Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Expressi

Washington, District of Columbia

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ylast a do a1 Jules nr I tQ fa poees in this argument it is unnecessary caaa vi land It was attacked by the Republican party speech op mr Benjamin Concluded from the National Intelligencer of Tuesde i In May 22 1860 A COUNTRY SEAT OR SALE containing about thirty acres about two miles northwest of Georgetown in a most health and beautiful situation commanding a view of tlie Potomac river and the Blue Ridge mountains It is richly shaded with large oaks and other forest trees and the soil is well adapted to growth of fruits and vegetables It can be divided into two or more sites wl nearly equal advan tages Address Box 808 Georgetown I) June 22 A YOUNG LADY desires a situation as Teacher either in a school or private family She is competent to teach tlie usual English branches music rench and Latin Address Mina A Baltimore Post Office july 9 eo3t MRS A BANNERMAN having recently taken that eligibly located House No 447 Pennsylvania avenue south side between Third and our and fialf streets can safely offer great inducements to those desirous of obtaining Board The location is conceded to be one of the finest on the avenue The room are well ventilated and can be furnished in suites or singly at moderate prices i i Transient Boarders can be accommodated by the day or week Also Table Boarders jnne eod3t NEW BOOK by a Washingtonian The Canterburya cental he amily by Mias Jones Revival in Ireland A nulVvWm Gibson of Belfast $125 Mind and Words of Jesus and the aithful Uromiser all in one volume 32mo 36 cents A lot of New Books for Premium i just received WM BALLANTYNE Seventh street above Odd HalL' an equal right to no there and that their nronertv shall not bo i in construction that will be maintained and persistently mains The resolution contains? in mv opinion two truisms and 1' Trru A I Al fa I A Senatorial districts of the State When he says after the Supreme Court have decided Mie ques wmsmsus ue gives joptthur vote upon the election of tion that the people may yet exdqde slavery by any means are first that every citizen" nJ Legislature was one hundred nrem on for Not all the The resolution says all the citi in his favor one hundred anS upreme 2 1 sens He savs everv citizen But I will showvou whvhe twty on8an Pjf CotiHra nci the Stqiremelfosurtidedtlurt question? i 8alr8 80 1 AM lira lAOHfaaa twwmww a i wneunenow say tine people may exclude slavery does ne not fcvery citizen of the United States has an HiT fltt flR re WJbfSa alZkjeAJT hWf 'vnoba 51 1 It a HR I i a cec AU 1 carries slavery there let it go and no power on earth can take I and no man imbued I with constitutional principle ean dis carry there cover but one and that is that all citizensthose who owns power but tlie people can carryu Uves as well as those who own horeera have a right to go Not just what he said in Illinois Mr Lincoln pro with their property into the have an equal ceeds right to go there and that their property shall not be im Judge said that whether the people could exclude I paired JBat the Senator from Illinois says there is another Riaverv onor to me lormanon oi a constitution nr nnt zt i i question to be decided by the Supreme Court He putthat taioed And what is it 1 Hesays: proposition as wifi be seen by the Cong vional (Hebe in a4 ne resolution contains? in my opinion two truisms and variety of forms all running to the same thing in substance fairly considered no man ean question i 1 i th At tr was a ntmahnn fnrtnfl Ntinroma I Vinrt monriam I I wvv ve gv vsea wv a IMUIUUjU vHWv vyasvM MV HT9 Mvr MfV WIU Uw UWBWU ques means Question for zen Sooreme male a a anva 'vu JJttS DW onpreme uwi aeciaea tnai question 34JU a va vmw meme UBUiie now Bavfctne DAnnls mat eYtilnde sIxVPV rtnai ha nrtf I iLVPrr citiTAn nf tha Ifnitazi KtaiA has an aaraI Miht in tha the State Republican officers wjrej elected bpt it a question for the people Does he not virtually shift Territories that whatever right the citizen of one State has I ri of 9 1 PJwi WCU I hs grpwi kd a thaf it i not a question for the court but be enjojred by the citizens of all the 1 WHITE AND We offer a large stock ofwhite and colored Irish Linens for shirts collars' at our proverbially low prices slurU md Llnen" We Wtfe to our order B08Om8 wl Cottons of qualities that can be relied on Our tokof UlothB Cwteimerea and I Mattings Carnets Curtains Oilcloths Ac upper rooms fibres PnCe Only' aCtUid Talue mked in plain An inspection of stock solicited it implies no obligation to purchase PERKY BROTHER Penn avenue and 9th street july9 10tdif Perry Bnildin Now Mr President I cannot gofany further into the discussion of this case because in view of my ulterior pur poses in this argument it is unnecessary No sooner had that decision been made than it wasjattacked all over the land It was attacked by the Republican party The honorable Senator from New Hampshire (Mr Hale) was not satisfied With attacking the principles of the decision The Chief ustioe in order to come at the point to whichhe was directing his attention declared that he could only reach the point by taking into consideration the history of the African race on this continent and looking back in a historical point of View to the date bf the adoptionof the Constitution and he proceeded to give that history He stated that at that date certain principles were prevalent in the country and amongst them that these unfortunate people were considered by many as having nb rights Which a white man was bound to respect The honorable Senator from 'New Hampshire repeated here the other day the statement that this assertion of a historical fact was one of the points decided by the court in defiance suppose of one thousand corrections of the statement that had been made all over the United States I Again the honorable Senator from York (Mr' Reward) who is not now in his dent and whose claims upon the gratitude and confidence! of his party were so ruthlessly set aside at Chicago undertook to get ridi of the decision by denouncing the court and Senators arotind me will remember how again and again he stood up here in tne Senate and insinuated in the face of the country that tnere had been a bargain between the Chief Justice and the President of the United States He saw what the decision did not attempt to evade or avoid It He tried to get nd of its moral power by blackening the character of 1 ta author What says the honorable Senator from Illi nois He doe not do that He now say that hl bar gain was that he would abide by the decision of theTcourt when it came up from a local court in a Territory? He is not satisfied with the decision although given by the tri bunal to which we all agreed to referit He says he did not agree to refer it in the Dred Scott case he agreed to refer it when a case should arise in a Territory Here is his language: Bear in mind that the report introducing the bill was that toese yieelions touching the right of property in slaves werej Syjy t0 ocai courts to the Territorial courts with a appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States shall arise and the court tihMll pronoun cpi binding 6n me onjyou air and oh every Mr President I am not satisfied with that promise and I am Dot satisfied with it because the honorable Senator irom IHinoia upon several memorable since the year 17 has said out of the presence of the Senate that It nn was made it would hot bind the people of a the case could hot be so decided as to bmd4he Temtof that fiothing thiit the 8upremeCourt 'ouia do by deeisiop could bind the Territory but by the iranaas Nebraska bill he had fixed: the South so that the people of the Territory in defiance bf the decisions of the could exclude slavery from the Territory I Here Mr President let me come back to an explana tion of that fact which I spoke of before and to which I asked the attention of the Senate and the country Here stands the explanation of the suddeni change that has been Wrought in the relations of the Senator from Illinois with the rest of the Democratic party It was when in the year 1858 the year following this uecision pressed by a canvass at home eager to return to the Senate he joined In canvassing the State of Illinois wjth the gentleman who now the candidate Of the Black Republican party for the Presidency Pressed in different portions of the State with this very argument that he had agreed to leave the question to tite court that the court had decided it in favor of the South and that therefore under the Kansas Nebraska bill slavery was fixed in all the Territories of the United States himself going dowq in Illinois in that canvass he backed out from his promise and directly told the people of his State that whether it had been decided or not and bo matter what the court might decide the Kansas Ne braska bill had fixed the power in the people of the North to make every Territory in the Uniofi free 1 Ip that contest the two candidates for the Senate of the United States in the State of Illinois went beforeltheir people They agreed to discuss the issues they put ques tions to each other for answer and I must say here for I must be just to all that I have been surprisedin theexami nation that I made again within th last few days of this discussion between Mr Lincoln andu Mr Douglas to find that on several points Mr Lincoln is! a far more conserva tive man unless he has since change his opinions than I had supposed him to be There was no dodgiog on his bart Mr Douglas started with his questions Here they are with Mr Lincoln's answers Question I desire to know whether Lincoln tq day stands as he did in 185 1 in favor of the unconditional repeal of the fugitive slave 1 1 I do not now nor ever did itand in favor of the unconditional repeal qt the fugitive slave law 44 Question 2 I desire him to answer whether he stands pledged to day as he did in 1854 against the admission of nny momlave States into the Union even if the people want them? I 44 Answer I do not now nor ever did stan pledged against the admission of any more slave States into the Union 3 I want to know whether he stands pie Iged against the admission of a new Stated into the Union with such a constitution as the people of that State mayeee itto of a peo vi umu may see uv to maae question 4 1 want to know whether he stands to day vo Answer I do not stand to day pledged to the abolition ofv 1 U11UV AZieii ll'kVl LViamUltt II Sfueetion 5 1 desire him to answer whether he stands dir Hon Chief Justice Shaw Boston Rev Cyrus A Bartol DD Rev Edward Hale a Mr Edwin Whipple Mr James ields 1 Rev William urness DD Philadelphia Hon Seaton Washington Mr ranck Taylor Mr William Greene Cincinnati Rev John Heywood Louisville Kentucky Mr Thoma A Adams New Orleans Mr James Arnold New Bedford Mr Griffins Morgan Hon John Clifford Rev Henry VV Bellows DD New York Rev S'amn 1 Osgood DD William yant Mr George Widiam Curtis Mrs Caroline Kirkland Miss Sedgwick Lenox Ms Rev Dr Eliot St Louis Missouri I june cp THE NEW and elegant screw Steamship Monticello Capt tE Gager will leave the Western Wharves Wash ington every Tuesday and Alexandria every Wednesday at at 3 o'clock Returning will leave NewYork every Sa turday at 3 clock Passengers should join the ship at Alexandria on the day of sailing i Cabin passage with elegant State Room accommodation and including meals (750 reights taken at extremely low rates and no commission charged tor forwarding beyond New York I or freight engagements or passage apply to MORGAN RII1NEHEART mar MdeTtfif Corner of 27th and streets REMOVAL WHEELER SEWING MACHINE AGENCY THE Agent for the sale of these invaluable amily Sew ing Machines encouraged by the general favor with winch they are received wherever they become kno rn has taken one of the hue stores lately erected on the corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Seventh street No: 346 where he intends to keep a much larger and better stock lhan hereto fore of ell the various styles made by the Wheeler Wilson company Ladies are invited to call and examine them ull instructions given without charge and the machines warranted to give perfect satisfaction STEER Agent No 346 Pennsylvania avenue july AND READY MADE Those in want of well made Clothes from 'sound mate rial fashionably cut and well trimmed should buy from NOAH WALKER CO Hotel Building As they manufacture all the goods they sell and offer great inducements to buyers june 13 3taw4w Watclies i jS GALT BRO call attention to their assort ment of Watches by the following makers namelv Charles rodshain London i Copenhagen I ims A Sons London i Cooper Loudon iChaa Taylor A Sous London Xff Arria rvv islzivs Patek Phillippe Co Geneva i Vacheron Constantine Geneva Alfred Lavalette Geneva Breitling Laederick 4 Chaux de onda The above with a large assortment of medium quality Watches we guaranty to offer at least as low a they can be purchased for this country Uniform prices in plain figures and no deviation Watches and Chronometers carefully repaired JUW GALT BRO Jewellers may 14 tf 354 Penn av 4 doors west of Hotel RUIT CANS RUIT CANS improved tetf tealing air tight Cana for sale cheap by BARTHOLOW eo2w Seventh treet pew the Cantf XDMSs 44 Answer I do not stand pledged against1 the admisuon Bew State into the Union with each a constitution as the Die Of that State mav see fit tn mak Lj nrem ah A ieo nt pledged to the abolition of slavery in the District of lumbiat laverv in ths nf pledged to the prohibition of the slave trade between the terent States! i I do not stand pledged to the prohibition ol the alaVe trade between the different States 6 I desire to know whether be stands pledged to ohibit slavery in all Territorie of the United States In favor of the Senator from lUlnoi and ho came back I for the people! Thia 1 a very simple prepetition1 every here in triumph I I plain and naked 5 Last spring I was forced to leave my country from an I I will ask you my friends if yon were elected attack of a disease in the eyes which required attention of the Legislature what would be the first thing you abroad I went to get the Attention of eminent oculists I nhrniul nr at I ta tupport the CnsitMwn Jf the United btotet suppose nr wrii I was debarred from I you believe as Judge Douglas does that the Constitution of 1 bRck opening the United States' to your neighbor the right hold ot this Congress and I found that during my absence the I slaves in that that they are his how can honorable Senator from IDinois had been engaged in a con I you clear your oaths unless you give him such legislation as troversy in the public journals and magazines of the coun I necessary to enable him to enjoy that property 1 Wbat ao try in relation to the principle that governed the Territo I understand bv supporting the constitution of a State or of rie of the United States and that he had copied in those the States Is It not to give such constitutional helps "i Drax's hL1 had red against him and was then using againt lelieve tht the Constitution establishes a right' ie £aJ18erl I have got them I clear youroath without giving it support? Do you snpport Here irst that it may not be said that I originated this I the Constitntioq if knowing or believing there is a right charge after these magazine article were printed and af I established under it which needs Specific legislation you with ter the opponent Mr Lincoln had taxed him I hold that legislation Do you not violate and disregard your with want of good faith under the Constitution for alleging I oMh I conceive of nothing plainer in the world There the power of the lobal Legislature to adopt this unfriendly the words the Constitution if you Ohio in September 1859 Mr Lincoln said to the people I wjth more force the doctrine of 4un 44 Judge Doyons says if the Constitution carries slavery I friendly legislation' How could you having sworn to sup into the Territories Beyond the power of the people of the I port the Constitution and believing it guarantied the right to Territories to control it as other property then it follows tegi I hold slaves in the Territories assist in legislation intended to cally that every one who swears to support the Constitution defeat that right That would be violating your own view of tlie United (States must give that support to that property I of the Constitution Not only so but if you were to do so which it needs And if the Constitution carries slavery into I how long would it take the courts to hold your votes uncon Territories beyond the power of the people to control itas I stitutional and void Not a moment 1 other property then it also carries it into tne States because I 41 Lastly I would ask is not Congress itself under obligation the Constitution is the Supreme law of the land Now gen I to give legislative support to any nght that is established in tlemeu if it were not for my excessive modesty I would say I the United States Constitution I repeat the question is not that I told that very thing to Judge Douglas quite a year ago I Congress itself bound to give legislative support to any right This argument is here in print and if it were not for my mo I that is established in the United States Constitution A mem desty as I said I might call your attention to iL If you will I ber of Congress swears to support the Constitution of the read it you will find that I not only made that argument but I United States and if be sees a right established by that Con made it better than he has (Laughter I stitution which needs specific legislative protection can he ia a al I clear his oath without giving that protection 7 Let me ask Now let us look at Judge Douglas argument on this I you why many of us who are opposed to slavery upon princi subject Magazine The Senator irom Illinois I pie give our acquiescence to a fugitive slave law? 5 hy do after thus deliberately violating the agreement that he made I we hold ourselves under obligation to pnss sneh alawaud with hie brother Democrats after Hying from the result I abide it when it is passed 7 Because the Constitution makes of the decision which he himself had provoked and propoe I provision that the owners of slaves shall have the right to ro ed after declaring that no matter how many decisions I claim them It gives the right laim slaves and that might be made he could always get clear of them becauae say? 8 barreQ there aU' he had so fixed it in the Nebraska bill that the people of Uon that enforoe the Territory could always in spite of the decisions make I Now sir let it not be said that I am reading Republican free Territories then proceeded in his canvass for the Pre I doctrine here because these very passages from the sidency to address himself to the people of the United I Speeches of Mr Lincoln were introduced as discoveries by States through a magazine and the next trick I am not I the Senator from Illinois these and the other passages in speaking of it in the sense of dishonor or dishonesty the I relation to the iconfusion between a State and a Terntory next fantastic trick of the Senator was to dress up a mag I When the Attorney General had replied to the magazine azine article with the answers of hi Republican opponent I article of the Senator from Illinois a rejoinder was issued in Illinois brought forward as discoveries by himself and I called rejoinder of Judge Douglas to Judge claimed as discoveries by himself as I shall show and he I in which he says speaking of the magazine article put forth to the astonished gaze of the American Republic I 11 in that article without assailing any but new theory that the word when employed in He never an one the Constitution of the United States oftesfllaeaii Ter I i I orr Jo that I my do the Senator injuatiw I or dipnM flllr ir will read what Iram sure on its being read if I had not I were true as contended by Mr Buchanan that slavery exists the book in my hand would be supposed to be a caricature I in the Territories virtue of the Constitution the conclusion of the opinions of a public man In speaking of the clause I is inevitable and irresistible that it is the imperative duty of about the surrender of fugitive claves he says: I Congress to pass all laws necessary for its protection that will be observed that the term is used in this Vrotertedbv provision as well as in various other parts of the Constitution uXatS? emntiaT eniovment that al territory ceded and to be ceded to the United States and by I I Mr Madison in his proposition to confer on Congress power I Senators listen to me now The Senator from Illinois to institute temporary governments for the new States aria I stood here last week hour after hour and asked what was ing in the unappropriated lands of the United to desig I this new issue which we were trying to force on the! party nato the political communities Territories as well as States and whence ila necessity Why not stand said he! on the within the dominion of th United I platform of 1856 why not take that Cincinnati platform Here it is and be goes on to prove it as he says and I which we agreed to in 1856 Who is it he saysithat is the proof is so amusing that I will relieve this rather te I forcing these new issues on the party? I have tracked dious discussion by reading it for the amusem*nt of the I bim through Illinois Wbat did he say in his defence of Senate I the Harper's Magazine article about the necessity of put The word is used in the same sense in the ordi verf resolution in the platform He says he has nance of the 13th of July 1787 for the government of the I Territory northwest of the river Ohio which was passed by I all who conscientiously believe that slavery exists the remnant of the Congress of the Coofederation sitting in I in the Territories by virtue of tne Constitution are bound by New York while its most eminent members were at Pnila I their consciences and their oath of fidelity to the Constitu delphia as delegates to the ederal Convention aiding in the 1 tion to support a Congressional slave code for the Territories' formation of the Constitution of the United States I 1 i 44 In this sense the word 4 is used in the clause nro I 1 denZ I want to show his view of what our viding for the rendition of fugitive slaves applicable to all I duty is political communities under the authority of the United States I And that no consideration of political expediency can re including the Territories as well as the several States of the I lieve au honest man who so believes from the faithful and Union Under any other construction the right of the owner prompt performance of this imperative i to recover his slave would be' restricted to the StaUt of the I Union leaving the Territories a secure place of refuge for all That is Judge Douglas view of our position and yet fugitives The same remark is applicable to the clause of the I hour after hour he stands up here and attacks ua for doing Constitution which provides that person charged in any I that which he says our oaths and our consciences impose ftate with treason felony or other crime who shall flee from I upon us as a duty so imperative that it is impossible for justice and be found in another State on the demand of U8 honegt to avof4 doing it He further in the Executive authority of the State irom which be fled be I Mrr delivered up to be removed to the State having jurisdiction of I the crime' Unless the term State as used in these provisions I 1 also demonstrated the same paper that the Constitu of the Constitution shall be eonstrued to include every distinct I Uon being uniform throughout the United States is the same political community under the jurisdiction of the United States I in the States as in' the is the same in Pennsvlva und to apply to Territories as well as to the States of the Union I Kansas and consequently if shivery exists in Kan the Territories must become a sanctuary for all the fugitives I Bas bX virtue of the Constitution or the United States it must irom service and justice for all the felons and criminaL who I oecessny exist in Pennsylvania by virtue of the same in shall escape from several States and seek refuge And im I 8tiument and if it be the duty of the ederal Government to munity in the Territories I I force the people of the Territory to sustain the institution of any other illustration were necessary show that the I slevwy whether Uiey wantit or not merely because it exists political communities which we now call Territories (but I there by virtue of the Constitution it becomes the duty of the which during the whole period of the Confederation and the I ederal Government to do the same thing in all the States for formation of the Constitution were always referred to as I the same reason I i or 4 new are recoguised as 4 States in some of I This exposition of the question produced consternation and the provisions of the Constitution they maybe found in those I dismay iu the camp of my clauses which declare that State" shall enter into any I tta ia ak i al lance or confederation grant letter of marque dispute and reprisal coin money emit bill of credit make any thing I bun put them into the Harper Magazine article and nt gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts pass I Is us that this exposition of hie ot the constitutional any bill of attainder ex poefacto law or law impairing the I fiftht and duties of the States of this Union produced con obligati of contracts or grant any title of nobility I sternation and dismay amongst his assailants Why Mr must be borne in mind that in each of these uses where I President what is there in this argument which the honora the power is not expressly delegated to Congress the prohibi ble Senator from Illinois has copied from those Republi the edertJ Government but upon cans who again and again have attacked the decision of the Supreme Court of the United that under the tlm omiJU delegate danh dcisiou exists as well was of itself a prohibition and ao declared in express terms by I 1D States as in the Territories a sophism so bald a the tenth amendment which declares 4 that the powers not I proposition so destitute of a shadow of foundation that it delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor pro I never was used by any man who believed it but was put hibited by it to the States are reserved to the States respec I forth to deceive those who could not understand the ques tively or to the I tion I Hence it would certainly be competent for the Stater and What is the decision of the Supreme Court oi the United SC prohibition 8tetes? It is this plainly and simply: Congress has ju 0 and pteof the' are rtM at liberty to exercise them Powers of Congress under the Constitution are hunted unless the Territories are included within the term States I among8t the limitations is a prohibition to destroy and im toitkinths meaning of these provisions of ths Constitution of I Pr or confiscate the property of citizens without due pro the United States rcess of law Slaves are property and therefore Congress The italics and note of intense admiration are mine hlnnXv ra That is a constitutional argument elaborately propounded th iaLhat thL a a ac ui a aj I 1 hat is what the oupreEQ0 Court savs What has KVngi for a observable does not every body see that the Senator from thi in Oontifu(ion the United prohibiting Illmow was driven into just that nonsense when he assumed a StHte doi ag Jegislation ex the power of the people of a Terntory to exerrese what he a certain chl8e jn ar0 pIlly terms squatter or popular sovereignty If they be indeed tated and whichdoe9 not iliclKe the slavery question at sovereigns he is right there is no prohibition on them in aU? Thera are prohibitioI1 tbeyS7aleg in tbe thA CnnRtitiitinn of th United States for tna nroninitmna I z4 voDstuucion ana amouvar inem are emitting du of credit are upon State alone and not upon Terntonal govern raBi ng armiei and nav ievyin texeg d(ltieg' mente If therefore they be popular he doe pnrtg exporte all these Ire prohibited to the States not get nd of h18 difficulty by raying that when the ConsU he gtateg nai prohibited from legislating on slavery tution talks about States it means Terntones because that their own tbe Sdpreinc gCourt gf tbe Unr not so but he brmg hunself just to that reductio ad ah Stateg hold that Co ig prPnhlblted the CwHtHnt surdnm whtcb wfth his peculiar perspicacity he raw from doi in the erritoreg aud Jtbe geDat)r from straight before him if the Territory is sovereign as there Iuinoig reatg tbig abgurd poiti tat becauge Con egg is no restriction upon that sovereignty in the Constitution cannot degt pperty in slaves in a Territory therefore because the Constitution res neta only the sovereignty of Stato cougtitutims caniot destroy it in the States I the States and the ederal Government! necessarily the Mr Pregidenti wcll kJWI1 tbo SenaUr from people of a Territory have a nght to rase armies to wage IUillolg when be article tb at th in whatever He was driven to it Every time he that the Constitution of the United State prohibitthe cuggeg tbe quegtio if he hoIdg to tbe prl'cilea State from exercising In order to get nd of this direct promuiatd in the ScDater and now tbef additional absuni ity into winch he was plunged he saw no jonX wiu jdriven gte gte back a other remedy than to appeal to the nonsense of the public the BUck Repubnian camp Let him beware Let him wrth a statement that tlie Constitution of the United State beware of th firgt gte ouide th intrencbmentg of mnt Terntones when it raid Constitution Let him beware lest he gets so far that re But sir I have said that the honorable Senatorfrom turn becomeg jmpoggibIe He has already got to using Illinois had in this magazine taken the arguments used by tbeir argnment8 adopting their principles and after his Republican opponent in tbe Senatonal canvass in Illi Taunting bere tbat be ig embodiment of the Democratic nois and put them before the people of the country ra ar party offering indulgence and quarter to all Democra gumente against his Democratic associates who differed tic genatorsand all Democratic States that disagree with with him opinion I have read to you what Mr Lincoln hini he ioius in the cry tbat Democratic sentiments truly said on that subject his speech September 1859 expounded lead to disunion 1 Here what Mr Lincoln smd in toe speech delivered by sir have trespassed on the attention of the Senate him reply to Mr Douglas at Jonesboro on the 15th I un rO nswusxn VUMU A UrtCUUCU A BUU1I IMJ UHC1 US POBSl beptember 18a8 I ble for the remainder of the time I shall occupy The be this Judge Douglas answered that they (the people of nator from Illinois the other day went further He has a Territory) can lawfully exclude slavery from the Territory not only evaded avoided and circumvented the South by prior to the formation of a constitution He goes on to tell us tbe Nebraska bill iif indeed it be susceptible of the con now ft can be done As I understand him he holds that it can a i 4 be done by the Territorial Legislature refusing to make any the Ter enactments for the protection of slavery in the Territory and I the right hfe now alleges but with all his promises especially by adopting unfriendly legislation to it or the I cloven foot again sticks out He warns us yesibe sake of clearness I will state it again tbat they can exclude I nators lie warns that if the Tennessee resolution is slavery from the Territory first by withholding what he as I adopted at Baltimore he will explain away that too No sume to be gn indispensable assistance to it in the way of I thing can bind him according to his present statements legislation and secondly by unfriendly legislation If I I me read this Tennessee resolution and I will ask every rightly understand him I wish to ask your attention for I man within the sound of my voice whether it does not seem Supreme Court of the United States hJ talk has decided that any Congressional prohibition of avery I If I 8 itk and he tells you it will not bind him He says the Territories it unconstitutional that they have reached I double conefr option and a double meaning He this proposition as a conclusion from their former proposition I prepared eyery body for a double meaning to jt He that the Constitution of the United States expressly recognises I askod tae fteootor from Ohio to read it and here it is property in slavw and from that other constitutional provision Resolved That kll citizens of the United States have1 an that no person shall be deprived of property without due pro eqna riht to settle i th their property in the Territories and cess of aw 4 I that under the decision of the Supreme Court which we reco Pretty straightforward propositions one would sup "I9 ot Constitution neither their right rof person or property can be destroyed or impaired by Con I I gressional or Territorial i1 Hence they reach the conclusion that as the Constitution of I a m) the United States exprely recognises property in slaves and prohibit any person from being deprived of property without I 5 bw8 doubt on AJl tjjo citizens of the United doe process of taw to pass an act oi Congress by which a tnair I states have an equal right to settle with their property io who owned a slave on one side of a line wonld be deprived of the Territories and no Territorial legislation can impair it him if he took him on tbe other side is depriving him of that I That is the Tennessee resolution What is the warning properiy without due process of law Tbat I understand to given to us by the Senator from Illinois 7 Here it is 1 1 bejlie decision of the Supreme Com I understand alsothat We bave had prection8 that the party was to be reunited 4faeIe V17 to the the adoption ofthat regolmion Tfce only objection I have difficulty is how it possible for any power to exclude slave KJ ig liabie two constructions i 7 rv from the Territory unless in violation of that decision 18 UaWe tw0 constructions That is the difficulty i The Cincinnati platform that he warns us to stick to 44 In the SepRte of the United States in 1858 Judge Train I cPanO fa not Oh no But this will be liable to bull in a speech substantially if pot directly put the same in I two constructions and haye pyed my brain for an terrogatory to Judge Dougfas as to whether the people of a hour to get at the other construction I wilf iread what the Temtorv bad the lawful Bower to exclude slavery urior to the I 2 formation of a constitution? Judge Douglas then answered kkn fMnk at considerable length and his answer will be found in the h0 I have got a glimpse He Congressional Globe under the date of June 9 I a a i xlaiI certainly and inevitably will receive two directly the I have not that answer but I have his answer of the 2d I opposite to each other and each will be maintained with equal of July 1856 which tbe Senatorfrom Georgia read yes I 1 1 i 1 terday in which he says 1 I answer then was wd now wat that reso a a 1 i I IuHoa And who will maintain any other construction 7 Here is his Senatorial answer in Congress herei I Surely the Senator from Illinois means that be will tie? answer then was and now is that if the Constitution I cause he knows we twill not Wo can see but one meaning See how he Is changing it now I This is Mr language whatever property the citizen of one ate may carry I him opposed by a very large majority of thi De there the citizens of alf the States may I mocratic members of the llousa of And then theyWiU go on with th? old Republican ohjefr il Jitis? ti that we are all at perfect liberty tgo into the Terri tone without our property that we Are aU an equal but evr hrdof vinegar sour enough tolro we fioting The old Republican argument that was brought I wjne c0(d apathy and violent opposition are not the prolific up here in tbe discussions du the Kansas Nebraska bill in parent of votes 1 found worse than all for a Democratic 18t4 the Senator from Illinois tender to us now for the candidate for tbe Presidency that tbl plerk of the Republican canvass of 1860 He will tell us are not excluded House of Kepresehtatives was openly quoted as saying that from the Territory a Northern man goes with hi horses the influential paper controlled by him would either support you may go with horses a Northern man goes with a cow Douglas or Seward thus making himself apparently an un you may go with a cow a Northern man doe not go with bA between you may go 1 11 With these facta before me and impressing upon me the a slsye and you shall not go with a slave 1 conviction tbat the nomination of Judge Douglas could not be equality that he says it means ThO Senatmr JrtnP 1'1321? I made with anv hope of safety to the Democratic party wbal is kind in warning us advance this time now this propo 1 was I to do I will tell you what I did do and I am afraic sition will be got rid of The South willbe fools if they do it is not what I ought to have done Yielding to your prefer not take advantage of the warning and see if something I eice I voted seven times for Judge Douglas my cannot be devised which the astute and practiced ingenuity I judgment told me that my votes were worse than useless as of the Senator from Illinois cannot get around if the Eng they gave him an appearance of strength in the Convention lish language can hold him Now he says whieh 1 felt he had not fact in the Democratic And on whatever terms the citizens of State can hold I That is the gentleman who stands up here and a the it and have it protected the citizens of all States can hold it embodiment of tbe Democratic party challenges the entire and have it protected without deciding what the right is which body of bjg Democratic fellow Senator still remains for Now Mr President ail that have said has been said So that the Tennessee platform will leave us just where I somewhat Jn indignation It was not in human nature we are now What is his objection to it I not to feel indignation at the charges so profusely scat 1 want no double dealing or double tered against me and my friends and my State but still That is his objection He want things clear plain and ir more in sorrow than in to the straight and then when we ask that they shall be put eHrs Bd no man in this nation had a higher or down clear plain and straight he abuses us for making I more exalted opinion of the character the services and new tests in the party talks about assaults on him kept I Jhe political integrity of the Senator froni Illinois than I the Senate occupied for eight mortal hour whilst he was I ba I appeal to those who may have heard me in attacking every man and every State in the entire Union that I the last Presidential canvass in my State where for would not support his pretensions for the Presidency month together day and night I wa travelling in support Now Mr President the people have at last come to this of the Democratic party and helping as far as my hum point the Democratic delegate of the South have come to ble abilities would admit to break down theKnow Nothing this point I speak not of the delegates in either House of Party which had then a decided majority of the voters of Congress It is the fashion to speak of Congressional die our 8tate inscribed in its lodge We succeeded in that tation in a certain class of public journal under the con I contest The canvass was a successful one and it did so trol of certain publie men and yet one would suppose that I happen that in the course of that canvass I had again and a seat in Congress affords at least some prima facie pro I Cain to appeal to my Democratic fellow citizens of the bability of the possession of the confidence of the constitu I Btate of Louisiana to stand by the gallaiit Democracy of ency and that the unanimous concurrence of opinion of the I North who stood by us to frown down this new organ chosen representatives of the Democracy both of States Nation whoso only effect could be to injure the Democra and constituencies is some prima facie proof of what De tic candidate and his success and then in speaking of mocratic principle are But all that is nothing In mo that bright galaxy of Democratic talent Democratic in dern slang thia is a Yancey and caucus platform and we tegrity and Democratic statesmanship that I now ee are Congressional dictators I therefore leaving out of (tethered and clustered around me the central figure wag view the opinions of members of Congress in both branches honored portrait of the Senator from Illinois of the General Assembly of the United States now say that I sir has been with reluctance and sorrow that I have it has been demonstrated by the delegates of the South been obliged to pluck down my idol from his place on high sent by the State Conventions from primary meetings that I ttnd refuse to him any more support or confidence as a the time has come when all constitutional rights guaran member of the party I have done so I trust upon no tied to us under the decision of the Supreme which I light or unworthy ground I have not done so alone The was taken by the Senator from Illinois aud his coadjutors I causes that have operated on me have operated on the De as the common arbiter of our shall be ackuowi mocratic party of the United States and have operated an ledged that all that we demand shall be put down in the I eect which the whole future life of the Senator willbe bond that there shall be no longer a doubt in relation to it I utterly unable to obliterate It is impossible that confi Mr President when mere private rights of property are I deuce thus lost can be restored On what ground has tbat concerned when ths question is who owns a farm or who I confidence been forfeited and wby is it that we now re owns a horse or who is entitled to one hundred dollars it I fuse him our support and fellowship? I have stated our is an old aphorism of the law misera est sercitus ubijus I reason to day I have appealed to the record I have not aut vagum aut incertum est wretched and deplorable is I followed hinrback in the false issue Or the feigned traverse the slavery where ths law which governs a right is I tbat he makes in relation to matters that are not now in vague or uncertain And shall we we who represent Demo I contest between him and the Democratic party The ques cratic States and Democratic constituencies be asked wny nlu or ueneveu ww or iu sow it is that we will not leave these rights on which they rest I How idle was it to search ancient precedent and accumu for their property which are even vital to their existence quotations from what Senators may have at differ open to doubt and denial Shall we be asked why it 't time said in relation to their principles and views 1 that we demand tbat tbe charter of these rights be written The precise point the direct arraignment the plain and clearly plainly beyond the possibility of doubt or miscon I czplicit allegation made against the Senator from Illinois is struction? Oh no ssys the Senator from Illinois I not touched by him in all of his speech I 1856 we were unanimeu upon the Cincinnati platform I we accuse him for this to wit: that having bargained have given it a construction and the Charleston Convention I wth us upon a point upon which we were at isstie that it has backed my construction and I am the Democratic par should be considered a judicial point that he would abide and it is his construction and the construction adopt I be decision that he would act under the decision and ed by a minority at Charleston that he presents to us here I consider it a doctrine of the party that having said that and asks us by what right we call for something plainer or I 118 here in the Senate he went home and under the clearer as the charter of our constitutional privileges! stress of a local election his knees gave way his whole Miserable and deplorable is the slavery where the law gov person trembled His adversary upon principle erning the property of the individual is doubtful or uncer I Bnd W8S beaten and lo! he is the candidate of a mighty tain Degrading and dishonoring to a State is it when its I party for the Presidency of tbe United States The Sena sovereignty cannot ask for an expression or acknowledg I tor from Illinois faltered He got the prize for which he ment nf iu inversion in omkl nf Th I faltered I but lo the erand Drize of his ambition to dav people of the South do not mean to be put off this time with I BliP from his grasp because of his faltering in his former any doubtful or vague construction The Senator from II I contest and his success in the canvass for tbe Senate pur linois is opposed to double meanings and double construe I chased for an ignoble price has cost him the loss of the tion he dislikes the Tennessee platform on that ground I Presidency of the United States We share his dislike: as est ab haste will be IIcre two men struggling before the people of a taught by him We will ask that every thing in our plat I State on two great sides of a political controversy that form be put down plainly and clearly I wafl dividing the Union each for empire at home One Mr thehonorable Senator from Illinois in the stood on principle was defeated To day where stand plenitude of his power tell us that the Democratic plat be The other faltered received the prize but to day form has been adopted and backs him He next tells us I where stands he Not at the head of Democratic that it is glory enough for him to have been supported by a I Party of these United States He is a fallen star We majority of the delegates of the Democratic party at a Cun I bave separated from him He is right in saying we vention and then with an allusiou somewhat transparent bave separated from him We have separated from to a course of proceeding by others which would be agree bim not be cause he held principles iq 1856 different able to him? he says that when others got a majority he roln ourg have separated from him not be sent word to his friends to vote for bim He does not say I cane we are intolerant of opposition from any body for that he thinks every body ought to send word to vote for the Senator from Ohio (Mr Peon) is an honored member him but he leaves it to us if we are generous or liberal to I our organization We separated from him because he draw our own conclusions Now Mr President I know I ba denied tbe bargain that he made when he went home what happened at that Convention only from the public re because after telling us here in the Senate that was eords of the country and the report of its delegates It is willing that this whole matter should be decided by the reported that as his highest vote upon one or two ballots 1 Supreme Court in the face of his people he told them that the honorable Senator from Illinois received one hundred I be had got us by the bill and that whether the decision aud fifty two and a half votes and I think that was the I waa ur u8 or against the practical effect was to be highest I against us and because he shows us now again that he is Mr PUGH or several ballots seven or eight I rtady to make use of Black Republican arguments used Mr BENJAMIN How did he get them Were there I "gainst himself at home and to put them forth against the one hundred and fifty two delegates in the Convention of I Democratic party in speeches here in the Senate whom he was the choice 7 I Now Mr President this will be represented as an Mr PUGH they expressed it by tbeir vote I on the honorable Senator from UJiuoia but I finish Mr BENJAMIN Oh that was part of the arrange I speech as he did his by saying the Senate will bear ment by which those who were not candidates for the Pre I Dle witness that I have not spoken on this subject uutil sidency were caught but the truth of history will leak out I Stacked all I have said is in self defence attack no in despite of those little arrangements Laughter I and th world shall know if ever I speak again it had here amongst my papers I think the speech of a dele I "ball be iu self Laughter Mr President the gate who explain this majority defence is to carry the war into the country Mr PUGH State the substance of it If it was said 1 belong to no school of politicians that stand on the defen at Charleston I shall recollect it sive If attacked I strike back aud ever shall If the Mr BENJAMIN Well sir I will state the substance Senator from Illinois wants the world to know that he of it I cannot find the extract I had and I shall have to only self defence let the same measure of justice affix it to my speech Gentlemeu have doubtless seeu it be meted out to me and in answer to any one who can by Scarcely had the Charleston Convention met and a com possionny consider wnat 1 nave saiu as an attaca 1 reply mittee been appointed on organization when it reported an I self deleuce" Laughter I wish my Speech qualified organization of presidents vice presidents and secretaries just ke that of the honorable Senator from Illinois If and sprung this resolution on the Convention bis is an attack mine is if his is self against the Convention had previously adopted the rules of the pre I sumo unknown person mine also is self agaiust vious Democratic Conventions I some body that has attacked me and my State whose name The committee farther recommend' I do not know Laughter That is just my position I I state it plainly 1 am sorry the senator is not here to hear I he subject was not committed to them at all I it stated The committee farther recommend that the ride's and re I gulstions adopted by the Democratic Conventions 1852 and 1850 be adopted by this Convention far its government with I Of tllC CilCS Ollio Ctltnl Co this additional rule I Wsshinotos Jucr 10 18C0 That any Stalo which has not provided or drecte 1 by its A adjourned general meeting of th? Stockholders of State Convention bow ita votes mnv ho irivon the I the Cht satH ake nud Ohio Canal Comnnnv will be held will recognise tlie right of each delegate to cast his individual I 111 llle the Company on Tuesday jibe 17th of July I instant at 12 o'clock As a certain gentleman was a candidate for the Presi nly l0ilt'1 RINGGOLD Sec'y Heaven preserve the country from candidates for Bank of ashington the 1 residency wherever the gentlemans trieud were I July 3 1860 in the majority they had taken special pains by preorgan H1HE TRUSTEES of this Bank have 1 a ization tv get a resolution passed at the State Conventions I I dend of three per cent out of tho profit of the last six instructing the delegates to vote as a unit and thus they I months payable to Stockholders on demand I fastened down every man in a minority in the United States I i JAMES ADAMS and in spite of himself got his vote Cast for the Senator 9 (Con Star) i Cashier from Illinois although he was opposed to him But the I 777 Conventions in other States leaving the Democratic dele Insurance Company gates to the instinets of their own judgment leaving in mII Julyb J81U operation the time honored traditions of the party not ty of Company have de inti nn thflir iLlanutims kv intio)L i a a a 3 I Hared a dividend oi lour per cent out of the profit of thee mteh think ft 3 last half year pavable to stockholders on they might think proper and when they got to Charleston jny 6tif GRATON HANSON Secretary by forcing the votes of all the minorities that were against Mr Douglas and freeing the hands of all the minorities that I AMTANTED two White Women one as cook or cham were in his favor hie friends had cast for him all the mi I bermaid and one as waiter Apply at Kalorama zlst norities both those for him and those against him in all thi antl Boundary streets 1 july 9 eo3t nitea states I hat is tbe way he got one vote more than half the Convention Now what was looking for wag this the distinct statement of a delegate from Massachu setts (Mr Butler) that there were fifteeti steady per sistent votes acainst the Senator from Illinois from the State ofNew York alone lam telling you what Mr Butler I LANDS with good titles and fair price said I I yy Will be exchanged for city lots improved or unim Mr PUGH I read his speech last night I think he I proved Address with real name aud residence through said twelve I the Post Office july 10 eo3t Mr BENJAMIN I read it this morning it said fif I 7 teen It may have been changed since last night I OTICE I hereby caution all persons from giving Mr PUGH Very well fifteen delegates I 1 credit to any ore on mv acconnt as I will pay no debts Mr BENJAMIN He says there were fifteen delegates pt by myralf from New York alone who were steady neraistant onnn I Jub fc btar BENJAMIN BLRNS neats of Mr Douglas yet those votes were cast for him pt nvuc nrevTi nn There was a minority in Indiana but those votes were I pPpOYMENT WANTED A smart active BOY cast for him Them worn minorities in I who can write wants a situation where he can make iddrf 'having mX of the'de AMr8" arthu office gate of the Democratic party throughout the United States I one tafrf of the Tetegates! lU TI? SACHUSETTS CHARITABLE from Republican State The whole Democratic party of I MECHANIC ASSOCIATION the United 8tatei as ita Democratic electoral votes will I Respectfully announce to the Public testify was opposed to him unanimously Mr Butler says I THEIR NINTH EXHIBITION so My friend from Minnesota (Mr Rice) has just handed I OP i me the extract in the Constitution of this morning and I I will read not the whole of it but portions of it and if I I American Manufactures andMAclianic am wrong in my memory as to fifteen I will give up Arts Mr PUGH I read it in the Herald last night iobiohsisxt Mr BENJAMIN Mr Butler In giving an account to I ANEUIL AND QUINCY HALLS I hi constituent at a mpetjng called to censure him but On WEDNESDAY the 12th of SEPTEMBER' whfali uud ondorsw hiu) ho was through I the city of boston i 1 Communications from those who wish more naHicuIar in In New lork there were fifteen vote opposed to Judge I formation and from those who will require much space inav Douglas from first to last yet her thirty five votes were cast I be addressed to the subscriber i for him every ballot in Ohio six jnne 2aw6w JOSEPH BATES Secretary Mr PUGH Notone Mr BENJAMIN In Indiana five votes in Minne I threat Bargains in Mantillas 4 sota two votes opposed to him yet by that rule cast for ADIES should lose no time in calling at the store of him so that the majority yvas'more apparent than real 1 GLAGETT A MAY where tbe greatest bargains ever leave out the six vote froiu Ohio The Senator from I ottered may be secured Qhio vvho wa a dejegate hjmeft tnut certainly know bet Having purchased for cash tbe entire stock of a large Im ter than the delegate from Massachusetts and I abandon porting House at the North at a reduction of 45 per cent from the point to his superior knowledge but here without tlle importation we are enabled to offer to our custom counting any more fifteen in New York five in Indiana er8C fteta oneSAndfift TakC 15 Potato from one hundred and fifty two and there remain one bun 225 Ckmbrai and Pucher Lace Pointe and Shawls dred and thirty without counting a solitary vote against 135 Elegant Mantillas with deep louncek TT him from the btate of Ohio But ir I will not enter into I Together with a comprehensive assortment of Bornous ithese minutise which ought not to be entered into in the aud other Move! and tasteful shapes 1 Senate and whieh I certainly never would have thought of I Also a few of those beautiful and very cheap Berege and speaking of but for the constant vaunt of the Senator from I Chally Suits and Travelling Suits and Dusters and Illinois tiat the majority was hi and he was entitled to a km GLAGETT fc MAY' nomination that tfie party had backed his principles and June 23t 32 Penn' 9th 10th st thftt we were all rebel against his high majesty' 1 should s' not have inquired into ths matter bqt for that And nov I A WIDTHS LINEN SHEETINGS1 and Pillow what doe this delegate say a the sum total of what oc I Linens of the proper qualities and prices 1 curred He ray The kind of an assortment in Cotton Sheetings and Pillow Now With the South opposed to Judge Douglas even tea TraVjfkfa6 disruption of ths party i wilhevery Democratic free State with other Grinds voting against him with two thirds of the delegation of the th of for family great State of Pennsylvania firmly against him one half near 1 fr of New York hostile New Jenwy divided and the only Eastern correspondents send new up State in New England where th Democnicy can have imieh I hope (Connecticut) nearly equally balanced wnat was it the part of wisdom for yourdehJgate to do hc" Ude'Ted'ri1 i I mt xr a a a I Carpet Curtains Oilcloths upper floor That question Mr Butler preBent to hi eonsti AH irood carefully and securely packed free of charge tnenev What doe he av 1 wiu WSraUKrin IXIlTlinilV 1 MT1 L4 If I found also that Judge Douglas was in opposition to ab I 8Pec onr stock it iqipyes no obligation io purchase most the entire Democratic majority of tbe Senate of the Uui I PERRY BROTHER ted 8tates No matter who is right or who is wrong it is not I Pnnylvania avenue and 9th street pleswnt position for candidate of the Democratic IWdif Perry WASHINGTON COLLEGE I Lexintrton Va i 1 THE next Session of this Institution will commence ou the Second Thursday (13th) of September and close on the last Thursday of June I The aim of the aculty is to afford a thorough preparation for the University of Virginia or for professional stuii a The departments of Ancient Languages an 1 Mathematics are con ducted by Graduates of the University i JOKku President aud Prof of Mental and Moral Science CxMrBXtt A Prof of Physical Science Ntuqs A (University of Virginia Prof of Mathematics cot 1 Datta Language and Literature Language and Literature Jrof Modern Languages Assistant Instructors in of rte 1 Urther Hdr8 LgxmoTQv Vxi Jolt I860 july 10 eolmcp BROOKHILL SCHOOL Stz miles north of Charlottesville and the University of Virginia PrinriLES MIS0E MD AM University of Virginia ViSaTAXTntaand University of Subjects Taught: 1 English Language I I i 2 Greek and Latta Languages i anj Spaugh 5 Elements of Natural and Moral Science Post oflice and depot at Charlottesville Virginia Catalogues showing the plan of the uclul who request it those A July wtSepl MADAME rench rtnl Bmrlinsf School for young ladies Beverly New Jersey fifteen miles from Philadelphia rpms INSTITUTION is most favorably located for health and comfort i The number of pupils is limited and to6 thorough in every department rench be in the language of the family the pupils have the advtaire ra vSrlUAllta en of mverstag in ft tliX setves All tudy and recitations are confined to the dav the being devoted to recreation and needlework 4 ne school year commences on the second Monday in Sen he firet ebruary? REERENCES i Odenheimer Rt Rev Alonzo Ptittc tonCDVrethTHn PhiliP Thomas Wrahing ton DC Major it obert Anderson USA terkin Ririimmta Va Rev HeSra Brown Jersey Mrs Alice Haven Mamaronhck New Yor? iTtSMS1 a 5Sjs may ci rpfclawd TO SOUTHERN COLLEGESand HIGH SCHOOLS A graduate in honors of Trinity College Cambridge ngland and President of a Literary in the WeLt' MitearU8 in a Southern College dras lcdeCmy as Principal oi a fi'rst a vertiser has had many experience as a Teicher lrglnlaand South Carolina and can offer the very highest testimonials as to moral character gentlemanly bear ing and echo arship He would not object to otX a Potato" any pleasant locality offering sufficient indneemews tn where: tra'uinft upon the system pursued in the Eng em be esteem a dtrid Any communication afidreMied tb Cambridge Box 33 wiU with immedtate im flfkrH A GOVERNESS The subscriber is da tated Engb Ample testimonials required june ia 4wep I Neargeiand A Untan SemYslfw TrUst8 of land wish to employ a comjZtent teaJhTr aryr pnncipal for the ademieff year? begintang on September next He will be expected to teach IflmniQrtaa Woflre: i ta lllU U1(AJ rieiSlnd1 A teachiu 88 It may be well to add that the school is located in a region of country where living is comparatively cheap Proposes accompanied with recommendations will be re ceived until the 1st day of August next oe re By order of thejBoard GEO UPSHUR juneab lmcp retarv THE REPUBLICAN PLATORM As platform of the Republican party is made the subject of jfitical review in our editorial co lumns today ie think it proper to reproduce simultaneously th resolutions of which it is com posed atnunended and adopted by the Chicago Convention Resolved That we the delegated representative of the Republican electors' of the United States in Convention assembled in discharge of the duty we owe to our con stituents and our country unite in the following declara tions 1 That the history of the nation during1 the last four year has fully established the propriety and necessity of the organization and perpetuation of the Republican party and that the cause which called it into existence are per manent in their nature and now more than ever before demand it peaceful and constitutional triumph 2 That the maintenance of the principle promulgated in tbe Declaration bf Independence and embodied in tbe ederal Constitution all men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain in alienable right that among these are life liberty and the pursuit of hsppiues that to secure these rights gov ernments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of tbe governed" is essential to the preservation of Republican institutions and that the ederal Constitution the Rights of tbe States and the Union of the States must and shall be preserved 3 That tb the Union of tbe States this nation owes its unprecedented increase in population its surprising deve lopment of material resources its rapid augmentation of wosltb its happiness at home and its honor abroad and we hold in abhorrence ail schemes for disunion cbme from whatever source they may And we congratulate the country that no Republican member of Congress has uttered or countenanced the threats of disunion so often made by Democratic members without rebuke and with applause from their political associates and we denounce those threats of disunion in case of a popular overthrow of their ascendancy as denying the vital principles of a free government and as an avowal of contemplated treason which It is the imperative duty of an indignant people sternly to rebuke and forever silence 4 That the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the Statesj and especially the right of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively is essential to that balance of power on which tbe perfection and endurance of our political fabric depends and we denounce the lawless invasion by armed force of the soil of any State or Territory no matter under what pretext as auxins the vravest nf crimes: 5 That the present Democratic Administration has far exceeded our Worst apprehensions in its measureless sub serviency to tbe exaction of a sectional interest as espe cially evinced in its desperate exertions to force the infa mous Lecompton constitution upon the protesting people ot Kansas in construing the personal relation between master and servant to involve an unqualified property in persons iu its attempted enforcement every where on land and sea through the intervention of Congress and of the ederal Courts of the extreme pretensions of a purely local interest and in it general and unvarying abuse of the power entrusted to it by a confiding people 6 That the people justly view with alarm the reckless extravagance which pervades every department of the ederal Government that a return to rigid economy and accountability is indispensable' to arrest the systematic' plunder of the public Treasury by favored partisans while the recent startling developments of frauds and corruptions at the ederal metropolis show that an entire change of administration is imperatively demanded 7 That tbe new dogma that the Constitution of its own force carries slavery into 'any or all of the Territories of the United States is a dangerous political heresy at vari ance with the explicit provisions of that instrument itself with contemporaneous exposition and with legislative and judicial precedent is revolutionary in its tendency and subversive of the peace and harmony of the country 8 That the normal condition of all the territory of the United States is that of freedom that as our Republican fathers when they had abolished slavery in all our national territory ordained that no person should be deprived of life liberty or property without due process of it become our duty by legislation whenever such legisla tion is necessary to maintain this provision of the Consti tution against all attempts to violate it and we deny the authority of Congress of a Territorial Legislature or of any individuals to give legal existence to slavery in any Territory of the United States 9 That we brand the recent reopening of the African siave iraae uncer tne cover ot our national nag aided by perversions of judicial power as a crime against humanity aud a burntag shame to our country and age and we call upon Congress to take ptompt and efficient measures for the total and final suppression of that execrable traffic 10 That in the recent vetoes by their ederal Gover nors of the acts of the Legislatures of Kansas and Nebras ka prohibiting slavery in those Territories we find a prac tical illustration of tbe boasted Democratic principle of nun intervention and popular sovereignty embodied in ths Kansas Nebraska bill and a demonstration of the deception and fraud involved therein 11 Tbat Kansas should of right be immediately admit ted as a State under the constitutiou recently fanned and adopted by her people and accepted by the House of Rep resentatives 12 That while providing revenue for the support of the General Government by duties upou imports sound policy requires such an adjustment of these imposts as to encour age the development of the industrial interests of the whole country and we commend that policy of national exchan ges which secures to the working men liberal wages to agriculture remunerating prices to mechanics and manu facturers an adequate reward for their skill labor and en terprise and to the nation commercial prosperity and inde pendence 13 That we protest against any sale or alienation to others of the public lands held by actual settlers and against any view of the free homestead policy which regards the settlers as paupers or suppliants for public bounty and we demand tbe passage by Congress of the complete and satisfactory homestead measure which has already passed tbe House i 14 That the Republican nartv is onnosed to anv ehnm in our naturalization laws or any State legislation by whieh the rights of citizenship hitherto accorded to immigrants from foreign lands shall be abridged or impaired and in favor of giving a full and efficient protection to the rights of all classes of citizens whether native or naturalized both at home and abroad 15 That appropriations by Congress for river and har bor improvements of a national character required for the accommodation and security of an existing commerce are authorized by the Constitutiou and justified by the obliga tion of Government to protect the lives and property of its citizens 16 lhat a railroad to the Pacific ocean is imperatively demanded by the interests of the whole country that the I ederal Government ought to render immediate and effi cient aid in its construction and that as preliminary thereto a daily overland mail should be promptly established 17 inally having thus set forth our distinctive princi ples and views we invite the co operation of all citizens however differing on other questions who substantially agree with us in their affirmance aud support or New York CARD j' Dr Robert Hunter NEW YORK Physician for and Operator on all Affections' of the Throat Lungs and Heart DR HUNTER will meet his patients and those desiring to consult him in Washington at No 2G) Pennsylvania kvenne on Thursday and riifay 12th and 13th instant As his stay will be absolutely limited to those two days he re quests his patients and those desirous to become such to call npon him at the earliest period of his visit july dtl3th i NOTICE i Ornct Washisotom Jvlt 9 1860 INORMATION of undoubted reliability having been lodged with me tbat rabid dogs nre running at large in this city owners of dogs are hereby notified that they are required to muzzle them securely thus rendering them harmless for tbe space of sixty days from this date subject to tlie penalties im posed by the 6th section of tbe act approved January 4 1858 entitled An act relating to dogs A See 6 And be it enaetrd That whenever it ehall lie made to appear to the satisfaction of the Mayor that anyanimalof the dog kind within thi city? which shall tie for good and sufficient reasons of which the Mayor shall be the judge deemed and considered mad it shall be tlie duty of the Mayor to issue his proclamation requiring tbat all animals of tbe dog kind shall for a period to be defined by the Mayor wear a good substantial wire gauze muzzle securely put on so as to prevent said dog from biting or snapping and any animal of the dog kind going at large during the period denned by tbe Mayor without such muzzle shall be killed and buried and it shall be the duty of the police constables or such other per son as may be designated by the Mayor to carry out the pro visions of this act JAS BERRET july d3tf Mayor BOARDING SCHOOL OR YOUNG LADIES At Sheffield Mavs I PROPOSE TO OPEN A BOARDING SCHOOL for a limited number of girl on the 1st of November next at Sheffield Berkshire county Massachusetts It is my hope and intention to make my house a cheerful loving happy and instrurtive home for those who may be given to ray charge I shall take especial care of their health I shall endeavor to maintain a high tone of morals and man ners and in their studies shall set a much higher value upon thoroughness than on variety believing that mere amount of acquisition may lie as a dead weight iu the mind while real mastery over even the 1 ast important pursuit always increases I the vital force of the intellect and aads strength to the who'e 1 character All the ordinary branches of a good English education will be taught together with Lutin rench and Music if desired Drawing of simple forma Will make a part of the daily routine of the school and reading aloud as au accomplishment will receive particular attention The number of pupils is limited to twelve because I wish to take a personal and active interest in each one aud to adapt my teaching to individual need and capacity Sheffield is a small and secluded village in a healthy and beautiful part of the country within six hours of New York and ten of Boston and is in every way a safe and desirable situation for a school No pupil will lie received under the age of twelve unless from peculiar circ*mstances Each pupil is required to bring a fork large and small spoon a napkin ling three table napkins and six towels all marked the linen in fall There will be two terms in each year separated by vaca tions of six weeks each tlie winter term commencing the 1st of November the summer term the 1st of May i I 'Terms I $100 per annum payable quarterly in advance This sum' covers every expense Music Instruction on the Piano orte $15 per quarter of twenty lessons Use of Piano orte $8 per annum MARY DEWEY Letters should be addressed to Miss Mary Dewey Sheffield Massachusetts I refer by permission to my father Rev Orville Dewey DD Boston Tkrnhibit north a Wejl as south of the Missouri compromise line lam impliedly if not expressly pledged 1 belief in the right and duty of Congress to prohibit slaverkll tbe United States erritones i Question 7 I desire him to answer whether he is opp to the acquisition of any new terrritoryj unless slavery is prohibited therein Il I am not generally opposed to honest acquisitions of territory and iu any given case I i would or would not oppose such acquisition accordingly as I might think such acquisition would or would not aggravate the slavery question among Debates of Lincoln and Douglas It is impossible Mr President however we may differ in opinion with' the man not to admire tbe perfect candor and frankness with which these answers were given no equivocation no evasion The Senator from Illinois had his questions pnt to him in bis turn AU I propose now is to read his answer to tbe second question next question propounded to the by Mr Lincoln is can the people of a Territory in any lawful way against the wishes of any citizen of the United States exelude slavery from their limits prior to the formation of a State constituti 1 answer emphatically as Mr Lincoln has heard me answer a hundred times from every stump in Illinois that in my opin ion the people of a Terntory can by lawful means exclude slavery from their limits prior to the formation of a State con stitution Mr Lincoln knew that I had answered that ques tion over and over again He beard me! argue the Nebaska bill on that principle all over the State in1854 in 1855 and in 1856 and be has no excuse for pretending to be ta doubt as to jay position on that a 'I that was true but see the art the decision bad not come ygt now the decision has come now wbat It matter'd riot what way the Supreme Court may here after decide as te1 the abstract question ichether slavery riay or may not go inld a Territory under the Constitution the people hove the lawful means to introduse or exclude it as tfiey please for the reason that slavery cannot exist a day or an hour any where unless it is supported bjr local police regula tion Those police regulations can only be established by the local Legislature and if the people are opposed to slavery they wifi sleet representative to that body who will by tai friendly legislation effectpslly prevent the introduction of it into tneir midst If on the contrary they are for it their legislation will favor its extension Hence no matter what the decuion af the Supreme Court ma'plbe on that abstract question still the right of the people to make 7 slave Territory or a free Territory ss perfect and complete under the LUI I hope! Mr Lincoln deems my answer satisfaciofyiAD (hat i He told us a few days Ago that Ke had agreed that that very question should be submitted to and decided by the court He held out to ua here when we altogether advo cated "Q'l supported the Kansas Nebraska bill that We were submitting a judicial question to the courts and that when tbat question was decided the I Democratic party should be a unit on tbe question thus decided but when he goes borne and is pressed in a local contest and he sees tbe glittering prize of a seat in this chamber slipping from hi grasp he turn his back upon hi promise he repudi ate his words he tolls his people at saye has told thent a hundred times before that even if the court decides against them he has in the Kansas Nebraska act obtained for the free State a perfect right to make a free Territory of every Territory in the Union notwithstanding the de cision of the court and yet the honorable Senator stands up here and arraign hi Democratic brethren accuse them Of breach of faith talk to them of turning him qut of the party and triumphantly appeals to the records of 1840 to show his consistency Jfow wei tell him tbat we will not stand upon such promises any more Once de ceived a wise man may be twice deceived by the same person and tbe same means he is a dupe and a fool Re tells us now again leave it to the so that he may Sgsin go home and addressing his people say to them: ellow citizens of Illinois I have got the South for yqu have got them so that no matter what the decision is you can have a free Territory and keep their slaves out I' I Weli sir what occurred further in that'controversjf His competitor was shocked at the profligacy of the Sena tor Hi competitor said to and! here is the argu ment every body knows that the Dred Scott decision hM determined the principle that a citizen of the South hw a right to go into ike Territory and there under tbe fjonstitirtion hi property is protected I and yet you aeaifcg he people bere that tneir legislators when thqy owear uPPort the Constitution can (violate that eon gtitutional Mr Lincoln held! up hi hands in horror at the proposition He was bold in the assertion iff hi own principles but he told the Senator from Illinois AIsa what ha Was astnna Tiru sinMtaa rage on propriety and ffw breaking the bargam he had made'But again sir he told tbe Senator from Illinois that he did not believe in the Dred Scott decision because rajd he if the Dred Scott decision be true and slavery ex in the Territories under tbe Constitution of the Uni ted then it also exists in the it exists ih emisylvautea well as fa Kansas The contest ended On the popular vote the Senator from lllinoi wM beten but according to the division of the Kepreenmuve ana cm umriuw vi ow VZa wzvzx nx nlaatinn he wm re etecaxi pv member of too senate ei and twenty one tbousand favor rf wbaf called ii 1.

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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