BST to GMT | Timezone Time Converter (2025)

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Our online BST to GMT converter is the perfect tool for anyone who needs to convert (BST) to (GMT). With our free tool, you can easily calculate the time difference between BST and GMT.

BST to GMT Time Difference

The time difference between BST and GMT is .

Check out list to calculate From now time

Real-Time BST to GMT Time

BST Current Date, Day & Time : 10 September, Sunday

GMT Current Date, Day & Time : 10 September, Sunday

BST Time

12:00:00 AM


GMT Time

12:00:00 AM


BST to GMT Converter

BST to GMT Conversion Result

BST to GMT Conversion Successful!

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Find More Timezones : Timezones Converter

Our BST to GMT converter is the perfect tool for managing time across international time zones. Whether you're planning a meeting or scheduling an appointment, our BST to GMT time zone converter provides accurate and reliable results for converting (BST) to (GMT). With our online BST to GMT converter, you can easily calculate the time difference between BST to GMT, and our time zone calculator provides fast and precise results.

BST to GMT | Timezone Time Converter (1)

Before we delve into the complexities of time conversion, it's essential to understand what we're dealing with.

What is BST and GMT?

About Greenwich Mean Time

BST to GMT | Timezone Time Converter (2)

BST, also known as , is a unique timezone that has its own characteristics and history.

Time Offset

One of the most significant features of this timezone is its offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Specifically, BST is situated at an offset of +01:00 hours from GMT. This offset is crucial for various activities, such as international business transactions, travel, and communication.

Daylight Saving Time

Another key aspect to note about BST is that it observes daylight saving time. This means that the local time may be adjusted seasonally to make better use of natural daylight.


The timezone abbreviation for BST is BST, which is commonly used in digital timestamps, flight schedules, and more.

IANA/Olson Time Zone Database

It is worth mentioning that the IANA/Olson time zone database, which is extensively used in computer software, identifies this time zone as Europe/London.

About Greenwich Mean Time

BST to GMT | Timezone Time Converter (3)

GMT, also known as , is a unique timezone that has its own characteristics and history.

Time Offset

One of the most significant features of this timezone is its offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Specifically, GMT is situated at an offset of +00:00 hours from GMT. This offset is crucial for various activities, such as international business transactions, travel, and communication.

Daylight Saving Time

Another key aspect to note about GMT is that it does not observe daylight saving time. This means that the local time may be adjusted seasonally to make better use of natural daylight.


The timezone abbreviation for GMT is GMT, which is commonly used in digital timestamps, flight schedules, and more.

IANA/Olson Time Zone Database

It is worth mentioning that the IANA/Olson time zone database, which is extensively used in computer software, identifies this time zone as Etc/GMT.

You can also do Hours, Minutes or from now calculation with out tool for your time difference of BST and GMT.

Understanding the Gap

The time difference between BST and GMT is calculated using the formula =UTC time + (-1/24).

How to Convert BST to GMT Manually

Alright, let's get down to business. You don't always need fancy tools to convert time. Sometimes, all it takes is some good old-fashioned math.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Know the Time Offset: Understand the basic time difference between BST and GMT using the formula =UTC time + (-3600/24).
  2. Factor in DST: If either BST or GMT observes DST, adjust the time accordingly.
  3. Do the Math: Add or subtract the time difference to convert time from BST to GMT.
  4. Check AM/PM: Don't forget this tiny detail; it can make a world of difference!


Let's say the time in GMT is 3:00 PM and the time difference is +5 hours. Then, the time in GMT would be 8:00 PM.

GMT to GMT Time Chart

A visual representation can often make understanding time differences much easier.

A Table Showing the Time Difference Hour by Hour

Timezone Timezone
1:48 AM 12:48 AM
2:48 AM 1:48 AM
3:48 AM 2:48 AM
4:48 AM 3:48 AM
5:48 AM 4:48 AM
6:48 AM 5:48 AM
7:48 AM 6:48 AM
8:48 AM 7:48 AM
9:48 AM 8:48 AM
10:48 AM 9:48 AM
11:48 AM 10:48 AM
12:48 PM 11:48 AM
1:48 PM 12:48 PM
2:48 PM 1:48 PM
3:48 PM 2:48 PM
4:48 PM 3:48 PM
5:48 PM 4:48 PM
6:48 PM 5:48 PM
7:48 PM 6:48 PM
8:48 PM 7:48 PM
9:48 PM 8:48 PM
10:48 PM 9:48 PM
11:48 PM 10:48 PM
12:48 AM 11:48 PM

Some Common BST to GMT Conversions Questions

`; olElement.appendChild(liElement); } tableFromFullName.innerHTML= `${finalfromTimezoneName} (BST)`; tableToFullName.innerHTML= `${finaltoTimezoneName} (GMT)`; $("#AboutSectionID_BST").html(`${finalfromTimezoneName} (BST)`); $("#AboutSectionID_GMT").html( `${finaltoTimezoneName} (GMT)`); }}// Call the function with the appropriate time zonespopulateTimeDifferences("Europe/London", "Etc/GMT");

BST to GMT | Timezone Time Converter (2025)


Is BST 1 hour behind GMT? ›

During British Summer Time (BST), civil time in the United Kingdom is advanced one hour forward of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), in effect changing the time zone from UTC±00:00 to UTC+01:00, so that mornings have one hour less daylight, and evenings one hour more. This time zone is only used for DST.

What does 1pm BST mean? ›

When does British Summer Time start and end? BST starts when the clocks go forward in spring. At 1am on the last Sunday in March, clocks 'spring forward' by one hour.

Why does GMT change to BST? ›

Why do we have BST? British Summer Time (BST), otherwise known as daylight saving time, was originally devised to keep factories open for longer in the summer – since there was enough light to do so. It has also been suggested that BST reduces energy consumption.

How do you convert local time to GMT? ›

If I start with my local time I add 8 hours to get UTC time. The local time of a place is 06:00 a.m., when the Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) is 02:00 am.

Why is the UK GMT? ›

GMT was ultimately adopted across Great Britain by the Railway Clearing House in December 1847. It officially became 'Railway Time'. By the mid-1850s, almost all public clocks in Britain were set to Greenwich Mean Time and it finally became Britain's legal standard time in 1880.

When did UK change to GMT? ›

During the Second World War, in 1941 Britain adopted British Double Summer Time, which saw clocks being put forward two hours ahead of GMT. The clocks were turned back to GMT at the end of summer 1945.

Is England back on GMT? ›

Synopsis. On Sunday, October 29, 2023, at 2 a.m., Britons will set their clocks back one hour, signalling the official end of British Summer Time (BST) and the return to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Are GMT and UTC the same? ›

Coordinated Universal Time

Although both GMT and UTC display the same time, there is a difference: GMT is now considered just a time zone officially used in some European and African countries. But UTC is not a time zone, but rather the new time standard that is the basis for clock time and time zones worldwide.

How to convert BST to GMT? ›

The British Summer Time (BST) is 1 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

What countries are in BST? ›

BST Only in the UK

GMT is the standard time zone in Ireland and the United Kingdom, including England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. All of these countries use DST during part of the year, but under different names. The United Kingdom and its Crown dependencies use British Summer Time during the DST period.

How do I change my GMT time zone? ›

Open your phone's Clock app . Settings. To pick your home time zone: Tap Home time zone.

How do you calculate time difference in GMT? ›

Count blocks between 2 points to find time difference. GMT, Deduct the smaller from the larger figure. behind GMT at the other, Add both figures together.

What time is GMT +1 now? ›

Current time in UTC/GMT+1 time zone is 15:09:48.

Does GMT adjust for daylight Savings? ›

Neither UTC nor GMT ever change for Daylight Saving Time (DST). However, some of the countries that use GMT switch to different time zones during their DST period. For example, the United Kingdom is not on GMT all year, it uses British Summer Time (BST), which is one hour ahead of GMT, during the summer months.


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.