Blue Heritage - Chapter 26 - LazyDaydreamerX - Ao no Exorcist (2024)

Chapter Text

Yukio watches over his phone as Mephisto steps in front of the audience, looking as confident as he always does.

The boy wonders how much of it is real, especially with how much is on the line right now, with how much pressure will be put on the demon king once this information is officially revealed.

Though maybe it isn't as terrifying to Mephisto. After all, it's not the first time he shared knowledge with humans that demons exist. Just this it is on a much larger scale than when he did in ancient times.

‘He might actually be enjoying the attention.’

There is no going back from here, everyone in the Vatican knows that. Everyone dreads it. Though the point of no return has probably been crossed a long long time ago. Maybe before Yukio’s birth when they started creating the bodies that eventually helped Satan fully manifest for the first time.

This is bound to push the illuminati into action, one way or another, so Yukio has to work quickly.

He puts his phone back into his pocket, sending a cold glare at the person in front of him, chained to the wall by some smoldering chains, the illuminati spy long having stopped attempting to struggle against them.

It would have been better if Yukio could have just captured Dr. Dragulescu, but the man has been very careful since Lightning’s last stunt. At least the Tamer’s documents offered enough insight about other potential to track this spy down.

Yukio stretches out his arms, the sigil Lightning tattooed into it stinging with energy as they go up in flames that Yukio doesn't even feel the warmth of, causing the chains holding the spy to pull him up from the floor, dangling him in the air.

“You will not waste my time. Tell me the location of the illuminati headquarters.” Yukio orders, his emotionless face lit up only by the deep red of the flickering flames flowing out of his tattoos.

“You are not going to get anything out of me! No matter what you do!” He shouts, but as soon as the words leave his mouth they are followed by a shout of pain as the chains constrict around his body.

Yukio slowly pulls up his other sleeve to reveal more sigils, the demonic energy inside the markings covering his skin flaring with energy that would have hurt any other person, but that cursed blood inside his veins stops any harm from being inflicted to him.

From the intricate summoning circle a monkey like demon with long clumpy hair and sharp teeth is pulled forth, the demon resisting the control of the magic circle with all its force, but no matter what it throws at Yukio to free itself, the exorcist does not even feel it.

“I don't think you will have much of a choice in the matter.” The boy addresses the chained up man, eyes cold despite the flames flickering around them.

“No.” “No.” The Illuminati spy says in terror, the demon repeating the words after him, or rather the thoughts. “A Satori.” “A Satori.

“Now,” Yukio says emotionlessly as he steps towards the captive. “Let's have a talk.”


Bon watches as Izumo lets herself drop down on the chair next to Shiemi with an exhausted sigh, not even looking at the food as she starts eating, the warm winds running over the meadow ruffling her already messy hair.

The dragoon lets out a small laugh, sliding over a large plate with the peaches he knows she really likes, hoping the sugar will help her get her energy up a bit. “I guess training was successful?”

“Yes. The grumpy grandma and I have been getting better at synching up our energy. But it's still a lot”

I told you not to call me that.” Comes hiss from the air around her, Shiemi letting out a small giggle.

“Why? It's true, you know. You are the origin of my nephilim bloodline.” Izumo insists, taking a hungry bite from the fruit in her hand.

But it's not like I actually passed my powers on through a child! I just happened to release some energy that was taken in by your ancestors who was the first shrine priestess.”

“Are you sure? ‘Just happened to release?’ Is that what they called it back in your days? And weren't you talking about how much you liked her dance?”

I just had never seen something like it before and got distracted!” She defends herself.

“Ah. Distracted. That's what they all call it. right.”

Koneko lets out a small, badly suppressed laugh. “Come on, don't be so mean to her.”

Bon scoffs as he takes another bite from his own food. “Leave them be. I think that's just how her family communicates.” He says, getting huff from both Izumo and Tamamo, but none of the two actually deny the statement.

Trying to divert the attention before an argument can be created, Shiemi turns to Koneko. “How has your research been going along? Did you make good progress?”

The small boy instantly gives her an energetic nod, quickly swallowing the food so that he has an open mouth to speak.

“Yes! Everyone has been really helpful with it. I don't know what I would have done without them.” He says, turning to some demons that seem to be toying around on the other side of the plain, doing whatever comes to mind.

“I have been putting together a list of things that make the individual demons agitated and ways to help calm them down without causing conflicts. Even a lot of simple stuff you don't even have to be an exorcist to do.” He explains, holding up his tablet and scrolling through a collection of very large documents.

“There of course is still a lot of work to do, but I'm making some great progress.” But he doesn't seem especially bothered by the fact. Eager almost.

Izumo is a couple of bites into her meal when she feels Tamamo's attention shift, moving over to one of the buildings not far from here. “What is it?”

The one the young king brought along for healing just woke up. And I think he is starting to panic.” she explains. “I think you should go there quickly.

Izumo doesn't hesitate to sprint in that direction, because if Tamamo is willing to offer her attention it has to be bad.

It was quite a shock when Rin told them about the other living test subject that was under Gedouin’s mercy, but since the boy hasn't been conscious up till now

Shiemi has been helping Amatsumi heal him over the last days, and according to her he has been making some good progres, but she didn't expect him to wake up any time soon.

‘Maybe he reacted to the healing energy better than expected. There has to be a reason Gedouin singled him out for experiments like this.’

The others are right behind her as she steps into the building that the boy was resting in, quickly throwing open the door and only really realizing a moment later that it probably wasn't a good idea as it loudly slams against the wall.

On the other side of the room Godaiin flinches into himself, trying to shield his face with his arms as he shiver in panic, a handful of greenman and other demons that were taking care of him standing around him and trying their best to help, but their presence probably has the opposite of the intended effect.

“Hey, it's okay. No one is going to hurt you here." Shiemi says in a calm and gentle voice as she carefully approaches the boy, passing Izumo who is still frozen in place, uncertain how to act.

But Godaiin’s breathing is only getting faster and faster, not noticing the words directed at him, his heart thundering in his chest, muttering a cry for help in a low and unsteady voice.

And then, before anybody can even think about doing anything else, the boy goes up in blue flames.

Izumo lets out a cry of shock as Bon pulls her and Shiemi backwards to escape the blast, but thankfully the flames are only pleasantly warm to her, even if the same courtesy isn't given to the rest of the building, the wooden floor practically evaporating in an instant.

“How is he-” Bon mutters in confusion before they hear a startled cry from above, Rin literally falling out of the air from a blue glowing sigil depicting what looks like a heart with crown-like spikes, the half demon painfully crashing into the floor face first.

He quickly frees his horns from where they were stuck in the dirt and turns towards Godaiin with a hurried expression, only giving his friends a small nod before he runs over to the flame encased human.

Before Rin even manages to reach the other, the brown haired boy begins to sway, his breath turning exhausted before his eyes roll back, Rin jumping forward to catch Godaiin before he crashes into the ground.

The flames slowly flicker out only seconds later, but the warmth remains as Rin inspects the human with an anxious expression on his face, before letting out a relieved breath.

Bon walks up to Rin’s side, a single eyebrow raised as he kneels down beside the two, making sure to check Godaiin too. “You know, I would really like to have an explanation right now. Since when were you able to make contracts with humans? That's what that was, right?”

“I didn't know I could do it? Until now at least. It's not like I have anybody to teach me, you know. I don't work like my older siblings either since Satan is pretty unique and I’m a half demon on top of it.” He says a bit sheepishly.

Koneko nods in agreement. “It makes sense. There is probably a bush of stuff we don't know yet. Maybe we should make a list with stuff to try out. Hopefully we have enough time till the illuminati complete their elixir.” He mumbles, already drifting into his thoughts before turning to Godaiin again. “But more importantly, is he okay?”

“Yeah, he is okay, but this took quite a lot out of him, I think. I feel how exhausted he is.” Rin is silent for a moment, looking a bit guilty. “I felt something when he woke up, but I didn't really know what it was. Now I know what to do next time.” He explains as some rapid steps approach from the side, Renzou strolling into the building.

“Rin, should I start getting jealous? I don't remember you ever appearing in a fiery explosion for me.” the Tamer teases, walking up to his boyfriend and kneeling down by his side.

“Renzou! How did you get here? Weren't you still on the ship?” Rin asks, bumping his forehead against the other, the flames from his horns flickering over and lingering in Renzou’s hair for a small moment.

“Amatsumi brought me here and gave me a rundown.” He explains. “Don't worry, I knocked out the guy who saw you disappear and made sure he won't remember what happened when he wakes up.”

The pink haired boy turns to the rest of the group, giving them his trademark grin. “So, how has everybody been doing since we last saw each other in the lab? I hope things haven't been boring without us?” He jokes. But he is right, they haven really had the time to go here without the risk of revealing this realm to the other demon kings, and Rin is worried that he more or less has locked his friends away in here.

Izumo playfully chops her hand down on the boy’s head as Koneko lets out a small chuckle. “Don't worry, we have been settling in well, though it would of course be better if we could meet up.”

Shiemi nods in agreement. “I probably have been spending too much time in the forest around here, but there are just so many flowers here that I have never seen!” She points towards a large bush outside the window. “What is that one called?”

Rin lets out an embarrassed laugh. “I didn't remember how some plants work or looked, so some turned out a bit … different.” He admits, making his friends chuckle in amusem*nt.

Renzou turns towards them with an apologetic look. “I would also like to spend more time with you guys, but Yamantaka is doing his best to cover the place Rin disappeared from so no one figures out he is gone, but I don't know how long that will work.”

The half demon lets out a small sigh. “Yeah, Lucifer-nii will probably notice if I stay here any longer. Especially since he isn't as busy at the moment.”

The two boys start turning towards the exit of the house so Rin has enough space to open a portal, but before he steps out he turns to his friends again, a conflicted expression on his face.

“Are you- Are you sure you want to take part in the attack on the illuminati? It's dangerous, especially for you since I can't recover your bodies like with my familiars.” He asks, his eyes downcast towards the floor.

The others are silent for a moment before Rin feels something collide with his head, and when he looks up he sees Shura’s hand held out in a shopping motion, still poised dangerously to strike again if necessary.

“How many times do we have to tell you, stop feeling responsible about everything. That's really a trait you could have avoided inheriting from Shiro.” She says with a small huff, before her face shifts to a smile. “Our opinion won't change, no matter how many times you ask. We will fight by your side, even with the risks that it carries.”

Shiemi nods in agreement. “We are fighting for a good thing. Maybe the only way for there to finally be peace between humans and demons. We are all more than willing to take some risks along the way. Besides, if we didn't go, what did we all train for?” She asks, taking on a position as if to flex her muscles, but it only makes her look cute, bringing a smile to Rin’s face.

The others nod in agreement. “She is right, you know. Don't stress yourself out so much.”

“We will contact you through some of the demons if we have anything to tell you, till then, take care, okay?” Koneko says, getting a nod from the boyfriends. “But now don't wait here any longer! You don't want to risk it.”

Rin doesn't need to be told that twice, turning towards the door, before suddenly a grin spreads over his face, grabbing Renzou and slinging him over his shoulder just like Iblis did with Rin before.

Renzou gives him a confident grin, acting completely unbothered, but Rin knows him well enough to spot the slight blush dusting his face that betrays his embarrassment.

The two wave to their friends as they leave the house, Rin quickly opening up a portal and jumping through, finding himself back at the Dominus Liminis only a blink later, feeling his brother’s familiar energy buzzing in the air again.

“Do you think anybody noticed?” Rin asks nervously, turning towards the boy still slung over his shoulder.

“Hmm, don't feel like it. We should be safe. And even if someone noticed, you could just talk your way out of it, I'm sure.”

“I don't know how you are so relaxed about this.” Rin says, walking down the hallway, down towards the training areas in the belly of the ship.

“You know, you can let me down now.” The pink haired boy says after they pass an illuminati member, the older woman watching the boy in amusem*nt.

“Nope, you aren't getting out of this one.” The half demon teases with a wide and sharp grin, his pointy teeth full on display. Renzou lets out a sigh, but he doesn't manage to hide the smile appealing on his face. “Besides, how would I figure out how to make a contract with humans if not with you?”

That seems to peak Renzou’s interest, tuning to face Rin with an excited expression. “Well, if my cute boyfriend asks me so nicely, who am I to say no? Any ideas how to do it already?”

The half demon looks a bit embarrassed. “I was hoping you and Yamantaka could get me some tips.”

Renzou just lets out a small chuckle, “Well, if you insist, I guess I could just for you.” He says with a smile on his face. He doesn't know what else he expected from Rin, but honestly, he would never wish for anything else.

Blue Heritage - Chapter 26 - LazyDaydreamerX - Ao no Exorcist (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.