Let There Be Light: The seitcn has arrived when we rather irdocrs arrcnd the cheiisheo heme circle, and pass ths hours in deTghtfJ xrd jleaunt read.rg.

Hoes Chin Hall, the fust ia the fie for new ard cfj itrertirns ia all have been pajticn'xr'y fortunate thai sea. ion ia aJl the new improvements in Durren ard combinations whereby the Best Light at the ExpenSO can be secured Before buy in larr.js or barters call aai see the that hive this re a on teen cat ia Earners ar Corr.h:r.atic! Flower Pots. We have a II and cTcr them at line cf these go! rice. J. P.

ROBENS. Manaccr. Bixnro wwria. CILLER -V llj.lall Varlthl lull A rcav Tl klliri If rllr. siuwlk la I ia til trxis irlblui azi Manufactured by A.


B. PAINE, Portrait Painter. St "a WAX Portraits Painted in Oil, India Ink or Water Colors. INDEPENDENT. To lt vulr c.f Cmty.

l.jr nuj clC.rna. I. tfc- W.a IUniiu.i5 tt I. T. hit KER.

TOItT MOTT (OIL They have ucd it, exclulvt Iy, burning brick at the steam brick vaxd this caou and they bare so given it a reliable aud fatisfictory tct at the cement work, and all tLe leading hotel of the city. The alve rartic require a i lean, free bntulngand beat protluclii; coal. They pro-nouuee the Fort cott A Xo. 1. For rcueral purposes it i the coal tr buy.

We tidne it struct Uhin ight of your home. It poccs the dclrblc jualitics of free and heat. Try a lead of it, and we think you will be couviuced that the coal which mined here i the only Bituminous coil told in this market that is worth bujlnz. Till jo If you wr.t Tort colt Hand screened oal. Take no other.

I.eve our orders at Coraline corteta always at Bright's Call fornla honey at Yost Wat on'a. O'l-eloth carpet for stoves at Steph enson. Tak ruuze on the "Bristol;" fare red need. Tho 75c corteta at Bright' are beauties. co*ke 1 teHio? at the era work at 8c per buihcL Maude Atkinson ha no liring equal at aoclion Car cod craaberrie (rery fine) at Yot Watton.

fio to Bloom' One Price Clothing IIoue for bareain. Evrrr article of fall and winter wear at ttephentcn. fleorre Stoekmeyer rain storm came lat eight as predicted A to quality, ttjle and price every body I p.CAstu at No extra charse for reserved cafj to we Maude Atkinson Mon-iay uight The protracted rncetin? at the chnrch continue to be largely at fnlft'. Orton. rn Market fouare.

I tcTe cheajcr thau ever. Call and ee him. We areovemtockM in rt.Ne'f chool haw! 1 taken o(T the price of each at J. M. Bright'.

dollar buys th? bfit and tinet ilnUhed firm wairon iu the eitv. at Brj ant' factory. Th prr and pnblfc pronounce Mamie Atkinon Ulterior to Mazgie vitcheli aa -Kanchon." CHrence carrie a full line of dnifr of all kind and ectnpouud all prt -rrij tiom carefully. Boy' and children's mifs are fol.1 BIooju' for Ioh than the material the liiAtcrial could be bought Couiinz Amcricu'i own favorite nrtrc-s Maud Atl innn r.nd htr chal-leure company. W'li forihrm.

An ex per it i crd book-keeper would like a permanent situation. Address in care of the Monitor oili'-o. It will py you to deal with Bloom, the One I'rire Clothier. lie ha no old stock all new and Iref-h gvod. It I admitted that the most complete lice of merino underwear for women and children is at J.V.

Bright'. See the tine display of overcoat at B'oom'a; he will nil them now cheaper than you can buy thcin cNewbere. Sowiiijr ma.hin cleaned and adjusted for 1, by 1. (. (iil-on.

opio-ite O. IfOOdlander, on tjcott avc-nur Oce solid week. Maude Atkinson and her grand company at the Opera hou commencing next Mondav night. Mike your old rugs lock new by putting on some of tho pretty and cheap friuees 12J to '2o ct-ut at Bright'. A burlesque ou the opera Falka" will be a part of the performance of the "Fun on the Bristol" company next Saturday night.

The reaon why you ought to patronize Bloom, the One I'rico Clothier, is, becau-c before he came among you, you had to pay extremely large profit on your jjoeds. Mr. W.C. Barrett went to Eureka. (Ku.) Tuesday, returning yesterday.

While there he witnessed the marriag of Li son, Mr. B. F. Barrett to 111 Kate lluntotn. Monday morning express train out of New York wa the bearer ot some novelties in dress goods au 1 trimmings for J.

M. Bright. He expect them to reach here to-day. Mr. Noonan is putting down anew none in front of his new Mr.

Noonan is one of our citizens who has confidence in the futuroof the city, and doe uot hesitate to invest. The "Fun on the BrUtor company has achieved wi -rlul uccess. Over-flDwinjr hi'tiv have greeted them lion. At about half past ten o'clock last I night a heavy storm.wiih an electrical current ensued, that seriously interfered with the telegraph. This will account for the meagreness of our associated report.

A partial list of the premiums awarded at the late Bourbon county fair appears in this morning' issue of the Monitor. Extra copies containing the list can be found on sale at the Monttob offlce. Mrs. F- F. Ware received a telegram Saturday, Oct.

31. The laughable erent of the season, E. D. TANNEHILL'S FDN on lie BRISTOL COMPANY. Miss St.

George Hussey Epecia'Iy encased for her pa'. character of WIDOW O-BRIEX. Incitlentbl totbe play, in the second act, the aoreamlng burlesque on the opera of A A A CiREAT r-LAY. A GREAT CAST. A COMPANY OF COMEDIANS.

NEW AND ELFOAXT SCENERY. CHARMING MUSIC. GORGEOUS Admission, 35, 50, and 75c. Secure seats in aiixance ht PATTERSON'S. The Fort Scott aatl (Julf.

Offers you the most pleasant and desirable route to Kausa City aud all points east, north aud west; "to Memphis and all points south. At Kansas. City, conuectioii9 are made iu Union depot with all through trains for Chicago. St. Louis and the cast; to St.

Paul, Denver. San Fran cisco, Portland and the west and north west. Via this line, en trie train with free recliuiug chair car aud rullmau Bullet sleeping car runs through to Memphis Pullman sleeping car through to New Orleans There is no other direct route from the we to Jacksonville, Peusacola, Nashville, Chattanooga, aud all southern cities. This route, via Hoxie. is over one huutlred miles the shortest line to Little Hock, Hot Springs, and point3 in Arkausad.

Write for large map and timetables, showing through connections. Before purchasing your ticket, call upon a ticket agent ot thia write to tho uudereigued for rates. Special rates and arrangement for parties and their movables, going south to locale. J. E.

Loc wood, Geu'l Ticket Agt, Kansas City, Mo. BULK OYSTERS. On and after to-day I will keep on hand constantly the very best of oysters in bulk, which will be sold as low as possible by the pint, quart or gallon. Call and get some. JULIUS COHN.

Ln ton-Wood i li ff Loan as cheap money and give better terms than any one else in the country. Call on them. Oscar Rice, Manager. Xow Ih the Time. To get your old clothing made new by ha it steamed, cleaued, dyed and repaired, reaiy for winter, at the Steam Laundry, under Armory hall.

Satisfaction guaranteed. Lake Fish at Lamping's, on tho Square Stoves! Stoves! Stoves! Get your stoves and heaters at Cr-ton's on Market square. A. Reynolds proprietor of the Vault Cleaning Co. Office at Wilder House, Fort ScotL I vt on-Wood ruff Will loan you money ou farm or city property as cheap a9 it can bo had anywhere.

Oscar Rice, Manager. Our cost sale is over, out nevertheless we shall continue to sell our boots and shoes at rock bottom prices at 203 Main street. E. W. Wing.

These straight cut, fine, French cas-simer suits at Bloom's are daisies; they go like hot cakes. UJO-Acre Farm. To trade for city property. Ei- quire of Lakin Beatty Bloom is bound to take the lead so he is willing to sell the best of goods cheaper than any other house. California cauned goods per cent cheaper than ever offered before in Fort Scott.

Y'ost Watson. Tha mtinn wbv TUoom'a business Is ia Kormicn Iia treats I everybody alike. He has the only I real One Price business in town. I DRY BIC3- JB0 2TJ3rZJ USTO. 120.

20 in. Diameter at Door. Weight 355 lbs. The wonderful he3ting qualities of these s'oves have rematked by everyone who has used them. It is due to MASON'S HEAT DEFLECTOR.

This is cone sh3pei and placed in the upper cylinder, directly over the fire, causing a return ot the flame, which thus snpe; heated burns the gas and smoke, and effects a saving of thirty to foity per cent cf the fuel. It throws the heat downward, and prevents the stove pipe from becoming red hot, and the conse quent danger of fire from this scurce. For school stores and halls, it in all cases gives satisfaction. IP. DILWOBTH FOKT SCOTT, KANSAS.

9 Commencing Mondey Xot. 2. Special attraction ol America's favorite Actress, aude Atkinson, AND HES CHALLEKSE DRAMATIC CGHPANV. In a reperatcire of unusual brilliancy MONDAY NIGHT, NOV. 2.

"FAMCHOM," In which she haa XO LIVING EQUAL. OTE A general reduction in prices will le maintained during the entire week, in order to glre everyone a chance to see this great com pany of Artist. GENERAL ADMISSION 50 CENTS BALCONY 35 CENTS GALLIRY 2 CENTS Noextrachargefor reserved sea' s. Now on sale Fresh Oysters at Lamp ing's, on the Square. Never Give Up.

If you are suffering with low and depressed spirits, loss of appetite, general debility, disordered blood, weak constitution, headache, or any disease of a bilious nature, by all means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to see the rapid improvement that will follow; you will be inspired with new life; strength aud activity will return, pain and misery will cease, and henceforth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Pritchard Bros. For Sale Bakery and confectionerv doing a good business and located on Market square in Fort Scott. Enquire at the bakery.

Birk IIamm. Oysters Oysters received daily by express direct from Baltimore at Juliu3 Cohn's. Steves in all Grades And at all prices at Ortou's store. Call and look at the styles and get prices. Eiver Fish at Lamping's, on the Square.

Choice mince meat at 10c per pound at Watson s. Ask for the Gold and Silver shirt at Bloom's, the best and cheapest in the laud. Gasoline at Lamping's, on the Square Hloney! Money! Money! 2 OS ts 03 2 J3 Van Fossex Wilcox Loam and Real Estate Bank Peanuts, roasted daily, at Lamping's, on the Square. Bloom haa the very latest and finest hats at 50 cents to" $1 less thau any other house. A very fine uncolored Japan Tea for 50c per pound.

Yost Watson's. Concord Grapes, at Lamping's, on tho Square. A Stock of Glass and Mixed Paints. Mr. C.

Rosenberg, the at his shop below the Huntington house, ou Main street, a fine stock of glass and Williams' family paints, for sale. Oysters Oysters! Cheaper than ever at Julius Cohn's. Dressmaking. For dressmaking call on Miss A. Crim, over J.

M. Bright' store. Peach Cider at Lamping's, on the Square. That nniltcd farmer' satin at Bright' is about the price of the raw you cannot efl'ord to time quilting. Best and cheapest city loans in the market Lawton woodruff, Over McKay's store.

Bloom has the best fitting clothing in Fort Scott equal to the finePt mer chant tailor work. GOODS. Cat A Fair Connfy Obtains a Slice Missouri Gets a Piece From the nauncb. A Partial and Concise Report of Pre mionis Awarded. CLASS A LOT 1 SHORT HORNED DURHAM CATTLE.

Best bull 3 years old and upward, (donated by First National bank), $10. Awarded to Mr. Charles Nelson. Best bull 2 years old and under 3, first premium $3. Awarded to Andrew Cotter man.

Second premium $4, to W. IL Harris. Best bull 1 year old and under 2, first premium $6. S. T.

Shankland. Best bull calf, first premium second best $2. Both to S. T. Shank- land.

Best cow 3 years old and upward. $10. Awarded to Charles Nelson. Second best (donated by W. J-Baw- den).

$5. Awarded to S. T. Shankland. Best heifer 1 year old and under.

2, $6. First premium awarded to Charles Nelson. Best heifer calf, second best, $2. First and second premium awarded to S. T.

Shankland. HERD. Best bull and three cows, 2 years old and over, $15. Awarded to Charles Nelson. CLASS A LOT 2 ALDERNEYS AND 6ERSEYS.

Best bull of any ae (donated by Fir6t National bank), $10; best cow of any.age, $10. HERD. Best bull and 3 cows 2 years old and over, 515. All premiums on above taken by the Stony-Brook- Stock Farm. CLASS A LOT 5 SWEEPSTAKES.

Best bull and 3 heifers under 2 years old, $10; best cow and 2 of her offspring, $10: best bull of any ago or class, best cow of any age or class, $15. All premiums on above taken bv Charles Nelson. Best milch cow of any age or class (donated by J. P. Miller), $10.

Award ed to sdony-Broofc arm. CLASS LOT G. nORSES. CLYDESDALE. Best stallion, 4 vears old and over.

$12; secocd best, $8. First premium awarded to John C. Iudson; second to E. T. Shafer.

Pay ment of first premium protested aud and pedigree demanded. Best mare 4 years old ami over, $10; econd best, $5. Both premiums awarded to C. M. loward.

CLASS LOT 7 NORMANS. Best stallion, 4 years old and over, $12. First premium awarded to John C. HudsoH. Second best, $3.

Awarded to Mr. E. T. Shaffer. Best mare, 4 years old and over.

$10; second best, $5. First premium, G. T. Kenuison second, E. S.

Wegand. CLASS LOT 8 HEAVY DRAUGHT. Best stallion, 3 years old and under, E. T. llolman.

Second best (donated by Felix Payne,) $5 E.T, ahalies. Best stallion 2 years old and under 3, second best, $1. First, E. T. llolman; second, Eli Johnson.

Best stallion 1 year old and under 2 S4 awarded to G. T. Kenmson. Best stallion suckine colt, foaled since March 1, 1885, $4 awarded to E. S.

Wefgand. Best mare 3 years old, and under 4, $8 awarded to E. T. Shaffer. Best mare 2 years old and under $6 awarded to G.

T. Kennison second best, E. T. Shaffer. Best mare foaled since March 1885, $4 awarded to G.

T. Kenni eon. Best draught team, $10; premium donated by M. Liepman Bro. award ed to T.

Kenmson. CLASS LOT 9 HORSES OF ALL WORK Best stallion, 4 years old and over. premium saddle donated by James Wall, worth 15, awarded to 1. li, Price, Brownsville, second best awarded to M. M.

Uummings. Best stallion 3 years old and under 4, second best first premium W. A. Connor, second w. Creel.

Best stallion 2 years old and under 3, $6, second best first premium Thos. Farrel); second George lvoons Best stallion 1 year old and under 2. $4: awarded to Latta. Best stallion sucking colt, foaled siuce Marcn leso, awaraea to Charles Nelson. Best mare 4 vears old and over do nated by Col.

II. S. Hawley $10; sec ond best, first premium awarded to Eli Johnson; second M. Al. Uummings.

Best mare 3 years old and under 4 a marble top table donated by S. Goodlauder, valued at $10; second best $4: first premium awarded to C. O'Briar; second J. M. Coffern.

Best filler 1 year old and under 2 donated by Geo. W. Stephenson awarded to Cnarles Nelson. Best mare suckling colt, foaled since March 1, 185, awarded to G. Kennison.

CLASS LOT 10. MISCELLANEOUS. Best pair roadsters (donated by the First National bank), 1C; awarded to J. F. Willett.

Best pair carriage horses (donated by First National bank). $10; awarded to M. D. Best farm team for general use.But terrly Harrow (donated by ILL.

Page), worth ilO: awarded to Z. A. Horna- dav Best gentleman's driving horse or mare donated by Fort Scott Carnage Works $10: awarded to E. T. Hole man.

Best saddle horse or mare, $10; awarded to John 1 1 anna. Ten dollars in special premiums for the best trotting bred 2 year old colt, half mile exhibit for speed and 6tyle in harness, by Colonel Huntington; awarded to Colonel Huntington. Best walking team, to be exhibited in harness, $10; awarded to J. C. Iioodhouse.

CLASS LOT 11. SWEEPSTAKES. Best stallion of any ago or breed, other thau draught, f-a-bile donated by J. Glucz worth $25; awarded to M. M.

Cummings. Best mare of any age breed other than draught, $10; awarded to W. A. Connor. Best draught stallion any age or breed, $15; awarded to W.

F. Heath. Best draught stallion of any age or breed, $15; awarded to G. T. Kennison.

Best draught mare of any age or breed, $10; best lot of spring colts not less than 3 in number, sired by 1 horse and shown with sire, $15; awarded to G- T. Kennison. Best brood mare shown with 3 of her colts donated by Julius Cohn $15; awarded to M. M. Cummings.

Best gelding of any age or breed, $10: awarded to G. Longshore. Best colt of any breed or sex under 1 year old a suit of clothe? donated by J. liodecker Co. worth $10; awarded to Charles Nelson.

CLASS LOT 12 JACKS AND MULES itflat nair of mules draught or farm, 3 years old and over, awarded to W. IL alton. hornet nm ana men pay lor mem in monthlv Installment. Weadriseany ona desiring to secure a home to in vestigate the working of the assocla tion. Dr.

II. M. IIarrion, recently of the lUinoia State Eve and Ear Infirmary at Chicago, will vieit Fort Scott Thursday and Friday. November 19 and 20. at the lluntingxon noieu ine doctor is looking for a place to locate an Imfirroary and is In every respect a reliable man, master ot hi profession and bear an enviable reputation Person who are afflicted with disease of the eye.ear, throat or nose will do well to see him lie also make a specialty of fitting glasse to uit impaired vision.

He will either visit Fort Scott regularly or locate here. The people of ecbool district No. 68 gave aa ou Friday evening last (October 23) frthe purpose of rais'rg fing wi wl Ich purchaeo an orjfan ior ice auuaay school. The affair wa a great suc cess in all respect. The elegant cake voted to the handsomest young lady nrent brought V0 40, and the pro ceeds from the supper amounted to ne suniofito C.

The cake voted the handsomest young lady was prcented to visa llatt'e Tope, who received the majority of votes. All present enjoyed the occasion im mensely. morning about 9 o'clock Mr. runaa livery etabte cn Scott aveun had hn attention at- ractr by a handsome mare tied in the alley west of hi barn to whfen a trango man was taking various par ies trying to cuect a bale ot tue aui- mal. Hi su'pkions were aroused nd In order to determine what there was in the matter he went over and ried to a trade for the mare imnlf.

In the course of the nego- tiatiou the party who gsve his name 1 r.f.berr, urop, rourludfd that he would rather keep the mire sn offered to trade a mule which had for a mare owue.l by Mr. Cx whih trade wa complied. By this time Mr Cox was convinced by the action of the man that the mare and mule were stolen property and accordingly notified Deputy Sheritl" Todd who took Ebbert in chargu "To Deputy Sheriff Todd the stranger gave his name as Johuson and stated that his residence was in Jopliu. Ebbert, or Johnson, whoever he is is now locked up in the county jail and will be held for further developments The mare aud mu'e are at Mr. Cox's stable.

The former is seven or eight year old. black with white star in forehead, with foal aud is fourteen aud a half hands high. The mule is a mare sixteen hands higfl, eight years old, brown in color aud has a little horn or bone development ou the lower jaw. There was another mau with Ebbert who gave his name as Smith but who escaped aud whom the officers are now iu search. Fourth Annual Statement Of the Fort Scott Building and Loan Association from commeiirement.Sep-tember 1, to August 31.

inclusive: OFFICERS. F. J. Nutz, Tresident. J.

F. Cottrell, Vice-l'resideut. Vi. Cheuault, Treasurer. S.

I. Mosher, Secretary. WKECTOF.S. F. J.

Xutr, Charles Nelson, J. Cheuault. li. J. Harris, A.

W. Walburn. J. F. Cottrell, L.

II. Seeiye. VALVE OF STOCK. slnre. PM In.

Flr.t smia iri TUtrO ens 1 TJ i Ko'jrth -rit-. I sit ys 41 5 4 Kfictfuily ubniittet, 8 P. MOSHER, Secretary. To Xkf and Lnaa Association of Fort We, y-nr committee, beg leavo to report, that we have examiued the above statement with the books of the asociation.aud find that it fully agrees with the sam.

John Gu nz, Auditing J. S. Fishkk, A. (iKiFFtN, Committee. Fort Scott, October 26, lbr.

In presenting this, the fourth annual statement, the board of directors wish to call attention to the condition of the association. It growth has been steady and sure, ami so far it has not sustaiued the loss of one dollar. It has furnished money to it members to build nearly sixty houses, enabling them to become property owners iu-stead of rent-payers Its benefi: are strictly mutual, each member getting his pro rata share of the profits. Parties wishing a home of their own can procure one by making monthly payments of about the same amount thev are now paying for houe rent. The fourth series opened July 4, 1885, and parties wishing to build can get stock at anytime.

For full particulars inquire of the Secretary, or any memoer of the Board of Directors. Emnoria Xeics: Gilbert, chaste and beautiful play of -Pygmalion aud Galatea." a presented ty the Maude Atkinson troupe at the Whitley Opera house last night, was a taorougviy meritorious performance throughout, aud was witnessed by a good audi ence. We have no space lor the extended notice we should be glad to give of Miss Atkinsou'a superb rendering of Galatea msre thau to say it was all that could be desired. The more taking and popuUr as well as thrilling drama of the Frenh Spy will be presented this cveEiug; and in this special piece Mis Atkinson is said to be without a peer on the American stage. The prices will remain at S3 and 25 cents, notwithstanding the increase of attraction.

Crab Cider at Lamping's, on tha Square. New jelly, preserve and jams very cheap at Yost Watson's. i i I il I li i Ik, lj il -vis -I 1 ittt; 1 1 i Hi i I I i i PpTTTT" I i Z. .1 1 i 12-! I. tl -1 IS- I i iM ji I i 5 i i5 i' TcnLiruan Svn's trlware store for! everywhere, it appears here Satur 1 fc I.

0.i'Fv. 'day idght at reduced rates of adcuis New Vork. yesterday, statiug Miner and Dealers. Afireat FleoTfr. Mr.

Wm. Thoniv.of ewton, la, av -yi ife hni been seriously affected will' a coiijrti ff twenty-live years aud this spring more than ever before. She had n-od r.iaay remedies ithont relief, and inz urgil to try Dr. King's New Discovery, did wiih in-t gratifying re-alts. The ar-t little rvlii'vc'd her very much, and the cvn I absolutely cured her.

She ha n-t had so gi health for thirty Trial bottles free at Prichard dreg store. Iat sire SI. Secure a Ham. No live man i couteuted wi'hout a i home of hi own. and now Is the time I to build, and the Building and lxan association i ready and willing to ass'st rou on liberal term.

The sec retary or anv meniber of the board of directors ill gladly explain the working of the association and give any information desired. Sale of money at secrctar) cvety Saturday evening until further notice. ve; mtl narnirnt whfn house i inoihrr when idastered. anil 1 balance when completed and accepted by our inspector. F.J.

Nor, President. S. P. Mosiir.M. Secretary.

SSO-Aere Farm for Sale. Frt-clss land in every particular. UNDERTAKING-! A FINE STOCK OF WOOD AHD METI1LIC BURIAL CASES. We have a flrst-ciass Hearse and a competent undertaker. We intend reasonable prices and entire Bausiaction.

P. Dilworth. Best mule 2 years ofd and under 3 awarded to E. B. Todd.

Best mule 1 year old and under 2, awarded to James L. Wilkius. Best sucking1 mule colt, foaled since March 1, 1885, awarded to R. T. Wall.

Best Jack 4 years old over, $10; best Jack 1 year old and under 4, both awarded to I. O. Hornaday. CLASS LOT 13. Best lady driver $10, best ladv ri der, second, best lady rider, third, $4: first premium awarded to Mrs.

vy. H. Robinson, second, Mary Saxe. Best lady rider, $10: awarded to Mary Saxe Best boy rider under 14 years oi aee a boy's saddle, donated by Jas. Walls, valued at awarded to Ben ny Davis.

SHEEP. CLASS C-LOT 14. LONG WOOL. Best ram 2 vears old or over, $5: second best. first premium awarded to Ream Manon; second to O.

Fairbanks. Best ram lamb under 1 year, awarded to Oliver Walker Cavern: second awarded to Ream Manon, Mounds, Mo. Best three ewes 2 years old and over, second best, best ewe lamb under 1 year, second best, an four of above premiums awarded to Ream Manou, Mounds, Mo. CLASS LOT 15. FINE WOOLS.

Best ram 2 vears old or over. eecond best, $2 50; best ram 1 year old and under 2, second best, all of the above, first and second premiums, awarded to K. Brant, of Walnut, Kansas. Best three ewes 2 vears old and over. second best.

both premiums awarded to J. K- Brant. CLASS LOT 16. SWEEPSTAKFS Best ram of any age or breed, $10; best ewe of any age or breed, $10: both premiums awarded to Ream Manon, of Mounds, Mo. SWINE CLASS LOT 17.

BERK- SHIRES. Best boar, 1 vpar old and over, first award to W. E. Pucketl; second best to Ream Manon. Best boar under six months, second best, $1.

Best sow one year old, lb; second sst, best sow six months and un der one year, second best, best sow under six months. eecond best. best sow and litter, the pigs under six months, $8. All of the first premiums in tne above list were awarded to VV. Puckett; all the second premiums to Ram Manon.

CI ASS LOT 18 POLAND CHINA. Bst boar one year eld and oyer, boy's overcoat (donated by Bloomi So: awarded 10 nannoipinew Scott; second best, to C. II. Palmer. Best boar six months and nnder one ear (donated by A.

J. Pitcher) awarded to C. II. Palmer; second best, $2: to Bartholemew Scott. Best boar under six montns, awarded to O.

second best, 1 (donated by A. J. Pitcher) to Bar tholemew Scott. Best sow on year old and over, to'Hngh Portwood: second best, to artholemew Scott. Best sow six months and under ons year, to Charles Roberts; second best, to Col.

Huntington. Best sow under six months, see- ond best, both awarded to C. U. aimer. Tokay Grapes, at Lamp ing's, on the Square.

550 dozen underwear at Bloom's from 25 cents upward. LyTVy MERCHANT THE Wain Street Tailor, mm Is on (leek with a full line of Woolen PIECE embracing all the lead. Is? styles or both FOREIGN and DOMESTIC make. He Is prepared fo execute all erders entrusted to in the most artistic manner. Prices as low as the lowest.

-TTTA NTED An Rotive Man VV everv county to ttell otir irooi. or woman in Salary $75 per month nnrt ex inline, or commission. Expenses in advance. Out tit free. For full par-tif nlnrs STANDARD MILVEU WAKE Boston, A Trne' Story With a "Very Happy Ending.

Such is the story of Tepping, the Market street tailor, who was poor nu'l is rich; who bought a fifth of a Louisiana State Lottery ticket coupon for one dollar and won a fortune last month. It is said that Tepping haa forsaken tne scenes that he formerly haunted; that thepa'h he trod now know him no more. Where is Tepping? Has he returned to the land where Prince Bismarck rules and where the American hog is unknown It is hinted that Teppinsr has gone to viit his fatherland aud to there astonish the natives with graphic accounts of how fortunes have been made by Californiaus investine in Louisiana State Lottery tickets. San FranciHvo Chronicle, Sept 13. Lamping's, on the Square, headauarters for Fish and Oysters W.

C. Prry went to Iola yesterday. Mr. Ad. N.Jones has resigned as egent of the Wichita road at Wichita.

J. S. JuM. of Ottawa, accompanied by Mr. G.

W. Tbompeon of the same place, was iu the city yesterday and made the Monitor a very sociable visit. Ask for Bloom's all-wool red underwear, cheaper thau any ever quoted. Orton's, on Market Fqnare, Is the cheapest place iu the city to buy stoves and heaters. See Bloom's all-wool pants, cheaper than cotton pants at other places.

J. E. WESTERVELT it' CO. living water and a aere surtaee coal headquarter at Mem-tleld on premises. improved is at the Huntington.

Mr. and ltiaeres in cu.tivatlon; located J. a Keatleman whom it is a five miles southeast cf rort tcott. aMir, tQ meet aQil rcrresents oue Terms, half cash. i ih et amonsr the sreat trunk We have been very quiet for few days about gentleman, had in some way, fallen and broken his leg.

It is feared that his advanced age may be a serious ob-I stacle to bis recovery. lUSi Ull p. John Stanley, a workman at the foundry, narrowly escaped a terrible accident on Mouday evening. He got his baud caught in a turning lathe, but succeeded in relcasine it with only some slight bruises. Hi sleeve, however; was torn from his shirt.

People from a distance a well as home consumer, who thoroughly arouaint themselves with nt, make, ot cloaks. st le. quality and price clove, underwear, hosiery, etc- In variably make their purchase cf some one of Stephenson's accommo dating clerks. Mr. Jame A.

Sangston, southern lines of the country. Mrs. Stephenon left on Sun- day to attend the bedside of her fath- icr at Winfield, West Ya in respone 10 a smuuuuu AflB moiu Her father name Is JOLn ii.ier. Yesterday Mr. Stephenson received a telegram announcing the death of Mr.

Miller before Mr. Stephenson' arrival. Colonel Huntington carried oflT the blue ribbon at the late Bonrbon county fairwith his2-year old Ilamlltonian, for the best trotting colt, shown for speed and style, one-half mile in har ness. This is one 01 tne uaesi cons that ever appeared upon tho streets of Fort Scott. Tte colonel is proud of him and he hs occasiou to be.

On another page will be found the fourth annual statement of the Building and Loan association. This statement shows a splendid financial condition of the institution, and speaks volumes for its management. Th members have shown excellent jre-sight la selecting from their stockholder some ot the leading financiers of the rity for their directors. any one of whom is a guarantee of abuity and integrity ia the nianasetnent of the Snanc of the association. The success of any business or Institution de- iT VL! 17 T.V.i ir-rn IU 1UUK 4V9 lJV yi Va- -i a-- of their character, control the finances of this or any other institution it is bound to succeed.

For officer of the association, the board of directors Lave selected mea who are competent Hi Have not said much about -V TT IU I tW Addre, I. M. Clarksburg. Kausa. BacMcn Aralca Sale.

The best salve in the world for cuts, bruiser. ore. u.ccr. ait rhenm, 1 fever soren tetter, enarpea canus, a a 1. chilblains, corns, and id ail skin erup- tion, and positively cure piles or no cure required.

It is guaranteed to ive prtect satisfaction or money re-unded. Price 25 cents per box. For ale by IV.chard Bros, Fort Scott, Kas. Te Xetrhants, Ballrad Men an 1 Traveling Men. Secure an accident ticket or plicy la the Accident Insurance Company of North America.

tlr.xM Marr. Agent. KooSn? Palat. F. Poast.

manufacturer of the Spanish Asbestos roofing paint; fire.water an 1 climate proof. Call and see him at the oillee of M. Starn, on Market Square, Fort Kas where he has it for sale at wholesale and retail, and if deIred will arply when desired. I'oasT. Art School.

i V.l.V! 1 CT-scs drawing will fjrmel on ana a ill Ihs formed on and after Monday, October at Bryarfs ich3l ot musical art, by Miss BIle SelbT. artiste from Tepek. See nraibUl for terms and particulars. Been unusually quiet but very thoughtful aboat Blankets and Comfortables And wo have not troubled you to read anything about TABLE LIKENS. KAFKiXS, TOWELS 03 FANCY TiDItS, Neither have we written or spoken of our Ladies' and Children's UNDERWEAR.

Vests and Pants, in Scatkt, White or Camel's Hail. But in all the above'articles we are fully able to interest you, and make it to ydur financial advantage to visit the south corner of Union Block, Foit Scott, Kansas. Ccke is cheap..

Fort Scott Daily Monitor from Fort Scott, Kansas (2024)


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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.